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Day by Day Current Affairs (April 13, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs


April 13, 2018

  1. Islamabad ranked most competitive city of Pakistan
    • Islamabad has been ranked the most competitive city of Pakistan by a policy research think tank.
    • These findings were reached by Policy Research Institute of Market Economy (PRIME) and made public in a report titled “Metropolitan Competitiveness Index: Cities as Drivers of growth” which was launched at the Islamabad Chambers of Commerce and Industries on April 12, 2018. The report measures competitiveness between the four provincial capitals and the federal capital.
    • The other cities measured were Lahore ranked at 2nd, Karachi 3rd, Peshawar 4th and Quetta 5th. The report presents an informed comparative analysis of the competitiveness of Pakistani cities with quantitative city-based data.
  2. NA passes bill on prevention of migrants smuggling
    • The government in April 12, 2018 proceedings passed ‘The Prevention of Smuggling of Migrants Bill, 2018’ from the National Assembly aimed to combat smuggling of migrants.
    • The treasury benches with majority vote passed the bill with an aim to prevent and combat smuggling of migrants. “Since smuggling of migrants involves multiple international jurisdictions, cooperation between agencies within and among countries is necessary,” says the bill, mentioning specific punishment for the people engaged in the inhuman crime.
    • The act also ensured protection of the rights of smuggled migrants, according to the bill. The clause related to ‘Punishment of smuggling of migrants’ says: “Whoever intentionally engages in or attempts to engage in the smuggling of migrants shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to five years but which shall not be less than three years and with fine up to one million rupees,”
  3. Xi makes surprise visit to fleet in South China Sea drill
    • Chinese President Xi Jinping on April 12, 2018 stressed the `urgent` need to build a powerful navy during a surprise visit to observe naval exercises in the disputed South China Sea, state media reported as the country prepares for livefire drills in the Taiwan Strait.
    • The region has become a potential flashpoint, with the US saying China`s activities in the area pose a threat to freedom of navigation in the strategically vital waterway, where Beijing has built an archipelago of artificial islands capable of hosting military equipment.
    • Footage of Xi`s visit on state broadcaster CCTV showed the president watching jets taking off from China`s sole aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, and joining sailors for a meal.
  4. Berlin to change street names to atone for brutal African colonial past
    • Berlin is poised to strip the names of streets linked to atrocities committed during its occupation of Namibia and dedicate them to liberation fighters, part of a late reckoning with Germany`s brutal colonial history in Africa.
    • After more than a decade of debate, the three biggest parties in the Berlin Mitte district assembly voted to recommend new names for streets in the so-called African Quarter in the northwest of the German capital, spokeswoman Melita Ersek said.
  5. Muhammad Bilal clinches bronze in 57kg freestyle wrestling at CWG
    • Pakistan`s promising young wrestler Mohammad Bilal overpowered England`s George Ramm by 4-1 to claim a bronze medal in the mens freestyle 57kg wrestling event on April 12, 2018 at the XXI Commonwealth Games being staged at the Carrara Sports Arena.
    • Bilal, 22 years of age, fought hard against his English opponent and displayed superior acrobatic skills in the bout to win 12-2.
    • However, in the semi-final, Bilal lost to Rahul Aware of India on points, thus setting up the medal bout against George Ramm of England.
  6. Sri Lanka president suspends parliament
    • Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena April 12, 2018 suspended parliament for nearly a month, an unexpected move that comes as a power struggle deepens between him and his unity government’s prime minister.
    • A decree released by the government quoted the president as stating that, under article 70 of the island’s constitution, he had discontinued parliament “with effect from midnight” of April 12.
    • In recent weeks, Sirisena has reduced the responsibilities of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, removing from his control the central bank, the policy-making National Operations Room and several other institutions.
    • Earlier, six ministers quit Sri Lanka’s troubled coalition government, forcing Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe to patch up his cabinet ahead of a wider reshuffle.
  7. Pakistan could face ‘cut in US civilian aid’
    • The Trump administration is warning Pakistan it could lose US civilian aid worth tens of millions of dollars this year if Washington finds that the South Asian nation has not done enough to combat human trafficking.
    • An aid cutback would deal a fresh blow to US-Pakistan relations following President Donald Trump’s suspension in January of some $2 billion in US security assistance.
    • A large portion of US civilian aid – $265 million in 2017, according to a source at the US Embassy in Islamabad – could be withheld if the State Department puts Pakistan on a list of worst global offenders in human trafficking in an annual report due out in June
  8. Saudi crown prince in Spain as warship sale mooted
    • Saudi Arabia’s crown prince held talks April 12, 2018 with Spain’s king and prime minister in Madrid, the last stop of his global diplomatic charm offensive to try to project a new liberal image for his conservative kingdom.
    • Spain’s King Felipe VI met with Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who serves as defence minister and also controls economic policy for the world’s top oil exporter, at the Zarzuela Palace on the outskirts of Madrid, before hosting a luncheon in his honour attended by senior Spanish officials and businessmen.
  9. Cabinet okays ‘Belt and Road’ accords
    • The federal cabinet April 12, 2018 approved signing of a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding to conduct study on the “International Transport Technology Standards and Specification Systems, especially in those countries along the ‘Belt and Road’ routes.
    • The MoU would be signed between National Transport Research Centre, Pakistan and China Highway and Transportation Society and Second Highway Consultants Co. China. The cabinet met under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi.
  10. Afghan governor among seven killed in Taliban attack
    • Taliban militants launched a pre-dawn raid on a district government compound in Afghanistan on April 12, 2018, killing at least seven people including the local governor.
    • Six police also died and 10 intelligence officers were wounded in the attack on the Khwaja Omari district headquarters in the southeastern province of Ghazni.

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