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May 2018

Day by Day Current Affairs (May 09, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs
Written by Shahzad F. Malik


Day by Day Current Affairs (May 09, 2018)

Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  1. Trump tears up Iran nuclear deal, revives sanctions
  • President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal on May 8, 2018 as his administration pledged to find a comprehensive and lasting solution to the so-called Iranian threat.
  • `The Iran deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the United States has ever entered into,` Mr Trump said in a televised address from the White House Diplomatic Room.
  • Minutes after the speech, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States will not stop at revoking the deal alone.
  • Last week, Britain, France and Germany urged the Trump administration not to revoke the deal, arguing that the agreement was the best way of stopping Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. President Trump ignored the advice.
  • Reacting to Mr Trump`s announcement, President Hassan Rouhani said that Iran would remain committed to the multinational nuclear deal, reports Reuters. `If we achieve the deal`s goals in cooperation with other members of the deal, it will remain in place. By exiting the deal, America has officially undermined its commitment to an international treaty,` President Rouhani said in a televised speech. `I have instructed the Iranian Atomic Energy Organisation to take the necessary measures for future actions so that if necessary we can resume industrial enrichment without limit,` he said in an address to the nation.
  1. Juvenile court hands down first sentence
  • The country`s first juvenile court established in Lahore handed down on May 8, 2018 its first sentence four-month simple imprisonment to a teenager as well as a fine of Rs500,000 on charges of attempted rape.
  • A resident of Sabzazar had lodged a complaint with police in 2016 accusing the 15-year-old boy of attempting to rape his seven year-old daughter. The case was entrusted on Jan 20 to the first child court of Pakistan in Lahore having the jurisdiction of a juvenile court as well.
  • The then chief justice of the Lahore High Court, Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, now a judge of the Supreme Court, had established this court here in Lahore in December 2017 to deal with cases involving children.
  • The presiding judge of the juvenile court, Muhammad Akhtar Bhangoo, ruled in his verdict that the accused was found to have engaged the victim girl of about seven years of age in obscene and sexually explicit conduct, thus, committed an offence of sexual abuse punishable under Section 377-B of PPC
  1. Transgender rights bill among a dozen passed by NA
  • The National Assembly passed about a dozen bills on May 8, 2018, possibly its last private members` day.
  • The house passed the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2018, aimed at ensuring rights of transgender persons. The bill, which had already been passed by the Senate, was moved by Syed Naveed Qamar of the PPP.
  • Under the proposed law, transgender persons will be able to register to obtain driving licence and passport. They will have the option to get their gender changed in the National Database and Registration Authority`s record.
  • Harassment of transgender persons will also be prohibited in and outside their homes.
  • The lower house of parliament passed a bill, introduced by Marvi Memon, to provide for fair and speedy trial of heinous offences related to acid and burn violence.
  • A bill seeking Pakistani citizenship for the persons (Bangladeshis and Biharis), who have been living in the country for 70 years but could not get citizenship, was also passed.
  • The house passed a bill seeking amendments to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890, under which a maximum of Rs500,000 fine can be imposed to the violators.
  • The house also passed other bills related to prevention of child labour in Islamabad, protection of witnesses in criminal cases, establishment of an institute of science and technology in Bahawalpur, setting up of rehabilitation centres for disabled children through Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal and forced disappearances.
  1. COAS inaugurates fencing of Pak-Afghan border in Balochistan
  • Chief of the Army Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa on May 8, 2018 inaugurated the work for erecting fences along the Pak-Afghan border near Panjpal area of Balochistan.
  • The Pakistan Army has already completed work on a 5km-long fence on the border near Panjpai. In total 1,268km-long fences would be erected along the Pak-Afghan border.
  • According to official sources, 250 Frontier Corp forts one at a distance of every 3km would be built and 16-foot-high watchtowers will be built at every kilometre to ensure proper monitoring of the border.
  1. Pakistani prisons house 57pc more inmates than authorised capacity: report
  • Pakistan`s prisons house 57pc more prisoners than their authorised capacity, and two thirds of the total prison population is either awaiting or undergoing trial, as compared to 27pc at the international level, a report revealed on May 8, 2018.
  • The report, titled Addressing Overcrowding in Prisons by Reducing Pre-Conviction Detention in Pakistan and prepared by the National Counter Terrorism Authority (Nacta), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Cursor Development and Education (Code) Pakistan, added that the situation is causing overcrowding in prisons and often results in deplorable living conditions for inmates and prison staff, the spread of disease and other problems.
  • The report divided its recommendations into urgent, shortterm and long-term.

Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  1. Alibaba buys Daraz, First big acquisition in the country’s tech sector
  • Daraz Group, Pakistan`s leading online retailer on May 8, 2018 announced its100 per cent acquisition by Alibaba Group, a Chinese e-commerce giant.
  • Following the acquisition for an undisclosed amount, Daraz which also operates in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Nepal will continue under the same brand name.
  • Daraz, founded in Pakistan in 2012, was incubated by Germany`s Rocket Internet.
  • pk went to record Pakistan`s first Rs1 billion sales in 2016 with its Black Friday event. By 2017, it renamed the event as Big Friday and went on to secure four times more orders than the previous year, earning Rs3bn.
  1. Kim meets Xi in China in run-up to Trump summit
  • Chinese President Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un met in China for the second time in six weeks on May 8, 2018, signalling their warming ties ahead of the North Korean leader`s expected summit with US President Donald Trump.
  • Kim`s trip to the northeastern port city of Dalian was his second visit to China since March, highlighting efforts by the Cold War-era allies to mend relations that have chilled as Beijing has supported UN sanctions over Pyongyang`s nuclear activities.
  • Beijing is keen to avoid being left out in the cold in a whirlwind of diplomacy that has led to Kim`s historic summit last month with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his expected meeting with Trump in June.
  • But Kim`s second trip abroad in such a short time after having never left North Korea since coming to power in 2011 shows that Beijing still has a central role to play in the diplomatic shuffle.
  1. Celebrations as Armenian protest leader Pashinyan elected PM
  • Tens of thousands of Armenians poured on to the streets of the capital Yerevan May 8, 2018 to celebrate opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan’s election as prime minister.
  • Armenia’s parliament elected Pashinyan after he spearheaded weeks of mass protests against the ruling party, transforming the country’s political landscape.
  • Lawmakers voted 59 to 42 to approve Pashinyan for the job, after the ruling Republican Party came round to backing his premiership bid on his second attempt.
  1. Scientists develop sharper gene-editing scissors
  • American biologists have developed a new gene-editing platform making the previously blunt cutting tool more like a word processor by enabling an efficient “search and replace” function for genetic material.
  • In a paper published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, scientists at the Joint Institute of Metrology and Biology (JIMB) revealed a platform called “multiplexed accurate genome editing with short, trackable, integrated cellular barcodes,” or MAGESTIC.
  • MAGESTIC can produce a sevenfold increase in cell survival during the editing process, according to the study conducted by the researchers.
  • The researchers said the currently popular gene-editing tool CRISPR was as clumsy as using scissors to edit a newspaper, with which one can cut out words, but it’s difficult to remove individual letters or instantly know how the cuts affect the meaning of the text.
  • CRISPR stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, the hallmark of a bacterial defense system that forms the basis for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology.
  1. Medvedev secures new mandate as Russian PM
  • Dmitry Medvedev secured a fresh term as Russian prime minister on May 8, 2018, as the lower house of parliament voted overwhelmingly for President Vladimir Putin’s long-term ally to retain his post.
  • “I am ready to do everything for the development of our country,” Medvedev said ahead of the vote in the State Duma, which Putin also attended.
  • A total of 374 MPs backed his candidacy while 56 voted against.
  • The ruling United Russia party and the ultra-nationalist LDPR party backed Medvedev, while the Communist and Just Russia parties opposed him.
  • The 52-year-old served a term as president from 2008 to 2012 before standing aside to become prime minister while Putin returned to the Kremlin.

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Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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