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Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (24 February 2023)

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.  So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

Daily Dawn News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
February 24, 2023

Austerity (noun) سادگی، کفایت شعاری

sternness or severity of manner or attitude.
Example: “he was noted for his austerity and his authoritarianism”
Synonyms: sternness, austereness, severity, strictness, grimness, seriousness, sombreness, graveness
Antonyms: cheerfulness

Surfeit (noun) زیادتی، جی بھر کر دینا، خوب کھلانا

an excessive amount of something.
Example: “a surfeit of food and drink”
Synonyms: excess, surplus, abundance, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, overdose, glut
Antonyms: lack, dearth

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Obscene (adjective) فحش، بیہودہ، گندا

(of the portrayal or description of sexual matters) offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency.
Example: “obscene jokes”
Synonyms: pornographic, indecent, salacious, smutty, lewd, rude, dirty, filthy, vulgar, foul
Antonyms: pure, decent

Entitlement (noun) استحقاق، حقداری

the fact of having a right to something.
Example: “full entitlement to fees and maintenance should be offered”
Synonyms: right, prerogative, claim, title, licence, permission, dispensation, privilege, liberty
Antonyms: absolution, acquittal, amnesty, charity

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Extravagant (adjective) بے حد ، حد سے زیادہ، فضول خرچ

lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.
Example: “it was rather extravagant to buy both”
Synonyms: spendthrift, profligate, unthrifty, thriftless, improvident, wasteful, free-spending, prodigal
Antonyms: thrifty

Obstinate (adjective) ضدی، ڈھیٹ،

stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
Example: “her obstinate determination to pursue a career in radio”
Synonyms: stubborn, headstrong, wilful, unyielding, inflexible, unbending, intransigent, intractable
Antonyms: compliant, amenable, tractable

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Acquiesce (verb) مان لینا، قبول کرنا، ماننا

accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Example: “Sara acquiesced in his decision”
Synonyms: permit, consent to, agree to, allow, assent to, give one’s consent to, accept, concur with
Antonyms: forbid

Flout (verb) مذاق اڑانا، ہنسی اڑانا، طعنہ دینا

openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention).
Example: “the advertising code is being flouted”
Synonyms: defy, refuse to obey, go against, rebel against, scorn, disdain, show contempt for, fly in the face of
Antonyms: observe

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Bizarre (adjective) بے تکا، بے ڈھنگا، عجیب

very strange or unusual.
Example: “a bizarre situation”
Synonyms: strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious, offbeat, outlandish, eccentric, unconventional
Antonyms: ordinary, normal

Outlandish (adjective) عجیب، اجنبی، پردیسی، انوکھا

looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar.
Example: “outlandish, brightly coloured clothes”
Synonyms: weird, offbeat, far out, freakish, grotesque, quirky, zany, eccentric, off-centre
Antonyms: ordinary, commonplace, conventional

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Why Dawn News Vocabulary is importat in CSS/PMS Exams?

A worthy vocabulary continuously plays vital role in clearing all competitive exams like Federal Public Service Commission FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, OTS and all other related exams. English Vocabulary (especially Daily Dawn News Vocabulary) is really very essential when it comes to solving the English language section any competitive exam.

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.  So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

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