- The Government, reserves the right not to hold Examination or not to fill any post or to fill more or less than the number of vacancies or add any other post, to the posts already announced by the Commission.
- The Examination may be held at Karachi/Hyderabad/Sukkur/Larkano. However the Commission reserves the right to finally decide the place where the candidate would be examined or interviewed.
- Exact date of the Examination will be announced by the Commission in the due course of time.
- The application forms are entertained only “Online”.
- (A) The fee of, Rs.1000/- only must be deposited on or before the closing date in a Government Treasury or in a Branch of State/National Bank of Pakistan in Sindh or in a State Treasury authorized by Govt. of Sindh to transact the business on its behalf. On the Challan: a. Name of the candidate b. Name of post applied for and c. Head of Account “C02101-Organ of State-Exam Fee (SPSC Receipts)”, should be clearly mentioned. A copy of Challan should be attached with the Application Form. If the name of the candidate, the post applied for or the Head of Account is not or incorrectly mentioned on the application form it shall be rejected. (B) No claim for refund of Examination Fee shall be entertained in any circumstances. Neither it shall be held in reserve, nor shall be credited for another Examination/Selection.
- Both-Male and Female citizens of Pakistan (unless required otherwise by the Recruitment Rules) having Domicile and Permanent Residence in Sindh are eligible.
- A married Woman must produce her own Domicile and Permanent Residence Certificate on (Form D).
- (a) No person shall be admitted to the Examination unless He/She:-
- Is a Graduate from a recognized University.
- Is not less than 21 years and not more than 30 years on 1st of September, of the advertisement year.
iii. In the case of candidates from schedule castes the upper age limit is 31 years on 1st September, of the advertisement year.
(b) In the case of candidates who are serving in connection with the affairs of the Federation and are Domiciled in Sindh and persons serving in connection with the affairs of the Province of Sindh with a total service of at least Four years on 1st September, of the advertisement year, the upper age limit shall be 35 years.
NOTE: Employees of autonomous/Semi-autonomous bodies/ Local Bodies etc are not Eligible for this concession.
- The following documents must be sent along with the application form:-
- A Certificate from the University that the candidate has passed the Degree Examination.
- Certificate from the Controller of Examinations of the University showing the exact date of the announcement of the result.
iii. Matriculation or Secondary School Certificate issued by the concerned Board showing the date of birth.
Domicile Certificate from the concerned Authority of the District to which the candidate belongs.
Permanent Residence Certificate (Form-D) of the candidate himself/herself as required under Rule 7 of the Sindh Permanent Residence Certificate Rules 1971 for the purpose of recruitment to Public Service in Sindh.
The candidate must upload latest passport size photo with white background facing camera directly with both eyes open and full face in view.
vii. The following Character Certificate in case the candidate is not a Government Servant:- A. From the Principal or Academic Officer of his/her University or College or School last attended, and, B. From two responsible persons who are well acquainted with him/her in and not connected with his/her University or College or School.
viii. In the case of those Government Servants who come in the category of para 8 iii(b) a certificate from the Head of Department or Office showing that he/she has atleast four years Government Service at his/her credit on 1st of September, of the advertisement year.
- The candidate should carefully read the titles of all compulsory and optional subjects mentioned in the electronic application.Options (e.g Domicile, Age, Qualification, Examination Center, Optional Subjects and Preference of Posts etc) once exercised shall not be changed at any subsequent stage.
- The application form together with all the required documents and a copy of Treasury Challan should reach the Commission Office at Hyderabad within 15 days after the closing date.
- All the documents in Original must be produced on the day of viva-voce before the viva-voce commences, failing which the candidate neither shall be examined nor any other time/date shall be given.
- A candidate who knowingly furnishes particulars which are false or suppresses material information or deliberately submits forged certificates or tampers with the material in his/her age or educational certificates, may be disqualified from this and/or subsequent selection(s) examinations to be held by the Commission and shall be recommended to be debarred from further employment under Government.
- A candidate who makes false accusations or insinuations against rival candidates(s) shall be disqualified.
- A candidate shall not be admitted to the examination hall in case he/she does not bring original C.N.I.C, original Challan and the Admission Slip.
- The candidate must reach the examination center atleast 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. No candidate will be allowed once the examination has commenced.
- No candidate is allowed to bring Mobile Phone/Electronic Device/Written Material to the examination center.
- Important Notes:- a. Answer papers in all the subjects of the Examinations are Secret Documents and therefore shall neither be permitted to be seen by the candidates nor their representatives nor re-examination of the answer books/scripts shall be allowed under any circumstances. b. Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate. c. All communications be addressed to Secretary, Sindh Public Service Commission Thandi Sarak, Hyderabad.
- Syllabus and standard for the Competitive Examination
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