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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
March 18, 2019
Altruistic (adjective) بے غرض، ایثار، فیضانہ
showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
Example: “it was an entirely altruistic act”
Synonyms: unselfish, self-denying; selfless,generous, self-sacrificing, considerate, humanitarian
Antonyms: selfish
Reprisal (noun) انتقامی کارروائی، بدلہ، پاداش
an act of retaliation.
Example: “three youths died in the reprisals which followed”
Synonyms: retaliation, revenge, counterattack, counterstroke, retribution, comeback; vengeance
Antonyms: clemency, leniency, grace,mercy, lenity
Stern (adjective) سخت گیر، کڑا، سادہ
(of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline.
Example: “a smile transformed his stern face”
Synonyms: serious, poker-faced, unsmiling,unfriendly, frowning, forbidding, grim, severe
Antonyms: lenient, lax
Maim (verb) نکما کر دینا، لنگڑا ، لولا، اپاہج
wound or injure (a person or animal) so that part of the body is permanently damaged.
Example: “100,000 soldiers were killed or maimed”
Synonyms: injure, wound,put out of action, hurt, disable, impair, incapacitate, mar, mutilate
Antonyms: cure,rehabilitate, heal, remedy
Havoc (noun) خرابی، گڑبڑ پھیلانا، اجاڑنا
widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation,desolation, destruction, despoliation, damage, depredation, ruin, disaster
Antonyms: peace
Suffocate (verb) گھٹن، دم گھٹنا، حبس دم
die or cause to die from lack of air or inability to breathe.
Example: “they suffocated in their sleep”
Synonyms: smother, strangle, asphyxiate, strangulate, stifle; choke; throttle
Antonyms: breathe,expire, inspire، exhale, inhale
Emission (noun) اخراج، نکالنا، اشعاعی طیف
the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.
Example: “the effects of lead emission on health”
Synonyms: discharge, excretion, release, outflow, outpouring, outrush, leak, ejection; secretion
Antonyms: concealment, withholding
Foresee (verb) پیشنگوئی کرنا،توقع کرنا، بھانپ لینا
be aware of beforehand; predict.
Example: “we did not foresee any difficulties”
Synonyms: anticipate, envision, predict, forecast,foretell, envisage, see, expect
Antonyms: misinterpret, misunderstand
Jingoism (noun) جنگ جوئی، بے انتہا محب وطن
extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy.
Example: “the popular jingoism that swept the lower–middle classes”
Synonyms: extreme patriotism, isolationism, extreme nationalism, blind patriotism, chauvinism
Antonyms: internationalist
Litigant (noun) مقدمہ باز، مقدمہ لڑنے والا
a person involved in a lawsuit.
Example: “a litigant in civil proceedings”
Synonyms: litigator, opponent in law, opponent, contestant, contender, disputant, plaintiff
Antonyms: ally, assistant, friend, helper, associate, colleague