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Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
March 28, 2020
Disperse (verb)
الگ کرنا، منتشر کرنا،پھیلانا
distribute or spread over a wide area.
Example: “storms can disperse seeds via high altitudes”
Synonyms: scatter, disseminate, distribute, spread, broadcast, diffuse, strew, sow, sprinkle
Antonyms: gather
Calamity (noun) آفت، قہر، سانحہ
an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.
Example: “emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity”
Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe, tragedy, cataclysm, devastating blow, crisis, adversity, blight, tribulation
Antonyms: godsend, blessing
Isolation (noun)
تنہائی، علیحدگی، مخصوص
the process or fact of isolating or being isolated.
Example: “isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety”
Synonyms: separation, segregation, setting apart, keeping apart, quarantine, insulation, seclusion
Antonyms: contact, accessibility
Adverse (adjective)
مختلف، برعکس، الٹا، ناموافق
preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable.
Example: “taxes are having an adverse effect on production”
Synonyms: unfavourable, disadvantageous, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfortunate, unlucky, untimely
Antonyms: favourable, beneficial, positive, friendly
Disincentive (noun)
پیداوار یا ترقی میں مانع، ناپسندیدہ
a factor, especially a financial disadvantage, that discourages a particular action.
Example: “spiralling house prices are beginning to act as a disincentive to development”
Synonyms: deterrent, discouragement, dissuasion, damper, brake, curb, check, restraint, inhibition
Antonyms: incentive
Intrusion (noun)
مداخلت کاری، قبضہ، حملہ، خلل اندازی
the action of intruding.
Example: “he was furious about this intrusion into his private life”
Synonyms: encroachment on, trespass on, obtrusion into, invasion of, incursion into, violation of, interruption of
Antonyms: withdrawal
Fertile (adjective)
زرخیز، اگانے کے قابل
(of soil or land) producing or capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops.
Example: “the fertile coastal plain”
Synonyms: fecund, fruitful, productive, high-yielding, prolific, proliferating, propagative, generative
Antonyms: infertile
Breeding (noun)
افزائش نسل، نسل بڑھانا
the mating and production of offspring by animals.
Example: “the flooding of the rivers is a trigger for breeding to start”
Synonyms: reproduction, reproducing, procreation, multiplying, propagation, mating, rearing, raising,
Antonyms: bad manners, vulgarity
Glimpse (noun)
جھلک، سرسری طور پر دیکھنا
a momentary or partial view.
Example: “she caught a glimpse of the ocean”
Synonyms: brief look, quick look, glance, peek, peep, sight, sighting
Antonyms: observation, scrutiny, investigation, inspection
Moratorium استقامت، قرضے میں مہلت
a temporary prohibition of an activity.
Example: “a moratorium on the use of drift nets”
Synonyms: embargo, ban, prohibition, suspension, postponement, stay, stoppage, halt, freeze
Antonyms: recommencement, renewal, resumption, resuscitation
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