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Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (28 November 2022)

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.  So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

Daily Dawn News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
November 28, 2022

Formidable (adjective) خوفناک، ڈراﺅنا، ہولناک

inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.
Example: “a formidable opponent”
Synonyms: intimidating, forbidding, redoubtable, daunting, alarming, frightening, terrifying, petrifying
Antonyms: pleasant-looking, comforting, easy, weak

Contiguous (adjective) برابر والا، ملحقہ، متصل

sharing a common border; touching.
Example: “the Southern Ocean is contiguous with the Atlantic”
Synonyms: adjacent, neighbouring, adjoining, bordering, next-door, abutting, joining, connecting
Antonyms: distant

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Boggle (verb) اچھل پڑنا، ہچکچکانا

(of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something.
Example: “the mind boggles at the spectacle”
Synonyms: marvel, wonder, be astonished, be astounded, be amazed, be filled with amazement
Antonyms: help, improve, enhance

Accomplice (noun) ساتھی، شریک جرم

a person who helps another commit a crime.
Example: “an accomplice in the murder”
Synonyms: abetter, accessory, partner in crime, associate, confederate, collaborator, fellow conspirator
Antonyms: antagonist, enemy, adversary, opponent

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Perilous (adjective) خطرناک، خوفناک

full of danger or risk.
Example: “a perilous journey south”
Synonyms: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious, vulnerable
Antonyms: safe, secure

Exacerbate (verb) بگاڑنا، شدید تر کرنا، بدتر کرنا

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify, increase, heighten, magnify
Antonyms: calm, reduce

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Insidious (adjective) دغا باز، سازشی، پرفریب

proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.
Example: “sexual harassment is a serious and insidious problem”
Synonyms: stealthy, subtle, surreptitious, sneaking, cunning, crafty, Machiavellian, artful, guileful
Antonyms: straightforward

Stymie (verb) روڑے اٹکانا، رکاوٹ ڈالنا، روکنا

prevent or hinder the progress of.
Example: “the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments”
Synonyms: impede, interfere with, hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, frustrate, thwart, foil, spoil
Antonyms: assist, help

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Outmoded (adjective) دقیانوسی، پرانی طرز کا

Example: “an outmoded Victorian building”
Synonyms: out of date, old-fashioned, outdated, out of fashion, outworn, dated, behind the times, ancient
Antonyms: fashionable, modern

Debacle (noun) شرمناک ناکامی، زوال، اچانک حادثہ

a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.
Example: “the only man to reach double figures in the second-innings debacle”
Synonyms: fiasco, failure, catastrophe, disaster, disintegration, mess, wreck, ruin, downfall, collapse
Antonyms: accomplishment, attainment, blessing, creation

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Why Dawn News Vocabulary is importat in CSS/PMS Exams?

A worthy vocabulary continuously plays vital role in clearing all competitive exams like Federal Public Service Commission FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, OTS and all other related exams. English Vocabulary (especially Daily Dawn News Vocabulary) is really very essential when it comes to solving the English language section any competitive exam.

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