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January 2022

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (January 13, 2022) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (January 13, 2022) for CSS, PMS
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

January 13, 2022: National / International Current Affairs

1. Panel formed by court wants ban on cryptocurrency

• A committee constituted by the Sindh High Court (SHC) submitted its report on January 12, 2022 and recommended a complete ban on cryptocurrency and related activities in the country.
• A two-judge bench headed by Justice Mohammad Karim Khan Agha directed the committee to send its report to the ministries of finance and law to consider it at a joint meeting and take a final decision whether cryptocurrency was allowed in Pakistan.
• It also asked both ministries for their recommendations about whether the business of cryptocurrency in any form can legally be carried out in the country, as this was causing difficulty for people engaged in this business keeping in view the constant raids and the freezing of bank accounts of users and dealers allegedly by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).

2. WB notes surprising improvement in Pakistan

• Growth in Pakistan surprised on the upside last year, supported by improving domestic demand, record-high remittance inflows, a narrow targeting of lockdowns, and accommodative monetary policy, says a World Bank report released on January 12, 2022.
• The bank`s Global Economic Prospects report 2022 projects that growth in the South Asian region (SAR) will accelerate to 7.6 percent in 2022, as pandemic-related disruptions fade, before slowing to 6.0 percent in 2023.
• The World Bank has revised growth projections for the region since June 2021, because of `better prospects in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan

3. Coin to mark UET`s centenary

• To mark the 100th anniversary of establishment of the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, the government has decided to issue a commemorative coin of Rs 100.
• The UET Lahore is one of the oldest institutions of the country, imparting education in the fields of engineering and technology.
• These commemorative coins will be issued through the exchange counters of all offices of the SBP Banking Services Corporation, said a release from the State Bank on Wednesday.
• The coin is in round shape milled with serration on the edge, diametre of 30mm, weight 13.5 grams and has Cupro-Nickel metal contents (Copper 75pc & Nickel 25pc).

4. PFA launches star rating to improve restaurant industry

• The Punjab Foods Authority (PFA) has launched a `Star Rating Programme` in accordance with international standards to motivate and support the restaurant industry and provide good quality and service to customers.
• PFA Director General Rafaqat Ali Nissoana said this pilot project would help determine the standards of the hotels and restaurants in Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala and Rawalpindi. He said the project would create a competitive environment among the food businesses for better services and each restaurant was marked with a star to show its ranking.
• He said the programme would act as an evaluating/measuring tool to reward the food businesses. `Initially, a decision was made to cover 250 restaurants for giving star ratings in this pilot project,` he said

5. Education ministry has moved summary to amend LG Ordinance, Senate body told

• The Ministry of Education has moved a summary to the Ministry of Interior for onward submission to the federal cabinet, seeking amendment to a clause of the Local Government Ordinance 2021, which is related to school education of Islamabad.
• The Senate Standing Committee on Federal Education, which met here on Wednesday with Senator Irfan Siddiqui in the chair discussed concerns that have been raised by the teaching community over the ordinance.
• The committee reviewed the case of promulgation of the ordinance, which envisages placing institutions currently under the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) under the Municipal Corporation of Islamabad (MCI)

6. EPA finds air unsafe in some Peshawar areas

• The Federal Environmental Protection Agency has found air quality in some parts of the provincial capital to be injurious to the people`s health saying the particulate matter (PM2.5) has exceeded the permissible limits there.
• The EPA monitored the capital`s air quality from Dec 29, 2021, to Jan 2, 2022, at the request of its KP counterpart, reveal the official documents.
• According to a report, during the air quality monitoring period, PM2.5 level constantly exceeded the NEQS limit of 55.3 to 220.8 (pg/m3) at all points, especially roadside locations

7. Spain urged to review travel advisory for Pakistan

• Minister for Foreign Affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi on January 12, 2022 left here for Islamabad after completion of his two-day visit to Spain.
• Ambassador of Pakistan in Spain, Shujaat Rathor, and Spanish envoy in Islamabad Manuel Durn Gimnez-Rico and senior officers of the foreign ministry saw off the foreign minister at Adolfo Surez Madrid Barajas Airport.
• The foreign minister visited Spain on the invitation of his Spanish counterpart Jose Manuel Albares

8. Nato and Russia lay out stark differences on Ukraine crisis

• Nato allies rejected Russia`s demand for a new security settlement in Europe on January 12, 2022, challenging President Vladimir Putin to withdraw troops deployed near Ukraine and join talks on reducing the threat of open conflict.
• Meeting senior Kremlin envoys at their headquarters in Brussels, the Nato members said Moscow would have no veto on Ukraine or any other country joining the alliance, warning it would pay a high price if it invaded.
• `Russia most of all will have to decide whether they really are about security, in which case they should engage, or whether this was all a pretext, and they may not even know yet,` US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said

9. US imposes sanctions on North Koreans, Russian after missile tests

• The United States on January 12, 2022 imposed sanctions on six North Koreans, one Russian and a Russian firmit said were responsible for procuring goods from Russia and China for North Korea`s weapons programmes, an action that follows a series of North Korean missile launches, including two since last week.
• The US Treasury Department said the steps aimed to prevent the advancement of North Korea`s weapons programmes and impede its attempts to proliferate weapons technologies.
• It said they followed six North Korean ballistic missile launches since September 2021, each of which it said violated multiple UN Security Council Resolutions

10. Two brothers reunite at Kartarpur after 74 years

• The Kartarpur Corridor reunites two brothers who separated 74 years ago amid chaotic partition.
• Muhammad Siddique, 80, and Habib, 78, separated 74 years ago at the time of partition. They hugged and cried and garlanded each other on the happy occasion of reunion.
• The Kartarpur administration distributed sweets.
• Siddique, a resident of Phugaran village on the outskirts of Faisalabad district, said he had contacted a Sikh social worker from Canada two years ago. He said the social worker had helped reunite the two brothers. According to Siddique, his brother and sister had gone to grandparents’ house with his mother in 1947.

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                          About the author

                          Shahzad F. Malik

                          Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
                          Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
                          As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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