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Daily Top-20 MCQs for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC (Set-10)

Daily Top-20 MCQs for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC (Set-10)

Daily Top-20 MCQs (Set-9)

for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC and related Exams

The Sumerian civilization is considered to be the _______ of the world.

UN Sectary Ban Ki Moon offered to become granter to solve Kashmir Issue on

Spain won FIFA world cup in?

Germany won FIFA world cup in?

Portugal won Euro World Cup in?

Shakhira is famous for?

Meat gives the largest number of?

Ibrahim Lincoln was the _____ President of USA?

OIC 2nd summit held in Pakistan in?

Major object of Pak foreign Policy is?

______ is the largest-import item of Pakistan?

Largest industry of Pakistan is?

The only Pakistan’s Voice President is?

The first Deputy Prime Minister of Pakistan is?

Union Jack is the flag of?

Russia Afghan War ended through ______, which was signed on 14th April 1988 and USSR withdraw all its Army in Feb 1989 from Afghanistan?

Pakistan purchased Gawadar from Oman in?

Law of gravity is given by?

Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim League in?

Lahore Resolution of 23rd March 1940 was seconded from Sindh Province by?

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