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CSS Tips

How to Select CSS Optional Subject

How to Select CSS Optional Subject
Written by Ayesha Manzoor

How to Select CSS Optional Subject

Selecting an optional subject in CSS is very important. It not only effect your preparation strategy but also the overall result in the written part. There are some important steps to keep in mind while finalizing a subject as your optional subject:

1.  Skim through the list of optional subjects:

The first step of choosing an optional subject is to go through the list of all the given options for the optional subjects. Make sure you read the list thoroughly and keep in mind all the options in all groups.

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2.  Figure out what your favorite subject was in the past:

After having a look on the list of optional subjects, the next thing to do is figuring out your favorite subject. The subjects in which you had more interest than others or maybe the subject in which you always get good marks.

3.  Think about the areas of interest in the news:

News is always an important area to cover in the preparation of CSS exams. You have to think about the topics of interest in the news. For instance, you can think about the topics of General Sciences like history, sociology, psychology etc. You can short list one or more of them as your optional subject.

4.  Studying Literature of mother language as a hobby:

Some people may also have a hobby of studying literature in their mother tongue. So, literature subjects in mother language might be an option for an optional subject for those people.

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5.  Go through the list of FPSC optional subjects again:

After you have done all the research about the areas of interest and pointed out some subjects. You should now go through the list of optional subjects listed at FPSC once again to shortlist your subjects.

6.  Make a list of subjects you have interest in:

Now, make a list of subjects that you think you can opt for as the optional subjects.

NOTE: Keep in mind that you have to opt for as many subjects which make a total of 600 marks in the optional subjects’ category.

7.  See the FPSC CSS Syllabus

Now, see the syllabus of each optional subject you have chosen. Read all the outline of each subject and highlight the areas of your interest in the syllabus of each shortlisted subject.

8.  See the pattern in the past papers:

After checking the syllabus, go through the past papers of each subject given on the official website. See how much knowledge you already possess for the subject you have chosen. There is no need to worry if you don’t know the answers. This practice is to make you comfortable with the pattern of the papers.

NOTE: The past papers are from the year 2011, but as the syllabus got revised in 2016, you can see the past papers from 2016.

9.  Start gathering material for your subject:

Gathering the right material is very important and it matters a lot in the preparation of CSS. For almost all subjects, guidance is available in the form of books. Moreover, online help is also available in the form of e-books and study material. Most of the subjects can be prepared by doing study at home while some technical subjects might need some coaching.

10.  Choose the subject in which you have most interest:

At the end, all that matters is the passion and interest for the subject you choose. You should only go for those subjects which you can go along with rather than the ‘popular’, ‘trendy’ or ‘scoring’ ones.

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About the author

Ayesha Manzoor

Ayesha Manzoor is a writer and a certified freelancer by the government of Punjab. She has written numerous articles for various websites. And currently working at the freelance platforms as a professional writer. She is an Alumni of NUCES-FAST Business School Lahore.

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