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Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (16 August 2020)

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (16 August 2020)

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Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
August 16, 2020

Realm (noun) سلطنت، ریاست، بادشاہت

a kingdom.
Example: “the defence of the realm”
Synonyms: kingdom, sovereign state, monarchy, empire, principality, palatinate, duchy
Antonyms: leave, outside

Feverish (adjective) بیمار، بخار جیسا

having or showing the symptoms of a fever.
Example: “she felt sick and feverish”
Synonyms: febrile, fevered, with a high temperature, hot, burning, sweating, shivering, delirious
Antonyms: calm

Conjecture (noun) قیاس آرائی، تکہ، تاویل

an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
Example: “conjectures about the newcomer were many and varied”
Synonyms: guess, speculation, surmise, fancy, notion, belief, suspicion, presumption
Antonyms: fact

Ambiguous (adjective) مبہم، ابہام، مشکوک

open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
Example: “ambiguous phrases”
Synonyms: equivocal, ambivalent, open to debate, open to argument, arguable, debatable, Delphic
Antonyms: unambiguous, clear

Embolden (verb) حوصلہ افزائی کرنا، ہمت دلانا

give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
Example: “emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers”
Synonyms: give courage, make brave/braver, encourage, hearten, strengthen, fortify, stiffen the resolve of
Antonyms: dishearten, discourage

Rampant (adjective) روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی، وحشیانہ، بپھرا

(especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked.
Example: “political violence was rampant”
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled, widespread, pandemic, epidemic
Antonyms: controlled, under control

Apprehension (noun) خوف، فکرمندی، پریشان، خدشہ

anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
Example: “he felt sick with apprehension”
Synonyms: anxiety, angst, alarm, worry, uneasiness, unease, nervousness, misgiving
Antonyms: confidence

Resurgence (noun) حیات نو، نئی روح، قوت بخشی

an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.
Example: “a resurgence of interest in religion”
Synonyms: renewal, revival, recovery, rally, upturn, comeback, reinvigoration
Antonyms: death, expiration, extinction

Emissary (noun) قاصد،سفارتکار،سفیر

a person sent as a diplomatic representative on a special mission
Synonyms: envoy, ambassador, diplomat, delegate, attaché, legate, consul, plenipotentiary
Antonyms: nonrepresentative, atypical, undemocratic

Reiterate (verb) دہرانا، دوبارہ کہنا

say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
Example: “she reiterated that the government would remain steadfast in its support”
Synonyms: repeat, say again, restate, retell, recapitulate, go over (and over), iterate, rehearse
Antonyms: cancel, withdraw, reverse, retract

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