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Daily Top-20 MCQs for CSS Screening Test, PMS, PCS, FPSC (Set-43)

Daily Top-20 MCQs for CSS Screening Test, PMS, PCS, FPSC (Set-43)

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Daily Top-20 MCQs (Set-43)

for CSS Screening Test, PMS, PCS, FPSC and related Exams

Today’s MCQs are all about personalities, these MCQs are taken from different books and Past Papers which are helpful for all type competitive exams. All these MCQs are important for coming CSS Screening Test.

Ibn-ul-Haitham is The first Muslim scientist who represented the law of reflection and refraction.

(a) Ibn-ul-Haitham
(b) Al- Bairuni
(c) Muhammd Bin Zikrya Al-Razi
(d) Jabir Bin Hayyan
Answer: a

Al- Bairuni discovered the radius of the earth, which was____.

(a) 6000 km
(b) 6255 km
(c) 6338 km
(d) 6585 km
Answer: c

The Construction and working of different parts of human body was explained by Bu Ali Sina in his book_____.

(a) Kitab-al-Shafa
(b) Al-Qanoon-fil-Tib
(c) Kitab-ul-Minazir
(d) Al-kitab
Answer: b

Only Pakistani scientist who won the nobel prize is______.

(a) Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
(b) Dr.Abdus Salam
(c) Dr.Munir Ahmed Khan
(d) Dr.Samar Mubarak Mand
Answer: b

Name the celebrated Mughal court poet and Prime Minister during Akbar’s region who wrote Ain-i-Akbari and

(a) Abul Fazal
(b) Sheikh Saadi
(c) Al Biruni
(d) Ibn-Ishaq
Answer: a

Name the famous Arab historian who visited India along-with the armies of Mahmood of Ghaznvi and wrote an account of India?

(a) Jamal-ul-Din Afghani
(b) Al Hazan
(c) Al Biruni
(d) Ibn al-Haitham
Answer: c

Who made the revolutionary discovery of the theory of relativity in 1905 and was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics?

(a) Albert Enstine
(b) Alexander Fleming
(c) William Pitt
(d) Rudoulf Henry
Answer: a

Name the Greek scientist and mathematician known for the discovery of the unique principle of buoyancy (Law of Floating)

(a) Aristitle
(b) Pluto
(c) Galileo
(d) Archimedes
Answer: d

Who was the American scientist, noted for his research on X-rays; won the Nobel Prize in 1927

(a) Claude Bernard
(b) Arthur Holy Compton
(c) Edward Gibbon
(d) Micheal Kalinin
Answer: b

Name the English novelist whose famous works are ‘David Copperfield’. ‘Oliver Twist and ‘Great Expectations’.

(a) Charles Dickens
(b) Shakespeare
(c) John Milton
(d) John Keats
Answer: a

Chanakya is the writer of the famed treatise Arthashastra, s book on ______.

(a) Religion
(b) Slatecraft
(c) Business
(d) Warface
Answer: b

Name the British naturalist who put forward his theory of evolution based on natural selection which revolutionised man’s knowledge of evolution.

(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) Mathew Arnold
(c) Charles Robert Darwin
(d) None of them
Answer: c

Name the scientist who inverted pendulum clock based on Galileo’s theory and also discovered the rings of saturns.

(a) Thomas Addeson
(b) Willian Thompson Kelvin
(c) Roger Bacon
(d) Christian Huygens
Answer: d

Name the American general and president between 1953-61 who was made supreme commander of NATO but resigned when he won the US Presidential election of 1952.

(a) George Washington
(b) Dwight David Eisenhower
(c) John F-Kenndey
(d) Harry S. Truman
Answer: b

Name the famous Pakistani poet who won Lenin Award.

(a) Ahmad Faraz
(b) Ahmed Nadim Qassim
(c) Faiz Ahmed Faiz
(d) Joosh Malie Abadi
Answer: c

Who was the devoted British nurse which reformed the nursing profession and was the first woman to receive the Order Merit 1907.

(a) Mother Tressa
(b) Samaz Hillary
(c) Florence Nightingale
(d) Kathic Johnson
Answer: c

Galilao the Italian astrononmer, who developed the telescope and discovered satellites of ______.

(a) Saturn
(b) Jupiter
(c) Neptune
(d) Venice
Answer: b

Who is considered the father of English Poetry? His famous works include. The Book of Dutches and Canterbury Tales.

(a) Milton
(b) Geoffrey Chancer
(c) Frost
(d) Robert Ped
Answer: b

Name the American General who led the revolt against the British and declared American Independence.

(a) David Eisonhower
(b) George Washington
(c) George Trueman
(d) Abraham Lincoln
Answer: b

Name the chemist and professor at Harvard who worked on the first atomic bomb and later strongly advocated the banning of nuclear weapon.

(a) Mathew Arnold
(b) Robert Boyle
(c) Jones Addison
(d) George Kisitiakowsky
Answer: d

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