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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
May 04, 2019
Astound (verb) حیران کن، ہکا بکا کرنا، حیرت زدہ
shock or greatly surprise.
Example: “her bluntness astounded him”
Synonyms: amaze, stagger, astonish, surprise, stun, startle, confound, stupefy, dumbfound, daze,
Antonyms: calm, clarify
Disinterest (noun) متضاد، توجہ ہٹانا،بے غرض، غیر جانبدار
the state of not being influenced by personal involvement in something; impartiality.
Example: “I do not claim any scholarly disinterest with this book”
Synonyms: impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, detachment, lack of bias, lack of prejudice, disinterestedness,
Antonyms: bias
Sanction (verb) منظوری، قانون
give official permission or approval for (an action).
Example: “the scheme was sanctioned by the court”
Synonyms: authorize, permit, consent to, allow, give permission for, give leave for, warrant,
Antonyms: prohibit, ban
Ailment (noun) بیماری، علالت، مرض، تکلف
an illness, typically a minor one.
Example: “the doctor diagnosed a common stomach ailment”
Synonyms: illness, disorder, disease, affliction, sickness, malady, infection, complaint, upset,
Antonyms: fitness, heartiness, healthiness,
Ostracize (verb) شہر بدر کرنا، اخراج، حقہ پانی بند کرنا
exclude from a society or group.
Example: “she was declared a witch and ostracized by the villagers”
Synonyms: exclude, spurn, shun, cold-shoulder, reject, give someone the cold shoulder,
Antonyms: welcome, befriend, accept, include
Ascertain (noun) تعین کرنا، دریافت کرنا
find (something) out for certain; make sure of.
Example: “an attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident”
Synonyms: find out, get/come to know, discover, work out, fathom (out), make out, become aware of,
Antonyms: miss, pass over, overlook,
Downtrodden (adjective) نیچے کی طرف، مظلوم، روندا ہوا
oppressed or treated badly by people in power.
Example: “a downtrodden proletarian struggling for social justice”
Synonyms: oppressed, persecuted, subjugated, subdued, repressed, ground down, tyrannized,
Antonyms: rich, wealthy, happy
Eloquent (adjective) خوشگوار، خوش بیان، فصاحت
fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
Example: “an eloquent speech”
Synonyms: persuasive, articulate, expressive, fluent; forceful, strong, powerful, well spoken, potent;
Antonyms: inarticulate
Persuade (verb) قائل کرنا، راغب کرنا، اکسانا
induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
Example: “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”
Synonyms: prevail on, coax, talk someone into, convince, get, make, press someone into, induce,
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter
Pessimistic (adjective) مایوسانہ
tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
Example: “he was pessimistic about the prospects”
Synonyms: gloomy, defeatist, negative, downbeat, cynical, gloom-ridden, bleak, dark, black, fatalistic,
Antonyms: optimistic, hopeful, cheerful