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Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (30 December 2022)

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.  So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

Daily Dawn News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
December 30, 2022

Distinction (noun) تفریق، فرق، امتیاز

a difference or contrast between similar things or people.
Example: “there is a sharp distinction between what is work and what is leisure”
Synonyms: difference, contrast, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, divergence, variance, variation
Antonyms: similarity

Renounce (verb) استعفیٰ دینا، مستعفی ہونا، سبکدوش ہوجانا

formally declare one’s abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession).
Example: “Isabella offered to renounce her son’s claim to the French Crown”
Synonyms: reject, refuse to abide by, refuse to recognize, repudiate
Antonyms: accept, abide by

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Appeasement (noun) راضی کرنے کا عمل، طمانیت، مطمئن

the action or process of appeasing.
Example: “a policy of appeasement”
Synonyms: conciliation, placation, pacification, propitiation, palliation, allaying, reconciliation, acquiescence
Antonyms: provocation, aggression

Embolden (verb) حوصلہ افزائی کرنا

give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
Example: “emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers”
Synonyms: give courage, make brave/braver, encourage, hearten, strengthen, fortify, stiffen the resolve of
Antonyms: dishearten, discourage

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Dichotomy (noun) دو نوعیتی، دو حصوں میں تقسیم ہونے والا

a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
Example: “a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism”
Synonyms: division, separation, divorce, split, gulf, chasm, difference, contrast, disjunction
Antonyms: agreement, likeness, sameness, similarity

Gullible (adjective) سادہ مزاج، بھولا

easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
Example: “an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money”
Synonyms: credulous, over-trusting, over-trustful, trustful, easily deceived/led, easily taken in, exploitable
Antonyms: cynical, suspicious

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Diligence (noun) محنت، جانفشانی، سرگرمی

careful and persistent work or effort.
Example: “few party members challenge his diligence as an MP”
Synonyms: conscientiousness, assiduousness, assiduity, industriousness, rigour, rigorousness
Antonyms: laziness, carelessness

Grievance (noun) شکایت، شکوہ، بغض

a real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment.
Example: “a website which enabled staff to air their grievances”
Synonyms: injustice, unjust act, wrong, injury, ill, offence, disservice, unfairness, evil
Antonyms: commendation

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Dismal (adjective) غمگین، مایوس کن، اداسی والا

causing a mood of gloom or depression.
Example: “the dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening”
Synonyms: dingy, dim, dark, gloomy, sombre, dreary, drab, dull, desolate, bleak
Antonyms: bright, cheerful

Embezzlement (noun) خیانت، چوری

theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one’s trust or belonging to one’s employer.
Example: “charges of fraud and embezzlement”
Synonyms: misappropriation, theft, stealing, robbing, robbery, thieving, pilfering, pilferage
Antonyms: give, receive, compensate, pay

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Why Dawn News Vocabulary is importat in CSS/PMS Exams?

A worthy vocabulary continuously plays vital role in clearing all competitive exams like Federal Public Service Commission FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, OTS and all other related exams. English Vocabulary (especially Daily Dawn News Vocabulary) is really very essential when it comes to solving the English language section any competitive exam.

Every aspirant knows the importance of English language and Dawn News vocabulary. In order to facilitate the aspirants, we have started a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website. The vocabulary will include the words from dawn newspaper along with their meanings which will save a lot of time of the aspirants.  So, keep in touch with CSS Times for daily Dawn News vocabulary with Urdu Meanings.

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