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Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
November 26, 2021
Owing (adjective)
واجب الادا، قرض
(of money) yet to be paid.
Example: “no rent was owing”
Synonyms: unpaid, unsettled, to be paid, payable, receivable, due, overdue, undischarged, owed
Antonyms: paid, settled
Abolition (noun)
تنسیخ، منسوخی
the action of abolishing a system, practice, or institution.
Example: “the abolition of the death penalty”
Synonyms: scrapping, ending, stopping, doing away with, termination, eradication, elimination, extermination
Antonyms: retention, creation
Soar (verb)
اوپر کی طرف ہوا میں اٹھنے کا عمل، اوپر کی طرف چڑھنا
fly or rise high in the air.
Example: “the bird spread its wings and soared into the air”
Synonyms: fly up, wing, wing its way, take off, take flight, take to the air, ascend, climb
Antonyms: plummet
Deterioration (noun)
زوال، بگاڑ
the process of becoming progressively worse.
Example: “a deterioration in the condition of the patient”
Synonyms: worsening, decline, decay, collapse, failure, fall, drop, downturn, slump
Antonyms: improvement
Browbeat (verb)
دھونس جمانا، ہراساں کرنا
intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words.
Example: “a witness is being browbeaten under cross-examination”
Synonyms: bully, hector, intimidate, force, coerce, compel, badger, dragoon, cow
Antonyms: encourage, rally, countenance
Strew (verb)
scatter or spread (things) untidily over a surface or area.
Example: “a small room with newspapers strewn all over the floor”
Synonyms: scatter, spread, disperse, distribute, litter, toss, sprinkle, sow, broadcast, bestrew
Antonyms: gather
Clog (verb)
روک، مزاحمت
block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter.
Example: “the gutters were clogged up with leaves”
Synonyms: block, obstruct, congest, jam, choke, bung up, dam (up), plug, silt up, stop up
Antonyms: unblock
Divergence (noun)
عدم اتفاق، تضاد، اختلاف
the process or state of diverging.
Example: “the divergence between primates and other groups”
Synonyms: separation, dividing, parting, forking, branching, fork, division, bifurcation
Antonyms: similarity
Moratorium (noun)
قانونی مہلت، قرضے میں مہلت
a temporary prohibition of an activity.
Example: “a moratorium on the use of drift nets”
Synonyms: embargo, ban, prohibition, suspension, postponement, stay, stoppage, halt, freeze
Antonyms: resuscitation, renewal, recommencement
Gratification (noun)
تسکین، اطمینان،فرحت
pleasure, especially when gained from the satisfaction of a desire.
Example: “a thirst for sexual gratification”
Synonyms: satisfaction, fulfilment, indulgence, relief, quenching, slaking, satiation, appeasement
Antonyms: pain, dislike, disappointment
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