Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants. So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.
Daily Dawn News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
February 16, 2023
Odious (adjective)
قابل نفرت، ناگوار
extremely unpleasant; repulsive.
Example: “a pretty odious character”
Synonyms: revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, disgusting, offensive, objectionable, vile, foul
Antonyms: delightful, pleasant, agreeable, charming
Expedite (verb)
پھرتی، تیز کرنا، جلدی کرنا
make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.
Example: “he promised to expedite economic reforms”
Synonyms: speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken, precipitate, rush, advance
Antonyms: delay, hinder