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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (March 02, 2022) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (March 02, 2022) for CSS, PMS

March 02, 2022: National / International Current Affairs

1. Another `no questions asked` package unveiled

• Emphasising the importance of industrialisation for Pakistan`s progress, Prime Minister Imran Khan announced an industrial `amnesty` package, which allows investors to put their money into new industries, no questions asked.
• The PM made this announcement in Lahore, a day after announcing a dramatic cut in fuel and electricity rates, saying this was the first thing his party should have done after coming into power.
• However, while the Pakistan Tehreek I Insaf prides itself on being a party focused on accountability and transparency, this would be the third amnesty package being offered to those who may be trying to legalise their ill-gotten wealth

2. Punjab proposes declaration on finality of Prophethood before marriage

• In what appears to be a bid to win over the right-wing vote bank, the Punjab cabinet on Tuesday approved an amendment to the West Pakistan Rules under Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961, and subsequently included a clause wherein couples intending to get married would have to take an oath to testify their belief in the finality of Prophethood (PBUH) at the time of nikah.
• While the intentions of the provincial rulers aren`t clear, the civil society and legal fraternity question the objectives behind such an amendment when the law and Constitution already contain relevant provisions and clauses about faith.
• Lawyer Asad Jamal wondered why Punjab was taking a solo flight when the Muslim Family Laws were not a provincial subject.

3. Cabinet approves lease of state land for corporate farming under CPEC

• The Punjab cabinet on March 1, 2022 approved leasing out of state land for corporate farming under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
• The cabinet which met under the chair of Chief Minister Usman Buzdar directed a ministerial committee to devise the lease rules while approving 500 to 5,000 acres of land for corporate farming to create job opportunities and to modernise the agriculture sector for food security.
• The issue of corporate farming under CPEC was pending since the PML-N government, which had set up a special cell at the agriculture department to work out modalities for the purpose and had planned to establish seven agro-economic zones along the CPEC route to take full advantage of the development opportunity coming its way by promoting high value agriculture and related businesses there

4. Bill in Senate seeking provisional province status for GB `rejected`

• A parliamentary committee of Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly has rejected a private members` bill submitted by four senators of the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) in the Senate seeking provisional province status for GB.
• According to a joint statement issued by 12 members of the GB Legislative Assembly, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, Majlis Wahdatul Muslimeen, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam condemned the move of the senators and announced their decision to oppose it.
• The statement said a meeting of the parliamentary committee on GB provisional province draft was held in Islamabad on Monday. It said any move without consulting the GB people would be resisted.

5. KP cabinet okays bill on special courts for business disputes

• The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cabinet on March 1, 2022 approved the draft bill for setting up special courts in the province to ensure early disposal of business-related disputes.
• The cabinet met with Chief Minister Mahmood Khan in the chair and ministers and administrative secretaries in attendance.
• Special assistant to the chief minister on information Barrister Mohammad Ali Saif later told reporters that the cabinet approved the KP Resolution of Commercial Disputes Bill, 2022, to create conducive environment to promote investment and businesses and resolve commercial disputes

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6. Kyiv, Kharkiv face brunt of Russian aggression

• Russian forces stepped up their attacks on populated urban areas March 1, 2022, bombarding the central square in Ukraine`s second-largest city and Kyiv`s main TV tower.
• Ukrainian authorities said five people were killed and five wounded in the attack on the TV tower. Officials said a TV control room and a power substation were also hit and Ukrainian TV channels stopped broadcasting.
• Flames were seen shooting up from a military base northeast of Kyiv, in the suburb of Brovary, in footage taken from a car driving past. In another video verified by AP, a passenger pleaded with the driver, Misha, we need to drive quickly as they’ll strike again. At the same time, a 40-mile (64-kilometer) convoy of hundreds of Russian tanks and other vehicles advanced on Kyiv and Russian forces pressed their attack on other towns and cities across the country, including at or near the strategic ports of Odesa and Mariupol in the south

7. Lavrov faces walkouts at two international meetings

• As boycotts and bans continued to be announced over Russia`s invasion of Ukraine, numerous diplomats walked out on Tuesday when Russian foreign minister addressed the UN Human Rights Council.
• From closed airspace to frozen assets, meanwhile, Western countries announced increasingly severe economic sanctions against President Vladimir Putin, his relatives and inner circle and on the Russian economy. During the meeting of the UN human rights panel, diplomats filed out of the room when Sergei Lavrov`s pre-recorded video message began to be played

8. Poor nations need $60bn a year to protect nature: NGOs

• Wealthy countries should provide at least $60 billion every year to the world`s poorest nations to combat biodiversity loss, an alliance of environment groups said on March 1, 2022.
• The appeal by WWF, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other green groups was launched on the sidelines of a major UN environment meeting in Nairobi.
• It comes ahead of key talks for a UN biodiversity summit to be held in China that will see nations hammer out conservation targets for the next decade.
• The $60bn would address `the disproportionate impact of wealthy country consumption habits on biodiversity,` the signatories said in a joint statement

9. Israel`s top court freezes four evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

• Israel`s Supreme Court on Tuesday froze the eviction of four Palestinian families from the flashpoint east Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where Jewish settler groups have sought to seize control.
• Justice Isaac Amit, in a ruling by a three-judge panel, wrote the families would be recognise d as protected tenants, and would pay a Jewish settier group a symbolic annual rent of 2,400 shelcels (about $740) `until a determination of … land rights`.
• The four families in annexed east Jerusalem were at the heart of clashes that helped spark the 11-day war last May between Israel and armed groups in the Gaza Strip

10. 100pc stadium capacity allowed for Australia test series

• The National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Covid-19 has decided to allow 100 per cent stadium capacity for the month-long Pakistan-Australia cricket series, starting from March 4.
• The decision was taken on Tuesday when the Australian team started preparations at Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium for the first test match against Pakistan.
• While the coronavirus positivity across the country was recorded at 2.29 per cent, the NCOC data showed it was between 8pc and 10pc in Rawalpindi and Hyderabad. Muzaffarabad, Gilgit and Nowshera reported more than 10pc Covid positivity

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