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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning 17 September 2019

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning 17 September 2019

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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
September 17, 2019

Persuade (verb) قائل کرنا، راغب کرنا

induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
Example: “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”
Synonyms: prevail on, talk someone into, coax, convince, make, get, press someone into
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter

Deficit (noun) خسارہ، کمی، خسارے کے اخراجات

the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.
Example: “an annual operating deficit”
Synonyms: shortfall, deficiency, shortage, undersupply, slippage; indebtedness, debt,
Antonyms: surplus, profit

Halt (verb) ٹھہرنا، جگہ

bring or come to an abrupt stop.
Example: “there is growing pressure to halt the bloodshed”
Synonyms: stop, come to a halt, come to a stop, come to a standstill, come to rest, pull up
Antonyms: start, go, continue

Vigorous (adjective) بھرپور،زبردست، ہٹا کٹا

strong, healthy, and full of energy.
Example: “a tall, vigorous, and muscular man”
Synonyms: robust, healthy, in good health, hale and hearty, strong, strong as an ox/horse/lion
Antonyms: frail, weak

Absolve (verb) حل کرنا، بری کرنا، فارغ

declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.
Example: “the pardon absolved them of any crimes”
Synonyms: exonerate, discharge, acquit, exculpate, vindicate; release, relieve, liberate, free
Antonyms: blame, condemn, punish

Settle (verb) تصفیہ

resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem).
Example: “the unions have settled their year-long dispute with Hollywood producers”
Synonyms: resolve, sort out, reach an agreement about, find a solution to, find an answer to
Antonyms: prolong

Righteousness (noun) تقویٰ، صداقت، نیکی

the quality of being morally right or justifiable.
Example: “we had little doubt about the righteousness of our cause”
Synonyms: goodness, virtue, virtuousness, uprightness, decency, integrity, worthiness, rectitude
Antonyms: wickedness, sinfulness

Relish (verb) لطف اٹھانا، مزے لینا، لذت، ذائقہ

enjoy greatly.
Example: “he was relishing his moment of glory”
Synonyms: enjoy, delight in, love, like, adore, be pleased by, take pleasure in, rejoice in
Antonyms: dislike

Gobble (verb) بغیر چبائے کھانا، بڑے بڑے نوالے کھانا

eat (something) hurriedly and noisily.
Example: “he gobbled up the rest of his sandwich”
Synonyms: eat greedily/hungrily, guzzle, bolt, gulp, swallow hurriedly, devour, wolf, cram
Antonyms: nibble

Discriminatory (adjective) امتیازی سلوک، فرق

making or showing an unfair or prejudicial distinction between different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
Example: “discriminatory employment practices”
Synonyms: prejudicial, biased, prejudiced, preferential, unfair, unjust, invidious, inequitable,
Antonyms: impartial, fair

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