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Everyday Science MCQs MCQs

Everyday Science Important Solved MCQs for Competitive Exams (Set V)

Everyday Science Important Solved MCQs for Competitive Exams (Set V)
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

Q.51. Most important effect of moon on earth is that
(a) Gives light
(b) Causes earthquake
(c) Causes solar & lunar eclipse
(d) Effects tides of ocean (Correct)

Q.52. The term ” Meteor” is applied to an interplanetary body,
(a) Before it enter the earth`s atmosphere
(b) After it enters the earth`s atmosphere (Correct)
(c) After it centers the earth`s atmosphere
(d) After it centers the earth`s atmosphere and lands on the surface of the earth without exploding in mid air

Q.53. Newton’s rings are
(a) Celestial body named by Newton
(b) Rings presented to newton by a king
(c) An optical phenomenon
(d) Coloured rings observed around the point of contact of a convex lense (Correct)

Q.54. The heat received by earth from the sun is known as
(a) Insulation
(b) Solar heat
(c) Solar radiation (Correct)
(d) Thermal radiation`s

Q.55. Constellation is
(a) Configuration of fixed stars resembling a figure (Correct)
(b) Group of satellites
(c) Group of comets
(d) None of above

Q.56. Which of the following part of the atmosphere is nearest to the earth
(a) Troposphere (Correct)
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Ionosphere
(d) Mesosphere

Q.57. To an astronaut in space sky looks
(a) Deep blue
(b) White
(c) Black (Correct)
(d) Orange red

Q.58. Why does the sun looks oval when it is at the horizon?
(a) When the sun is at the horizon rays from the longer edge are refracted more coz it passes through greater thickness of air so vertical diameter is shortened to give an oval shape (Correct)
(b) When at the horizon sun is pulled by other planets and becomes elongated
(c) While setting or rising sun is elliptical
(d) None of these

Q.59. The moon has period of rotation which is equal to period of revolution. It is
(a) 29 days, 7 hours, 43 min, 1147 sec (Correct)
(b) 20 days, 6 hours, 50 min, 20 sec
(c) 31 days, 8 hours, 42 min, 10 sec
(d) None of these

Q.60. The composition of the sun is
(a) hydrogen 90%, Helium 8%, Heavy elements 2% (Correct)
(b) hydrogen 95%, Helium 3%, Heavy elements 2%
(c) hydrogen 80%, Helium 10%, Heavy elements 10%
(d) None of above

Q.61. Neil Armstrong visited the moon on July 16, 1969 and remained there for 21 hours and 36 min. Name the manned spacecraft which took him on this mission?
(a) U.S Gemini 12
(b) USSR Soyuz 5
(c) U.S Apollo 2 (Correct)
(d) U.S Apollo 9

Q.62. How much time the light takes to reach from the sun to the earth?
(a) Four minutes and 30 sec
(b) eight min and 15 sec (Correct)
(c) Seven min and 15 sec
(d) Six min and 30 sec

Q.63. Astronomical unit is a bigger unit of distance and it is used to measure distance btw the heavenly bodies of the solar system. One astronomical unit is equal to how much Km in whole numbers?
(a) 50 million km
(b) 100 million km
(c) 150 million km (Correct)
(d) one million km

Q.64. Name the nearest Star to our sun.
(a) Proxima Centurai (Correct)
(b) Alpha Scorpii
(c) Beta Orionis
(d) Vega

Q.65. Name the nearest regular galaxy to our milky way
(a) NGC 185
(b) Small Magellanic
(c) Large Magellanic Cloud
(d) Andromeda (Correct)

Q.66. Name the largest moon in our solar system
(a) Ganymede (Correct)
(b) Titan
(c) Callisto
(d) Miranda

Q.67. Atmosphere of the earth is made up of different spheres. In which part of the atmosphere commercial aircrafts usually fly.
(a) Thermosphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Troposphere (Correct)
(d) Mesosphere

Q.68. The sun arised on the North Pole on the 21st march and this pole remains in light till what date?
(a) 23rd sep (Correct)
(b) 21st sep
(c) 22nd June
(d) 22nd Dec

Q.69. Name the gas which was discovered on the sun about 125 years ago during eclipse-watching.
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Helium (Correct)
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Argon

Q.70. What is the approximate age of the sun?
(a) 6.4 thousands years
(b) 6.4 billion years (Correct)
(c) 6.4 million years
(d) 6.4 hundred thousands years

Q.71. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. It is named after the greatest of the roman gods. It is much bigger than Earth. About how many earths would equal to one Jupiter?
(a) 100
(b) 500
(c) 700
(d) 1000 (Correct)

Q.72. Physicists have known about this high energy invisible rays for 80 years, but their precise nature is still a mystery. They come from unknown parts. They pack a mean energy. And they seem to break the laws of physics. Name them.
(a) X-rays
(b) UV-rays
(c) Visible rays
(d) Cosmic rays (Correct)

Q.73. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a supernova, able to crush small planets with a single swipe these are primordial, angel-hair thin cracks in the structure of the space. Name them
(a) Cosmic strings (Correct)
(b) Saturn rings
(c) Newton’s rings
(d) Black holes

Q.74. Name the instrument which is used to measure the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound.
(a) Speedometer
(b) Altimeter
(c) Telemeter
(d) Machmeter (Correct)

Q.75. A layer of Ozone in the stratosphere protects the earth by blocking most of the sun`s harmful ultraviolet light. These are high energy radiations. Which of the following can have the potential effect of UV light.
(a) Eyes
(b) Skin
(c) Crops
(d) All the above (Correct)

Q.76. For growth, Viruses require
(a) Dead host`
(b) Living host
(c) Minerals (Correct)
(d) Simple sugars

Q.77. In which of the following are Mitochondria absent?
(a) Fungi
(b) Andiosperms
(c) Green algae
(d) Blue-green algae (Correct)

Q.78. Eucaryotic organisms are those that contains
(a) DNA threads (Correct)
(b) Plastids
(c) True nucleus
(d) Vacuoles

Q.79. The merismatic cells are
(a) Thin walled
(b) Isodiametric
(c) Richly protoplasmic
(d) All of above (Correct)

Q.80. The deficiency of which of the following micronutrients causes the death of the stem and root apices?
(a) Boron (Correct)
(b) Copper
(c) Manganese
(d) Zinc

Q.81. Plant development is influenced by
(a) Quality of light
(b) Quality and quantity of light
(c) Quality and duration of light
(d) Quality, quantity and duration of light (Correct)

Q.82. Critical day length Varies from plant to plant and lies between
(a) 6 to 100 hours
(b) 8 to 12 hours
(c) 10 to 14 hours (Correct)
(d) None of above

Q.83. ATP is
(a) An enzyme
(b) A hormone
(c) A protein (Correct)
(d) A molecule containing high energy bonds

Q.84. The primary producers of organic matter in nature are
(a) Bacteria
(b) Fish
(c) Green plants (Correct)
(d) Human beings

Q.85. Edible part of tomato is
(a) Endocarp
(b) Fleshy thalamus
(c) Mesocarp
(d) Whole fruit (Correct)

Q.86. Who amongst the following, started in 1850, a scientific approach to determine the role of mineral elements in the healthy growth and development of plants?
(a) Arnon and Knop
(b) Sachs and Knop (Correct)
(c) Sachs and Stout
(d) Arnon and Stout

Q.87. The primary plant body consists of how many tissue systems?
(a) 2
(b) 3 (Correct)
(c) 4
(d) 5

Q.88. Bamboo is a
(a) Herb
(b) Grass (Correct)
(c) Shrub
(d) Three

Q.89. Cork cells are impervious to water because of the presence of
(a) Cellulose
(b) Cutin
(c) Lignin
(d) Suberin (Correct)

Q.90. Ethylene is a hormone concerned with
(a) Respiration
(b) Ripening of fruits (Correct)
(c) Cell division
(d) None of the above

Q.91. The cavity of Ascaris is known as
(a) Ceolom (Correct)
(b) Haemocoel
(c) Pseudocoel
(d) Visceral cavity

Q.92. Crura-cerebri is found in
(a) Fore-brain
(b) Hind-brain
(c) Mid-brain (Correct)
(d) None of above

Q.93. Man is
(a) Biothermic
(b) Homoiothermic (Correct)
(c) Oilgothermic
(d) Poikilothermic

Q.94. The compound eye of insect produces
(a) Binocular vision
(b) Monocular vision
(c) Mosaic vision (Correct)
(d) None of above

Q.95. The post embryonic stages in the life history of cockroach is known as
(a) Caterpillar
(b) Grubs
(c) Larval
(d) Nymohs (Correct)

Q.96. Which of the following control the reflex action in the body?
(a) Central nervous system (Correct)
(b) Motor nerves
(c) Sensory nerves
(d) sympathetic nervous system

Q.97. The terminal part of vertebral column in man is called
(a) Telson
(b) Urostyle
(c) Coceyx (Correct)
(d) Pygostyle

Q.98. The life history of human malarial parasite in Anopheles was first described by
(a) Grassi and his pupil
(b) Sir Patrick Manson
(c) Sir Ronald Ross (Correct)
(d) Richard Pfeiffer

Q.99. The “Urinary system” of the body consists of how many organs?
(a) 2
(b) 3 (Correct)
(c) 4
(d) 5

Q.100. Haryersion canals are present in
(a) Bone (Correct)
(b) Cartilage
(c) Kidney
(d) Liver

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About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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