Daily Dawn Vocabulary

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (27 June 2021)

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (27 June 2021)
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

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Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
June 27, 2021

Logistics (noun) رسد، نقل و حمل، منتقلی

the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation.
Example: “the logistics of a large-scale rock show demand certain necessities”
Synonyms: organization, planning, plans, management, arrangement, administration, masterminding
Antonyms: mismanagement, mishandling, maladministration, bungling

Fiasco (noun) بھول، غلطی، شرمناک ناکامی

a complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one.
Example: “his plans turned into a fiasco”
Synonyms: failure, disaster, catastrophe, debacle, shambles, farce, mess, wreck, ruin
Antonyms: success

Breach (noun) خلاف ورزی، وعدہ خلافی، عہد شکنی

an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.
Example: “a breach of confidence”
Synonyms: contravention, violation, breaking, non-observance, infringement, transgression, neglect
Antonyms: closure, solid, misfortune, juncture, upholding

Confiscate (verb) ضبط کرنا، قبضے میں لینا، قرقی

take or seize (someone’s property) with authority.
Example: “the guards confiscated his camera”
Synonyms: impound, seize, commandeer, requisition, appropriate, expropriate, take possession of
Antonyms: return

Rebel (noun) سرکش، باغی

a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader.
Example: “Tory rebels”
Synonyms: revolutionary, insurgent, revolutionist, mutineer, agitator, subversive, guerrilla, anarchist
Antonyms: obey, conform, acquiesce, agree

Indiscriminate (adjective) اندھا دھند ، بلاامتیاز

done at random or without careful judgement.
Example: “the indiscriminate use of antibiotics can cause problems”
Synonyms: non-selective, unselective, undiscriminating, uncritical, aimless, hit-or-miss, haphazard
Antonyms: selective, discriminating, systematic

Susceptible (adjective) متاثر ہونےوالا، اثر

likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.
Example: “patients with liver disease may be susceptible to infection”
Synonyms: open to, receptive to, vulnerable to, defenceless against, an easy target for, susceptive to
Antonyms: immune, resistant

Impair (verb) قدر کم کرنا، خراب کرنا، بگاڑنا

weaken or damage (something, especially a faculty or function).
Example: “a noisy job could permanently impair their hearing”
Synonyms: damage, harm, diminish, reduce, weaken, lessen, decrease, blunt, impede
Antonyms: improve, enhance

Cumulative (adjective) مجموعی، انبار کا باعث، مسلسل بڑھنے والے

increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.
Example: “the cumulative effect of two years of drought”
Synonyms: increasing, accumulative, accumulating, growing, progressive, accruing, snowballing, mounting
Antonyms: abrupt, sudden, instantaneous, precipitate

Ripe (adjective) بالکل تیار، پکا ہوا

(of fruit or grain) developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating.
Example: “a ripe tomato”
Synonyms: mature, ripened, fully developed, full grown, ready to eat, soft, lush, juicy, tender
Antonyms: unripe, green

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Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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