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Islamiat MCQs – Iman bil kutub MCQs for Islamic Studies

Islamiat MCQs Iman bil kutub MCQs for Islamic Studies

Islamiat MCQs

ll Important MCQs about the Iman bil kutub Solved MCQs

Important Islamiat MCQs for CSS, PMS, PCS, NTS, FPSC and all other relevant Competitive Exams

True and honest teaching of Islam can change an ordinary person into a better human being and subsequently create a peaceful society

Welcome to CSS Times Important Islamiat MCQs Series. Today we are sharing some Important MCQs about the Iman bil kutubThe all below images are taken from Advanced Publishers’ Book Islamiat MCQs which is written by Muhammad Imtiaz Shahid and Atia Bano.

You can buy this book from any good bookshop in your area.  The original Book price is Rs. 750.

Also Read/Download other ISLAMIAT MCQs for Competitive Exams

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