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Political Science MCQs | Karl Marx

Political Science MCQs | Karl Marx

Who among the following argued that justice is the first virtue of social institutions?
(a) G.W.F. Hegel
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) John Rawls
Answer: (d)

Materialistic interpretation of history was propounded by: (CSS-2000)
(a) Trotsky
(b) Lenin
(c) Bolsheviks
(d) Mensheviks
(e) Karl Marx
Answer: (e)
Explanation: Marx’s theory, which he called “historical materialism” or the “materialist conception of history” is based on Hegel’s claim that history occurs through a dialectic, or clash, of opposing forces. Hegel was a philosophical idealist who believed that we live in a world of appearances, and true reality is an ideal. Marx accepted this notion of the dialectic, but rejected Hegel’s idealism because he did not accept that the material world hides from us the “real” world of the ideal; on the contrary, he thought that historically and socially specific ideologies prevented people from seeing the material conditions of their lives clearly.

Karl Marx is known for his theory of: (CSS-2007)
(a) Dialectical Spiritualism
(b) Force as the Basis of State
(c) Materialistic Interpretation of history
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

The concept of ‘Surplus Value’ is given by: (CSS-2001)
(a) Mao
(b) Lenin
(c) Marx
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Marx’s surplus value theory says that the core of capitalism is exploitation. The value of the product produced by labor is greater than the actual price of labor as paid out in wages. The difference between the two (surplus value) is confiscated by the bourgeois (the owner of the company).

The Marxists perceive international politics as:
(a) a struggle for power between the bourgeois and socialist systems with the hope of inevitable triumph of international proletarianism
(b) a struggle for power between two nations or group of nations that can be managed by maintaining balances of power
(c) Interactions among States that can be peacefully
(d) Interactions among States guided and molded by leaders of those States
Answer: (a)

The theory of ‘Surplus Value’ as a part of communistic philosophy was the contribution of: (CSS-2000)
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Trotsky
(c) Fredrick Angel
(d) Ricardo
(e) None of these.
Answer: (a)

Karl Marx had everlasting friendship with a son of a prominent textile manufacturer of Barman, who brought many changes in Karl Marx’s life. His name was: (CSS-2005)
(a) Friedrich Engel
(b) French Hegel
(c) Herbert Spencer
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

In which one of the following books did Karl Marx put forward the idea that the State could enjoy relative autonomy from class system?
(a) The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
(b) Das Kapital
(c) Communist Manifesto
(d) Gotha program
Answer: (a)

Karl Marx and F. Engels co-authored:
(a) Das Kapital
(b) Anti-Duhring
(c) German Ideology
(d) Critique of the Gotha Programme.
Answer: (c)

Author of the book ‘Capital’ is”: (CSS-2000)
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Lenin
(c) Mao
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Marxism believes that:
(a) The real is the rational and the rational is the real
(b) Social relations are rooted in the material conditions
(c) Economic relations can be understood in the light of the progress of human mind
(d) It is human consciousness that determines the social life of man
Answer: (b)

Which one of the following is not a statement of Karl Marx?
(a) The State is an executive committee for managing the affairs of the bourgeoisie
(b) Capitalism digs its own grave
(c) Imperialism is the highest state of capitalism
(d) The state will wither away
Answer: (c)

Marx and Engels produced the famous book’ Common Manifesto’ In: (CSS-2007)
(a) 1848 (b) 1845
(c) 1883 (d) None of these
Answer: (a)

In Marx’s view, the social revolution beings when relations of production become a fetter upon the further development of forces of production. The ‘relations of production’, in this context, refer to:
(a) Relations between the nations
(b) Relations between surplus value and absolute surplus value
(c) Relation between production and distribution
(d) Relation between the basic classes
Answer: (d)

As per Marxism, which one of the following serves as the force, spurring social developing?
(a) Materialism
(b) The Communist Party
(c) Socialist ideology
(d) Class contradictions.
Answer: (d)

Which of the following are elements of Marxism? (CSS-2008)
(a) Concept of surplus value
(b) Dialectical Materialism
(c) Doctrine of class struggle
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)

Which one of the following ideas is integral to Marxism?
(a) Materialist dialectics
(b) Priority of the economic factor
(c) Surplus value as mode of appropriation of surplus under capitalism
(d) Concept of class struggle
Answer: (a)

What is the cornerstone of Marxism?
(a) Attack on bourgeois way to life
(b) Economic determinism
(c) Materialist conception of history
(d) A distinctive philosophy of the state
Answer: (b)

On what basis does Marx’s dialectic materialism interpret and analyze the social events?
(a) Material Forces
(b) Communal Forces
(c) Political Forces
(d) International milieu
Answer: (a)

The three sources of Marx’s thought are:
(a) German Philosophy, French, Economy and British Socialism
(b) German Philosophy, Russian Anarchism and French Socialism
(c) German Philosophy, British Economics and French
(d) Utopian Socialism, French Revolution and Tsarist autonomy
Answer: (c)

The well-known theorist of New Social Movement is:
(a) Jürgen Habermas
(c) Foucault
(b) Karl Marx
(d) Louis Pierre Althusser
Answer: (c)

The Marxian theory of Surplus Value is largely derived from the theory of:
(a) Adam Smith
(b) Ricardo
(c) Malthus
(d) John Stuart Mill
Answer: (b)

According to Marx, which one of the following is the principle of distribution in the Socialist State?
(a) From each according to his ability to each according to his needs
(b) From each according to his ability to each according to his work
(c) That property should be equally distributed among all
(d) That merit alone should be the basis of distribution
Answer: (b)

In Marxist thought, the Concept of Hegemony is closely associated with whom among the following?
(a) F. Engels
(b) Rosa Luxemburg
(c) A. Gramsci
(d) Mao-Tse-Tung
Answer: (c)

The founder of communism is: (CSS-2010)
(a) Plato
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Mao-Tse-TUNG
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

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