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Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (23 September 2022)

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.
So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
September 23, 2022

Remorse (noun) پچھتاوا، ندامت، پشیمانی

deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
Example: “they were filled with remorse and shame”

Hubris (noun) گھمنڈ، غرور، زعم

excessive pride or self-confidence.
Example: “the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s”

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Contemptuous (adjective) ذلت آمیز، حقارت آمیز

showing contempt; scornful.
Example: “she was intolerant and contemptuous of the majority of the human race”

Demagogue (noun) جذبات انگیز رہنما، عوامی لیڈر

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
Example: “a gifted demagogue with particular skill in manipulating the press”

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Rabble-rouser (noun) فتنہ انگیز خطیب، عوام کے جذبات کو بھڑکانا

a person who speaks with the intention of inflaming the emotions of a crowd of people, typically for political reasons

Gamut (noun) سرگرم، مکمل حد

the complete range or scope of something.
Example: “the whole gamut of human emotion”

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Haphazard (adjective) لاپر وائی سے ، اٹکل

lacking any obvious principle of organization.
Example: “the music business works in a haphazard fashion”

Elude (verb) خطرے سے بچنا

escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way.
Example: “he tried to elude the security men by sneaking through a back door”

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Haunt (verb) تعاقب کرنا، پیچھا کرنا

a place frequented by a specified person.
Example: “the bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time”

Tenuous (adjective) کمزور، پتلا، نازک

very weak or slight.
Example: “the tenuous link between interest rates and investment”

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