Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we Log Outhave started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants. So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.
Daily Dawn News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
June 17, 2024
Provocative (adjective)
اشتعال انگیز، متحرک
causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
Example: “a provocative article”
Synonyms: annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provoking, maddening, goading, vexing
Antonyms: soothing, calming
Incitement (noun)
آمادہ کرنا، ترغیب
the action of provoking unlawful behaviour or urging someone to behave unlawfully.
Example: “this amounted to an incitement to commit murder”
Synonyms: egging on, urging, goading, spurring on, motivation, persuasion, inducement, instigation
Antonyms: suppression, discouragement
Inevitable (adjective)
ناگزیر، حتمی، اٹل
certain to happen; unavoidable.
Example: “war was inevitable”
Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen, sure to happen, inexorable, unpreventable
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain
Impunity (noun)
سزا سے چھٹکارا، بریت
exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.
Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”
Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment, exemption, non-liability
Antonyms: liability, responsibility
Stern (adjective)
سخت گیر، اکھڑ
(of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline.
Example: “a smile transformed his stern face”
Synonyms: serious, unsmiling, frowning, poker-faced, severe, forbidding, grim, unfriendly, sombre
Antonyms: genial, friendly
Vitriolic (adjective)
تلخ، کڑوا، جلی کٹی
filled with bitter criticism or malice.
Example: “vitriolic attacks on the politicians”
Synonyms: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, astringent, acid
Antonyms: pleasant, kind
Derision (noun)
تضحیک، تمسخر
contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
Example: “my stories were greeted with derision and disbelief”
Synonyms: mockery, ridicule, jeering, jeers, sneers, scoffing, jibing, taunts, disdain, disparagement
Antonyms: respect, praise
Compel (verb)
مجبور کرنا یا ہونا، لاچار کرنا
force or oblige (someone) to do something.
Example: “a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions”
Synonyms: force, coerce into, pressurize into, pressure, impel, drive, press, push
Antonyms: persuade, convince, coax, allure
Ignominious (adjective)
ذلت آمیز، شرمناک
deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.
Example: “no other party risked ignominious defeat”
Synonyms: humiliating, undignified, embarrassing, mortifying, shameful, disgraceful, dishonourable
Antonyms: glorious
Remorse (noun)
پچھتاوا، پشیمانی
deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
Example: “they were filled with remorse and shame”
Synonyms: contrition, deep regret, repentance, penitence, guilt, feelings of guilt, bad/guilty conscience
Antonyms: indifference
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Why Dawn News Vocabulary is importat in CSS/PMS Exams?
A worthy vocabulary continuously plays vital role in clearing all competitive exams like Federal Public Service Commission FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, OTS and all other related exams. English Vocabulary (especially Daily Dawn News Vocabulary) is really very essential when it comes to solving the English language section any competitive exam.
Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants. So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.
Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants. So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.
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