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Day by Day Current Affairs

Day by Day Current Affairs (January 26, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs
Written by CSS Times


 January 26, 2018 (Day by Day Current Affairs)

Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  1. Pakistan, US spar over drone attack target
    • January 24th`s drone attack has turned into a spat between Pakistan and the US over the target whether or not it was a refugee camp
    • `The claim in an MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) statement that US forces struck an Afghan refugee camp in Kurram Agency yesterday is false,` a rather strongly worded statement issued by the US embassy in Islamabad said on January 25, 2018
    • The emphasis was clearly on a refugee camp not being targeted
    • The language of the US administration officials on Pakistan has also gradually turned harsher as the ties deteriorated sharply
  2. US puts Taliban with `Pakistan links` on list of terrorists
    • The Trump administration on January 25, 2018 designated as global terrorists six individuals accused of supporting the Taliban and Haqqani network in Afghanistan
    • The administration stressed their links to Pakistan
    • President Trump`s policy, unveiled last summer, is intended to turn around the 17-year war in Afghanistan by boosting the US military`s help to Afghan government forces and by pressuring Pakistan to cooperate
  3. KPK Cabinet approves special allowance for bureaucrats
    • The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cabinet on January 25, 2018 approved a special allowance for the provincial bureaucracy, which is likely to cost the provincial exchequer over Rs460 million annually
    • Cabinet discussed a 12-point agenda and approved after thorough discussion the draft KP Narcotics Substance Bill, 2017, schedule post allowance for the provincial bureaucracy, procedure for the appointment of government employees as Khuddamul Hujjaj, measures against illegal mining and stone crushing, thechief minister`s directives about the creation of new tehsils, and the status of protected wasteland for the forests of Torghar district
    • The cabinet discussed various proposals regarding the special allowance for bureaucracy and decided to allow the scheduled postallowance at 1.5 times of initial basic pay
  4. Senate amends law to punish members for leaking details of in-camera proceedings
    • The Senate on January 25, 2018 unanimously approved an amendment to its rules of procedure and conduct of business to provide for punishment to the members found guilty of leaking out details of in-camera proceedings of the house
    • The items for amending the Senate rules had been included in the agenda as supplementary orders of the day following a decision taken at the business advisory committee of the house
    • A new rule (255-A) inserted in the rules reads: `Where a member participating in any in camera proceedings, divulges or discloses any information regarding any part of the proceedings or comments or speeches or opinionsexpressedtherein,such member or other person, as the case may be, shall be required to appear before the House Business Advisory Committee, and after being given an adequate opportunity to explain the disclosure attributed to him, may be suspended for a term not exceeding thirty consecutive sittings of the House
    • The amendment had jointly been moved by leader of the house Raja Zafarul Haq and leader of the opposition Aitzaz Ahsan
  5. Trump threatens to stop aid to Palestinians if they don`t pursue peace
    • US President Donald Trump threatened to withhold aid to the Palestinians if they did not pursue peace with Israel
    • Saying they had snubbed the United States by not meeting Vice President Mike Pence during a recent visit
    • Palestinians shunned Pence`s visit to the region this month after Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel`s capital and vowed to begin moving the US embassy to the city, whose status is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    • Trump`s endorsement in December of Israel`s claim to Jerusalem as its capital drew universal condemnation from Arab leaders and criticism around the world.
  6. Interpol hands over ex-minister wanted for corruption to Iraq
    • Interpol on January 26, 2018 handed over to Iraq a former minister arrested in Beirut over a conviction for corruption, in a first such collaboration with the international police body
    • Former trade minister Abdel Palah al-Sudani has landed in Baghdad after having been handed over by Interpol
    • `It`s the first time that Interpol responds to a government request at that level.` Sudani, who is now aged 70 and also holds citizenship of Britain where he studied, served as trade minister from 2006 to 2009, following the 2003 US-led invasion which toppled dictator Saddam Hussein
    • In 2012, the former minister, who belongs to the Dawa party of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, was sentenced in absentia to seven years imprisonment for corruption
    • He was linked to a scandal over the import of adulterated tea products during his mandate
  7. US aircraft carrier to make historic visit to Vietnam
    • A US aircraft carrier will port in Vietnam in March, a first for the allies and former foes as they seek to counter Beijing’s growing might in the disputed South China Sea
    • US aircraft carriers neared Vietnamese shores during the Vietnam War which ended in 1975, but this will be the first time for a carrier to port in the country
  8. French MPs banned from wearing religious symbols
    • France’s parliament has banned lawmakers from wearing any religious symbols under a new “neutral” dress code, an extension of the country’s strict secular rules that is seen as going too far by some critics
    • Under the change approved January 24, 2018, members of the National Assembly must avoid “the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols, uniforms, logos or commercial messages or political slogans.
    • The regulation was brought in following an outcry over an MP wearing a football shirt in the parliament, but the inclusion of religious symbols in the new rules quickly became a talking point and a focus of attention
  9. China denies plan to build military base in Afghanistan
    • China’s Defence Ministry denied that it was planning to build a military base in Afghanistan, branding such reports “groundless”
    • Russian news agency Ferghana News has reported that China will build the base in northern Afghanistan
    • The ministry has also previously dismissed reports that Chinese military vehicles were patrolling inside Afghanistan
  10. IMF for broader political consensus on structural reforms in Pakistan
    • The IMF’s Resident chief Tokhir Mirzoev said that reaching a broader political consensus on the needed structural reforms will be key to implementation in Pakistan
    • This year has been certainly challenging for policymakers due to increased external and fiscal imbalances. The Pakistani authorities have already taken several measures to contain these imbalances

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CSS Times

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