Daily Dawn Vocabulary

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning 21 March 2019 | English Grammar

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning 21 March 2019 | English Grammar
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
March 21, 2019

Barbaric وحشیانہ، غصہ میں وحشی ہو جانا

savagely cruel.
Example: “he carried out barbaric acts in the name of war”
Synonyms: cruel, brutal, savage, barbarous, brutish,ferocious, bestial, fierce, vicious, wicked
Antonyms: benevolent

Divisive (adjective) باعث تقسیم

tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.
Example: “the highly divisive issue of abortion”
Synonyms: alienating, estranging, isolating, schismatic; discordant, disharmonious, inharmonious
Antonyms: accordant

Persecute (verb) ستائش، دق کرنا، ستانا ، اذیت دینا

subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race or political or religious beliefs.
Example: “his followers were persecuted by the authorities”
Synonyms: oppress,maltreat, abuse, discriminate, punish, victimize, ill-treat, mistreat, against
Antonyms: deliverrelieve, reprieve, release,

Devastation (noun)تباہی ، شدید المناک

great destruction or damage.
Example: “the floods caused widespread devastation”
Synonyms: destruction,depredation, ruin, wreckage; desolation, waste, ravages, havoc, ruins
Antonyms: rescue, salvation, salvage, saving

Avert (verb)ٹالنا، پھیرنا، ہٹانا

prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence).
Example: “talks failed to avert a rail strike”
Synonyms: prevent,stave off, stop, ward off; avoid, nip in the bud;forestall, head off, preclude
Antonyms: aid,assist, allow

Paltry (adjective) عمولی، حقیر،ادنیٰ

(of an amount) very small or meagre.
Example: “she would earn a paltry Rs33 more a month”
Synonyms: small,insignificant, meagre, insufficient, trifling, negligible,derisory, inadequate, scant
Antonyms: considerable, substantial

Contingent (adjective)امکان، عارضی

subject to chance.
Example: “the contingent nature of the job”
Synonyms: chance, possible, accidental, fortuitous, unexpected, unforeseen, unforeseeable
Antonyms: predictable

Precisely (adverb) صحیح، ٹھیک ٹھاک

exactly (used to emphasize the complete accuracy or truth of a statement).
Example: “at 2.00 precisely, the phone rang”
Synonyms: exactly, prompt, sharp, promptly, on the dot; dead (on),
Antonyms: slightly,vaguely, somewhat

Imprisonment (noun) قید کرنا، جیل میں ڈالنا

the state of being imprisoned; captivity.
Example: “he was sentenced to two months’ imprisonment”
Synonyms: incarceration,captivity, internment,detention, confinement, custody
Antonyms: freedom

About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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