English Grammar English (Precis and Composition)

Most Important Synonyms MCQs for Competitive Exams (With Urdu Meanings)

Important Synonyms MCQs
Written by CSS Times

What is the synonym of PONDER?
(a) Increase
(b) Anticipate
(c) Evaluate
(d) Think
Answer: (d).
Ponder and Think meaning غور کرنا سوچنا تدبر کرنا

What is the synonym of Wary?
(a) Tired
(b) Distorted
(c) Vigilant
(d) Sad
Answer: (c).
Wary and Vigilant meaning خبردار محتاط چونکنا چوکس

What is the synonym of TENACITY?
(a) Ingratitude
(b) Tendency
(c) Perseverance
(d) Splendour
Answer: (c).
Tenacity and Perseverance meaning ثابت قدمی استقامت

What is the synonym of REPUGNANCE?
(a) Loathing
(b) Renewal
(c) Tenacity
(d) Belligerence
Answer: (a).
Repugnance and Loathing meaning شدید نفرت تنفر حقارت کے ساتھ نفرت انتہائی نفرت ناگوار ی نفرت

What is the synonym of ADMONISH?
(a) Reprimand
(b) Dismiss
(c) Curse
(d) Punish
Answer: (a).
Admonish and Reprimand meaning سرزنش کرنا جھاڑنا لتاڑنا ڈانٹنا

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What is the synonym of ECSTATIC?
(a) Animated
(b) Bewildered
(c) Enraptured
(d) Illful
Answer: (c).
Ecstatic and Enraptured meaning سرمست بے حد خوشی خوشی وجدانی کیفیت مسرت

What is the synonym of REPEAL?
(a) Sanction
(b) Perpetuate
(c) Pass
(d) Cancel
Answer: (d)
Repeal and Cancel meaning تنسیخ منسوخی منسوخ کرنا

What is the synonym of NIMBLE?
(a) Clear
(b) Quickening
(c) Lively
(d) Unrhythmic
Answer: (c)
Nimble and Lively meaning زندہ دل پھرتیلا چست زندگی سے بھرپور

What is the synonym of FATAL?
(a) Deadly
(b) Serious
(c) Dangerous
(d) Grievous
Answer: (a).
Fatal and Deadly meaning مہلک

What is the synonym of DILIGENT?
(a) Hardworking
(b) Inventive
(c) Brilliant
(d) Progressive
Answer: (a).
Diligent and Hardworking meaning محنتی

What is the synonym of Repudiate?
(a) Reject
(b) Annoy
(c) Appropriate
(d) Besmirch
Answer: (a).
Repudiate and Reject meaning رد کر دینا, تسلیم نہ کرنا

What is the synonym of Tepid?
(a) Gaseous
(b) Freezing
(c) Lukewarm
(d) Boiling
Answer: (c).
Tepid and Lukewarm meaning جوش کے بغیر لاپروا سے

What is the synonym of Temporal?
(a) Sleepy
(b) Secular
(c) Scholarly
(d) Priestly
Answer: (b).
Temporal and Secular meaning دنیاوی دنیوی

What is the synonym of Mayhem?
(a) Defeat
(b) Excitement
(c) Havoc
(d) Jubilation
Answer: (c).
Mayhem and Havoc meaning تباہی ہنگامہ

What is the synonym of Obscene?
(a) Displeasing
(b) Condemnable
(c) Objectionable
(d) Indecent
Answer: (d).
Obscene and Indecent meaning بیہودہ فحش سخت ناگوار بدذوق ناگوار گھناونا

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What is the synonym of Erudite?
(a) Settle
(b) Academic
(c) Expand
(d) Execute
Answer: (b).
Erudite and Academic meaning عالم علامہ دانشمند دانا

What is the synonym of Animate?
(a) Kill
(b) Dead
(c) Energise
(d) Calm
Answer: (c).
Animate and Energise meaning تازگی بخشنا توانا کرنا تقوبت بخشنا جان ڈالنا دوبارہ زندگی دینا دوبارہ زندہ کرنا احیا کرنا پھر سے زندہ کرنا نئی زندگی دینا

What is the synonym of Captivate?
(a) Repel
(b) Fascinate
(c) Dangerous
(d) Subjugate
Answer: (b).
Captivate and Fascinate meaning جادو کرنا اپنی طرف مائل کرنا لبھانا مائل کرنا موہ لینا گرویدہ کرنا

What is the synonym of Melancholy?
(a) Depressed
(b) Prejudiced
(c) Cheerful
(d) Reckless
Answer: (a).
Melancholy and Depressed meaning غمگینی افسردگی

What is the synonym of Revoke?
(a) Repudiate
(b) Repeal
(c) Annul
(d) Force
Answer: (b).
Revoke and Repeal meaning تنسیخ ، منسوخی ، منسوخ کرنا

What is the synonym of REPRISAL?
(a) Retaliation
(b) Unequivocal
(c) Reluctance
(d) Denial
Answer: (a).
Reprisal and Retaliation meaning بدلہ بدلہ لینا جرمانہ انتقام لینا انتقام انتقامی کاروائی

What is the synonym of FASTIDIOUS?
(a) Dormant
(b) Delicious
(c) Fussy
(d) Faint
Answer: (c).
Fastidious and Fussy meaning نَزاکَت پسَند ۔ نَک چَڑھا ۔ چِڑچِڑا ۔ نازُک مِزاج ۔ شَک مِزاج ۔

What is the synonym of GERMINATE?
(a) Decay
(b) Breed
(c) Produce
(d) Sprout
Answer: (d).
Germinate and Sprout meaning اگنا پھوٹنا

What is the synonym of EFFICACY?
(a) Solemnity
(b) Efficiency
(c) Ruthlessness
(d) Delicacy
Answer: (b).
Efficacy and Efficiency meaning اثر انگیزی اثر پیدا کرنے کی قوت

What is the synonym of MAGNATE?
(a) Symbolic
(b) Non-magnetic
(c) Senior executive
(d) Tycoon
Answer: (d).
Magnate and Tycoon meaning سیٹھ بہت امیر تاجر

What is the synonym of TERSE?
(a) Headless
(b) Diffuse
(c) Scarce
(d) Concise
Answer: (d).
Terse and Concise meaning مختصر اور جامع

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What is the synonym of NAIVE?
(a) Subtle
(b) Spotless
(c) Smart
(d) Artless
Answer: (d).
Naïve and Artless meaning سیدھا سادہ

What is the synonym of GARNISH?
(a) Abuse
(b) Adorn
(c) Garner
(d) Paint
Answer: (b).
Garnish and Adorn meaning سجانا آراستہ کرنا

What is the synonym of FURORE?
(a) Anteroom
(b) Flux
(c) Worry
(d) Excitement
Answer: (d).
Furore and Excitement meaning شوق جنون وقتی انداز

What is the synonym of FRUGALITY?
(a) Economy
(b) Enthusiasm
(c) Extremity
(d) Foolishness
Answer: (a).
Frugality and Economy meaning کفایت شعاری

What is the synonym of IMPROMPTU?
(a) Offhand
(b) Effective
(c) Unreal
(d) Unimportant
Answer: (a).
Impromptu and Offhand meaning تیاری کے بغیر جو پہلے سے نا بنایا گیا ہو

What is the synonym of REPERCUSSION?
(a) Reaction
(b) Remuneration
(c) Recollection
(d) Clever reply
Answer: (a).
Repercussion and Reaction meaning پیچھے ہٹنا واپس پلٹنا

What is the synonym of LAUD?
(a) Extolled
(b) Praise
(c) Eulogy
(d) Lord
Answer: (b).
Laud and Praise meaning تعریف کرنا حمد بیان کرنا

What is the synonym of CANDID?
(a) Bright
(b) Frank
(c) Explicit
(d) Apparent
Answer: (b).
Candid and Frank meaning صاف صاف دو ٹوک کھلم کھلا

What is the synonym of INSOLVENT?
(a) Broke
(b) Penniless
(c) Bankrupt
(d) Poor
Answer: (c).
Insolvent and Bankrupt meaning دیوالیہ قرضدار

What is the synonym of INEXPLICABLE?
(a) Confusing
(b) Unaccountable
(c) Chaotic
(d) Unconnected
Answer: (b).
Inexplicable and Unaccountable meaning گوڑھ۔ اکتھ۔ غیر قابل بیان۔ ناقابل تشریح یا انکشاف۔ ناقابل توجیہ۔ غیر شرح پذیر

What is the synonym of EXTRICATE?
(a) Complicate
(b) Tie
(c) Free
(d) Pull
Answer: (c).
Extricate and Free meaning رکاوٹ دور کرنا سلجھانا بوجھ سے نجات دلانا الجھن دور کرنا مشکل سے نجات پانا مشکل سے نجات دلانا

What is the synonym of STERILE?
(a) Dry
(b) Childless
(c) Arid
(d) Barren
Answer: (d).
Sterile and Barren meaning غیر مزروعہ اور بنجر زمین بنجر بانجھ

What is the synonym of RECKLESS?
(a) Daring
(b) Bold
(c) Rash
(d) Courageous
Answer: (c).
Reckless and Rash meaning غیر محتاط بے پرواہ لاپروا

What is the synonym of FORAY?
(a) Intuition
(b) Ranger
(c) Contest
(d) Maraud
Answer: (d).
Foray and Maraud meaning حملہ کرنا ، اچانک حملہ ، چھاپا

What is the synonym of INDICT?
(a) Allege
(b) Accuse
(c) Reprimand
(d) Condemn
Answer: (b).
Indict and Accuse meaning جرم کا الزام لگانا

What is the synonym of LAMENT?
(a) Console
(b) Condone
(c) Comment
(d) Complain
Answer: (d).
Lament and Complain meaning غم میں چیخنا ، رنج و غم میں چلانا

What is the synonym of CANNY?
(a) Stout
(b) Clever
(c) Handsome
(d) Obstinate
Answer: (b).
Canny and Clever meaning چالاک

What is the synonym of EMBEZZLE?
(a) Clear
(b) Remunerate
(c) Balance
(d) Misappropriate
Answer: (d).
Embezzle and Misappropriate meaning غبن کرنا ، خیانت کرنا ، فراڈ کرنا ، قبضہ کرلینا

What is the synonym of LUDICROUS?
(a) Dismal
(b) Simple
(c) Clear
(d) Absurd
Answer: (d).
Ludicrous and Absurd meaning تمسخرانہ ، مضحکہ خیز ، نامعقول

What is the synonym of COMELY?
(a) Delightful
(b) Pretty
(c) Homely
(d) Elegant
Answer: (b).
Comely and Pretty meaning معقول ، موزوں ، مناسب ، مہذب

What is the synonym of DRIFT?
(a) Live peacefully
(b) Move cautiously
(c) Move aimlessly
(d) Move gently
Answer: (c).
Drift and More aimlessly meaning آوارہ گردی کرنا ، مٹر گشت کرنا ، بے مقصد طور پر

48) What is the synonym of RENDEZVOUS?
(a) Meeting place
(b) Public place
(c) Hiding place
(d) Resort
Answer: (a).
Rendezvous and Meeting place meaning ملاقات کا مقررہ مقام ۔ اڈا ۔ مجلس ۔ اکھاڑا ۔ بیٹھک ۔

What is the synonym of RESILIENCE?
(a) Adjustment
(b) Elasticity
(c) Strength
(d) Diversity
Answer: (b).
Resilience and Elasticity meaning لچک دار ہونے کی حالت ، لچک ، نرمی

What is the synonym of SCURRILOUS?
(a) Objectionable
(b) Abusive
(c) Superfluous
(d) Irrelevant
Answer: (b).
Scurrilous and Abusive meaning توہین آمیز, فحش زبان,

What is the synonym of Scold?
(a) Berate
(b) Punish
(c) Admonish
(d) Notorious
Answer: (a).
Scold and Berate meaning ڈانٹنا٬ جھڑکنا٬ دھمکانا

What is the synonym of Obsolete?
(a) Aperture
(b) Diaphanous
(c) Hurdle
(d) Excavate
Answer: (c)
Obsolete and Hurdle meaning رکاوٹ

What is the synonym of Abhor?
(a) Abominate
(b) Tumult
(c) Clown
(d) Adore
Answer: (a).
Abhor and Abominate meaning نفرت کرنا

What is the synonym of Adroit?
(a) Innocent
(b) Simple
(c) Clever
(d) Sweet
Answer: (c)
Adroit and Clever meaning چالاک

What is the synonym of Affluent?
(a) Cupid
(b) Prosperous
(c) Poor
(d) Bawdy
Answer: (b).
Affluent and Prosperous meaning امیر٬ دولتمند

What is the synonym of Applauded?
(a) Slapped
(b) Smiled
(c) Clapped
(d) Kicked
Answer: (c)
Applauded & Clapped meaning سراہنا, واہ واہ٬ با آواز آفرین کہنا

What is the synonym of Chaotic?
(a) Arranged
(b) Disorder
(c) Settled
(d) Organized
Answer: (b)
Chaotic and Disorder meaning درہم برہم٬ گڈ مڈ

What is the synonym of Rankle?
(a) Piteous
(b) Irritate
(c) Guffaw
(d) Swagger
Answer: (b)
Rankle and Irritate meaning تنگ کرنا٬ بھڑکانا

What is the synonym of Shrunk?
(a) Maximize
(b) Wide
(c) Exploit
(d) Dwindled
Answer: (d)
Shrunk and Dwindled meaning سکڑنا, کم ہونا

What is the synonym of Flesh?
(a) Wheat
(b) Vegetable
(c) Fruit
(d) Beef
Answer: (d)
Flesh and Beef meaning گوشت

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
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