Daily Dawn Vocabulary

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (12 December 2021)

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (12 December 2021)
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

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Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
December 12, 2021

Drove (noun) مقصد، تحریک، ہانکنا

a large number of people or things doing or undergoing the same thing.
Example: “tourists have stayed away in droves this summer”
Synonyms: crowd, swarm, horde, multitude, mob, throng, host, mass, army, collection,
Antonyms: operate, pilot, steer, handle, manage

Articulate (adjective) جوڑنا، اظہار کرنا، واضح کرنا

having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.
Example: “an articulate account of their experiences”
Synonyms: eloquent, fluent, communicative, effective, persuasive, coherent, lucid, vivi
Antonyms: inarticulate, hesitant, unintelligible

Mollify (verb) سختی کم کرنا، نرم کرنا

appease the anger or anxiety of (someone).
Example: “nature reserves were set up around the power stations to mollify local conservationists”
Synonyms: appease, placate, pacify, conciliate, humour, soothe, calm, calm down, still
Antonyms: enrage

Vicinity (noun) گردونواح، محلہ، آس پاس

the area near or surrounding a particular place.
Example: “the number of people living in the immediate vicinity was small”
Synonyms: surrounding district, surrounding area, neighbourhood, locality, locale, local area
Antonyms: distance, remoteness, separation

Eventual (adjective) بانتیجہ، قطعی

occurring or existing at the end of or as a result of a process or period of time.
Example: “it’s impossible to predict the eventual outcome of the competition”
Synonyms: final, ultimate, concluding, closing, endmost, end, terminal, resulting, ensuing
Antonyms: beginning, unlikely, past

Perceive (verb) ادراک کرنا، جاننا، سمجھنا

become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.
Example: “his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”
Synonyms: discern, recognize, become cognizant of, become aware of, become conscious of
Antonyms: miss, misobserve, overlook

Confine (verb) حد مقرر کرنا، روکے رکھنا

keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, or time).
Example: “he does not confine his message to high politics”
Synonyms: enclose, incarcerate, imprison, intern, impound, hold captive, trap, shut in/up
Antonyms: release

Colossal (Adjective) شاندار، وسیع و عریض، دیوہیکل

extremely large or great.
Example: “a colossal amount of mail”
Synonyms: huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large, great, giant, mammoth
Antonyms: tiny

Vicious (Adjective) ظالمانہ، نااہل، بدی کا تسلسل

deliberately cruel or violent.
Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless, heartless
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Inordinate (Adjective) بے حد، ناجائز کی حد تک، بے لگام، ازحد

unusually or disproportionately large; excessive.
Example: “the case had taken up an inordinate amount of time”
Synonyms: excessive, undue, unreasonable, unjustifiable, unwarrantable, disproportionate, out of all proportion
Antonyms: moderate, limited

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Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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