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Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (14 September 2020)

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (14 September 2020)

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Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
September 14, 2020

Embrace (verb) غل گیری، گلے لگانا

hold (someone) closely in one’s arms, especially as a sign of affection.
Example: “Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly”
Synonyms: hug, take/hold in one’s arms, hold, cuddle, clasp to one’s bosom, clasp, squeeze, clutch
Antonyms: reject

Accolade (noun) شاباش، تمغہ، واہ واہ

an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit.
Example: “the hotel has won numerous accolades”
Synonyms: honour, recognition, privilege, award, gift, title, prize, laurels, bays, palm
Antonyms: criticism

Betrayal (noun) دھوکہ دینا، دغا کرنا

the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery.
Example: “the betrayal by the king by his daughter”
Synonyms: disloyalty, treachery, perfidy, perfidiousness, bad faith, faithlessness, falseness
Antonyms: loyalty, faithfulness

Dismay (noun) مایوسی، ناامیدی

concern and distress caused by something unexpected.
Example: “to his dismay, she left him”
Synonyms: alarm, shock, surprise, consternation, concern, perturbation, disquiet, disquietude
Antonyms: pleasure, relief

Distinct (adjective) الگ الگ ، مختلف،صاف

recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type.
Example: “the patterns of spoken language are distinct from those of writing”
Synonyms: clear, clear-cut, definite, well defined, sharp, marked, decided, unmistakable
Antonyms: indistinct, fuzzy, indefinite

Qualm (noun) پستی، بہتر طبیعت محسوس نہ ہونا

an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear, especially about one’s own conduct; a misgiving.
Example: “military regimes generally have no qualms about controlling the press”
Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation, second thought, worry, concern, anxiety, hesitation
Antonyms: confidence

Jettison (verb) ترک کرنا، دستبرداری

abandon or discard (someone or something that is no longer wanted).
Example: “the scheme was jettisoned”
Synonyms: dump, drop, ditch, discharge, eject, throw out, empty out, pour out, tip out
Antonyms: load, keep, retain

Diverge (verb) بکھرنا، منتشر ہونا،گمراہ ہونا

(of a road, route, or line) separate from another route and go in a different direction.
Example: “the flight path diverged from the original flight plan”
Synonyms: separate, part, disunite, fork, branch off, divide, subdivide, split, go in different directions
Antonyms: converge

Durable (adjective) دیرپا، پائیدار، دائمی

able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing.
Example: “porcelain enamel is strong and durable”
Synonyms: long-lasting, hard-wearing, heavy-duty, tough, resistant, strong, sturdy, stout
Antonyms: flimsy, delicate, short-lived

Dignitary (noun) بہت اہم شخصیت، معزز افسر

a person considered to be important because of high rank or office.
Example: “the guests included former shareholders, local dignitaries, and many of the people directly involved with the project”
Synonyms: grandee, important person, VIP, very important person, notable, notability, worthy
Antonyms: nonentity

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