Political Science MCQs
John Stuart Mill
Who among the following argued that universal suffrage does injustice to property owners?
(a) Henry Maine
(b) H.J. Laski
(c) J.S. Mill
(d) W. F. Willoughby
Answer: (c)
JS MILL wrote a famous book ‘On Liberty’ in the year: (CSS-2005/2009)
(a) 1759
(b) 1859
(c) 1895
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
J.S. Mill recommended complete freedom of speech and censorship:
(a) in the case of a false view
(b) in the cases of a false view and a view that is partially true and partially false
(c) in the case of view that is both.-partially true and partially false
(d) in all cases irrespective of whether a view is partially or wholly true or false
Answer: (d)
The thinker who has been characterized as a ‘reluctant democrat’ is:
(a) J. Bentham
(b) E. Burke
(c) T.H. Green
(d) J.S. Mill
Answer: (d)
Single Transferable vote system was suggested for proportional representation by: (CSS-2010)
(a) Thomas Hare
(b) Lord Courney
(c) J.S. Mill
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)
Who among the following favoured qualification as the basis for right to vote?
(a) J. Bentham
(b) J.S. Mill
(c) T.H. Green
(d) E. Barker
Answer: (b)
The concept of justice in the sense of greatest happiness of the greatest number was postulated by: (CSS-2008)
(a) Mark
(b) James Mill
(c) Spencer
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
Jeremy Bentham
“Rights properly so-called are creations of law properly so called.” This definition of rights is associated with:
(a) Hobbes
(b) Hegel
(c) Bentham (d) Laski
Answer: (c)
“The Spirit of Laws/1748” won great fame for: (CSS-2005)
(a) J.J Rousseau
(b) Jeremy Bentham
(c) Montesquieu
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
Bentham claims that nature has placed mankind under two sovereign masters:
(a) Pain and pleasure.
(b) Good and evil.
(c) God and the devil.
(d) Duty and self-interest.
Answer: (a)
Bentham claims that utilitarian calculations:
(a) should be performed prior to each action.
(b) need not be performed before each action, but should always be kept in mind
(c) are merely a formal device, and do not have practical application.
(d) are fundamentally flawed
Answer: (b)
“Principle of Utility” as a formula was the idea of : (CSS-2007)
(a) James Mill
(b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Jeremy Bentham
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)
Bentham was a supporter of the theory of:
(a) Natural rights
(b) Historical rights
(c) Legal rights
(d) Ethical rights
Ans. (c)
Bentham claims that actions are right or wrong in virtue of:
(a) The motives behind them.
(b) Their consequences.
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b
Answer: (b)
Who was the Father of English Utilitarianism? (CSS-2005)
(a) John Austin
(b) James Mill
(c) Jeremy Bentham
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)
According to Bentham, the principle of utility is appropriately applied to:
(a) Individuals.
(b) Governments.
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b
Answer: (c)
According to Bentham, considerations of pain and pleasure determine:
(a) What we ought to do.
(b) What we will do.
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b
Answer: (c)
‘Felicific Calculus’ was the contribution of: (CSS-2000)
(a) Bentham (b) Aristotle
(c) Plato (d) J. S. Mill
(e) None of these.
Answer: (a)
“Rights properly so-called are creations of law properly so called.” This definition of rights is associated with:
(a) Hobbes
(b) Hegel
(c) Bentham
(d) Laski
Answer: (c)
Founder of utilitarian school of thought was: (CSS-2000)
(a) Edmund Burk
(b) Hume
(c) J.S. Mill
(d) James Mill
(e) Jeremy Bentham
Answer: (e)
Concerning the relationship between morality and theology, Bentham claims that:
(a) we must first know whether something is right before we can know whether it conforms to God’s will.
(b) we must first know whether something conforms to God’s will before we can know that it is right.
(c) God exists, but does not concern himself with matters of morality.
(d) God does not exist.
Answer: (a)
“Greatest Happiness of the Greatest Number” was the idea of: (CSS-2007)
(a) Austin
(b) Ibn-i-Khaldun
(c) Laski
(d) None of these
Answer: (d) Jeremy Bentham
According to Bentham, a moral sanction is:
(a) Pleasure or pain inflicted by chance members of the community.
(b) Pleasure or pain inflicted by a judge in accordance with a rule.
(c) Pleasure or pain that it is permissible to inflict on someone.
(d) None of the above.
Answer: (a)
Bentham defines the fecundity of a pleasure or pain as:
(a) Its chance of occurring.
(b) The degree to which it is felt.
(c) Its chance of being followed by sensations of the same kind
(d) How long it lasts.
Answer: (c)
“Principle of Utility” as a method was the idea of:
(a) James Mill
(b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Jeremy Bentham
(d) Kant
Answer: (c)