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Day by Day Current Affairs (March 31, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs


 March 31, 2018

  1. Pakistan, India agree to end envoys harassment
    • Pakistan and India on March 29, 2018 agreed to address complaints of harassment of diplomats in accordance with the bilaterally agreed 1992 `Code of Conduct` on treatment of diplomatic and consular staf f in each other`s country.
    • The agreement was announced through a statement simultaneously issued by the Foreign Office and the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.
    • The statement reads: `India and Pakistan have mutually agreed to resolve matters related to the treatment of diplomats and diplomatic premises, in line with the 1992 `Code of Conduct` for treatment of diplomatic/ consular personnel in India and Pakistan.
    • The 12-point code of conduct provides for guaranteeing dignity and personal inviolability of diplomatic and consular personnel posted in each other`s country; avoidance of intrusive and aggressive surveillance, harassment, threatening, tailing of cars and trespassing on residences; safety and security of the diplomatic and consular staff and their families and unhindered working of the local domestic staff engaged by diplomats at their residences; no harassment and questioning of visitors; inviolability of official and private vehicles of the diplomatic and consular staff; respect for religious, social and cultural sensitivities of the host state; and the strength of missions and the procedure for issuance of visas to diplomatic and consular staff. The code of conduct describes the process for dealing with complaints and cases of breach of diplomatic protocols by the diplomats and consular staff.
  2. KP, Fata have 17.5m voters
    • The Election Commission of Pakistan has announced that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Federally Administered Tribal Areas have a total of 17.536 million registered voters.
    • It however said the final electoral lists would be issued in May af ter it made corrections in light of the people`s complaints. The numbers were shared by provincial election commissioner Pir Maqbool Ahmad with reporters at the Provincial Election Commission offices here on March 30, 2018.
    • Mr Pir Maqbool urged the people to visit the electoral roll display centres for corrections or changes and said there would be no change in the final list to be issued in May 2018.
  3. BISP, Uber sign agreement
    • The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Uber Pakistan for creating economic opportunity programme for BISP beneficiaries.
    • Under the programme, a pilot project will be conducted to test-run the potential of Uber for the BISP beneficiaries.
    • Under this MoU, four-wheeled vehicles will be provided without any down payment and will include a target instalment of Rs 8,000, monthly, for five years repayment.
    • For rickshaws, a target instalment of Rs 5,000-8,000 monthly, for five years repayment
  4. Pakistan, France agree to improve bilateral ties
    • Pakistan and France have agreed to further improve relations by exploring more areas of cooperation in diverse fields.
    • This was agreed during a meeting between National Security Adviser Nasser Khan Janjua and French Ambassador to Pakistan, Marc Barety here on March 30, 2018.
    • They also discussed matters pertaining to bilateral cooperation and regional security situation. The ambassador appreciated Pakistan’s efforts in the fight against terrorism and acknowledged its civil and military sacrifices in this regard.
  5. US asks Pakistan to make talks with Afghanistan ‘result-oriented’
    • The United States has asked Pakistan to make the talks with Afghanistan “result oriented” as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alice Wells continued to hold talks with the Pakistani officials here on March 30, 2018.
    • This is Ambassador Wells’ second visit to Pakistan this year aimed at continuing the conversation to strengthen “bilateral relations and promote peace and security” in the region.
    • Wells and other US diplomats in Washington had conveyed to Pakistan that Islamabad would have to make “sincere efforts” to make the talks “result oriented” for the sake of regional peace.
  6. Missile regime team visits Pakistan
    • A delegation of the Missile Technology Control Regime led by Co-Chairs from Ireland and Iceland visited Pakistan on March 29.
    • The team held discussions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Pakistan side was led by Dr Zafar Ali, Director General, Strategic Export Control Division, the statement said. This was the third consecutive MTCR outreach Mission to visit Pakistan in as many years. Both sides exchanged views on export control measures relevant to MTCR and the latest political as well as technical development in this area.
  7. Russia hits back, expels 59 diplomats from 23 countries
    • Russia expelled 59 diplomats from 23 countries on March 30, 2018 and said it reserved the right to take action against four other nations in a worsening standoff with the West over the poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter in Britain.
    • Russia said it was responding to what it called the baseless demands for scores of its own diplomats to leave a slew of mostly Western countries that have joined London and Washington in censuring Moscow over the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.
    • A day earlier, Moscow ordered the expulsion of 60 US diplomats and the closing of the US consulate in St Petersburg, Russia`s second city, in retaliation for the biggest ejection of diplomats since the Cold War.
  8. Russia tests new intercontinental ballistic missile
    • Russia has successfully tested its latest intercontinental ballistic missile, the country`s military said on March 30, 2018.
    • The Defence Ministry said the launch from Plesetsk in northwestern Russia tested the Sarmat missile`s performance in the initial stage of its flight.
    • Sarmat is intended to replace the Sovietdesigned Voyevoda, the world`s heaviest ICBM that is known as `Satan` in the West.
  9. WB approves $145m for housing finance
    • The World Bank has approved $145 million to make housing finance affordable and accessible to many Pakistanis.
    • The Pakistan Housing Finance Project (PHF) will support Government of Pakistan’s vision and strategy for housing development. The project will extend financial and technical assistance to Pakistan Mortgage Refinancing Company (PMRC), the Planning Commission (PC), and other institutions to increase availability of mortgage financing for households.
    • Nearly a third of country’s population does not own homes and this pressure is rising with growing demand.
  10. US withdrawing from Syria ‘very soon’: Trump
    • US President Donald Trump has insisted that US forces would pull out of Syria “very soon” and lamented what he said was Washington’s waste of $7 trillion in Middle East wars.
    • In a populist address to industrial workers in Ohio, Trump said US forces were close to securing all of the territory that the Islamic State militant group once claimed. “We’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now,” he promised, to applause. Trump did not say who the others were who might take care of Syria, but Russia and Iran have sizable forces in the country to support President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

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