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Daily Top-20 MCQs for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC (Set-17)

Daily Top-20 MCQs for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC (Set-17)

Daily Top-20 MCQs (Set-17)

for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC and related Exams

Today’s MCQs are all about General Knowledge, these MCQs are taken from Past Papers which are helpful for all type competitive exams.

Which of the following countries is the largest supplier of meat?
(a) Argentina
(b) Pakistan
(c) Iran
(d) Arabia
Answer: a

Which type of storm is the most severe storm?
(a) Hurricane
(b) Tornado
(c) Typhoon
(d) None of these
Answer: b

Which two countries share longest frontier (16416 km) in the world?
(a) China and India
(b) Australia and Japan
(c) Canada and USA
(d) None of these
Answer: c

Who was the first woman to become a cosmonaut?
(a) Christa McAuliffe
(b) Mae Jemison
(c) Valentina Tereshkova
(d) Elena Kondakova
Answer: c

What is the largest Muslim country in the world, by population, according to survey of 2013?
(a) Pakistan
(b) Saudi Arabia
(c) Kazakhstan
(d) Indonesia
Answer: d

Who was the first black woman elected to the U.S. Congress?
(a) Shirley Chisholm
(b) Anna J. Cooper
(c) Rosa Parks
(d) None of these
Answer: a

Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
(a) Selma Lagerlof
(b) Pearl Buck
(c) Betty Williams
(d) Marie Curie
Answer: d

Who was the first woman to win Nobel Prizes in two different categories?
(a) Selma Lagerlof
(b) Pearl Buck
(c) Betty Williams
(d) Marie Curie
Answer: d

Who was the world’s first female Prime Minister?
(a) Margaret Thatcher
(b) Mary Eugenia Charles
(c) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
(d) Indira Gandhi
Answer: c

Who was the first African-American woman in space?
(a) Susan Jane Helms
(b) Sally Ride
(c) Marsha Sue Ivins
(d) Mae Jamison
Answer: d

What country has the world’s oldest National Anthem?
(a) Netherlands
(b) Denmark
(c) Japan
(d) Greece
Answer: c

What head of Government was the first to give birth in office?
(a) Srimavo Bandaranaike Sri Lanka
(b) Maria Estate Pew Argentina
(c) Benazir Bhutto Pakistan
(d) None of them
Answer: c

Who was the first man to fly across the channel?
(a) Louis Bleriot
(b) Douglas Bader
(c) Margaret Mitchell
(d) Walt Disney
Answer: a

Which is the most traded product in the world?
(a) Oil
(b) Coffee
(c) Tea
(d) Wheat
Answer: a

Who has won the most Oscars?
(a) Louis Bleriot
(b) Douglas Bader
(c) Margaret Mitchell
(d) Walt Disney
Answer: d

In 1953 what was first successfully transmitted in the USA?
(a) Colour Television
(b) Black and white Television
(c) Radio transmission
(d) Phone transmission
Answer: a

Who is the only American president elected unopposed?
(a) George Washington
(b) Thomas Jefferson
(c) John Adams
(d) Ibrahim Lincoln
Answer: a

Which country was the first to introduce old age pensions?
(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) Italy
(d) Austria
Answer: a

What is the world’s biggest National Park in the world?
(a) Wood Buffalo Canada
(b) Wood Buffalo France
(c) Wood Buffalo USA
(d) Wood Buffalo Austria
Answer: a

USA has most cars what country has second most
(a) Japan
(b) China
(c) India
(d) France
Answer: a

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