Daily Dawn Vocabulary

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (16 Dec 2023)

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (16 Dec 2023)
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.  So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

Daily Dawn News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
Dec 16, 2023

Worrisome (adjective) پریشان کن، تشویشناک

causing anxiety or concern.
Example: “a worrisome problem”
Synonyms: worrying, daunting, alarming, perturbing, trying
Antonyms: reassuring, simple, agreeable, calming

Haste (noun) جلدی کرنا

excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry.
Example: “working with feverish haste”
Synonyms: speed, hastiness, hurry, hurriedness, swiftness
Antonyms: slowness, delay

Verdict (noun) عدالتی فیصلہ، فتویٰ

a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.
Example: “the jury returned a verdict of not guilty”
Synonyms: judgement, adjudication, adjudgement, decision
Antonyms: irresolution, indecision, doubt

Farcical (adjective) مضحکہ خیز، طنزیہ

relating to or resembling farce, especially because of absurd or ridiculous aspects.
Example: “he considered the whole idea farcical”
Synonyms: ridiculous, preposterous, ludicrous, absurd
Antonyms: grave, real, sensible

Primacy (noun) فضیلت، اولیت

the fact of being pre-eminent or most important.
Example: “London’s primacy as a financial centre”
Synonyms: greater importance, priority, precedence, pre-eminence, preference
Antonyms: insignificance

Limbo (noun) حالت فراموشی، قید خانہ

an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition.
Example: “the legal battle could leave the club in limbo until next year”
Synonyms: in abeyance, unattended to, unfinished, incomplete, suspended
Antonyms: in hand, under way, continuing

Inertia (noun) بے عملی، سستی

a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.
Example: “the problem runs deeper than bureaucratic inertia”
Synonyms: inactivity, inaction, inactiveness, inertness, dormancy
Antonyms: activity, energy

Myriad (noun) بے شمار، ہزارہا

a countless or extremely great number of people or things.
Example: “there’s a myriad of islands to explore”
Synonyms: multitude, a large/great number/quantity, a lot, scores
Antonyms: countable, enumerable, little

Abeyance (noun) عارضی التوا، تعطل

a state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Example: “matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries”
Synonyms: suspension, a state of suspension, a state of dormancy, a state of latency
Antonyms: in hand, under way, continuing, continue

Dictatorial (adjective) آمرانہ، حاکمانہ

of or typical of a ruler with total power.
Example: “a dictatorial regime”
Synonyms: autocratic, monocratic, undemocratic, totalitarian
Antonyms: democratic

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Why Dawn News Vocabulary is importat in CSS/PMS Exams?

A worthy vocabulary continuously plays vital role in clearing all competitive exams like Federal Public Service Commission FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, OTS and all other related exams. English Vocabulary (especially Daily Dawn News Vocabulary) is really very essential when it comes to solving the English language section any competitive exam.

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.  So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.  So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

Before you leave this page please Check Our Complete collection for Daily Dawn News Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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