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So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
January 06, 2022
Murky (adjective)
دھندلا، گہرا، اداس
dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.
Example: “the sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling”
Synonyms: dark, gloomy, grey, leaden, dull, dim, overcast, cloudy, clouded, sunless
Antonyms: bright, sunny
Conceal (verb)
مخفی رکھنا ، پوشیدہ، چھپانا
not allow to be seen; hide.
Example: “a line of sand dunes concealed the distant sea”
Synonyms: hide, keep out of sight, keep hidden, secrete, tuck away, screen, cover, obscure
Antonyms: reveal, expose
Muddy (adjective)
کیچڑ، گدلا، میلا
covered in or full of mud.
Example: “they changed their muddy boots”
Synonyms: mud-caked, mud-spattered, muddied, dirty, filthy, mucky, grubby, grimy
Antonyms: clean, clear
Taint (noun)
آلودگی، خراب کرنا، داغدار کرنا
a trace of a bad or undesirable substance or quality.
Example: “the lingering taint of creosote”
Synonyms: trace, touch, suggestion, hint, tinge, tincture, smear, stain, blot, blemish, slur
Antonyms: clean
Despicable (adjective)
قابل حقارت، حقیر، قابل نفرت
deserving hatred and contempt.
Example: “a despicable crime”
Synonyms: contemptible, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable, awful
Antonyms: admirable, noble
Purveyor (noun)
فراہم کرنیوالا، دروغہ رسد،
a person who sells or deals in particular goods.
Example: “a purveyor of large luxury vehicles”
Synonyms: seller, vendor, trader, retailer, supplier, provider, stockist, tout, trafficker, pedlar
Antonyms: buyer, purchaser, customer, client
Harangue (noun)
ولولہ انگیز، زور دار آواز سے بولنا
a lengthy and aggressive speech.
Example: “they were subjected to a ten-minute harangue by two border guards”
Synonyms: tirade, lecture, diatribe, homily, polemic, rant, fulmination, broadside, verbal attack
Antonyms: panegyric
Subversive (adjective)
انقلاب پسند، الٹ پلٹ کرنےوالا
seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.
Example: “subversive literature”
Synonyms: disruptive, troublemaking, inflammatory, insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, agitational
Antonyms: law-abiding, loyal, obedient, government
Eavesdrop (verb)
چھپ کر سننا
secretly listen to a conversation.
Example: “my father eavesdropped on my phone calls”
Synonyms: listen in, spy, intrude, monitor, tap, wiretap, record, overhear, snoop, bug, earwig
Antonyms: incurious, indifferent, uncaring
Pitiful (adjective)
دردمند، دلسوز، افسوسناک، نرم دل
deserving or arousing pity.
Example: “two children in a very pitiful state”
Synonyms: distressing, sad, piteous, to be pitied, pitiable, pathetic, disturbing, heart-rending
Antonyms: fortunate, comfortable, achiever
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