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Daily Dawn Vocabulary

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (08 August 2021)

Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (08 August 2021)
Written by CSS Times

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Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
August 08, 2021

Snag (noun) نوکیلا ابھار، رکاوٹ

an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback.
Example: “there’s one small snag”
Synonyms: obstacle, difficulty, complication, catch, hitch, stumbling block, pitfall, unseen problem
Antonyms: discharge, free, liberate, release

Tendency (noun) رغبت، رجحان، جھکاﺅ

an inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behaviour.
Example: “for students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings”
Synonyms: propensity, proclivity, proneness, aptness, likelihood, inclination, disposition, predisposition
Antonyms: dislike, hate, antipathy, disinclination

Piecemeal (adjective) تھوڑا تھوڑا، ریزہ ریزہ

characterized by unsystematic partial measures taken over a period of time.
Example: “the village is slowly being killed off by piecemeal development”
Synonyms: a little at a time, piece by piece, bit by bit, gradually, slowly, in stages, in steps
Antonyms: sudden

Stagger (verb) لڑکھڑانا، ڈگمگا کر چلنا

walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.
Example: “he staggered to his feet, swaying a little”
Synonyms: lurch, walk unsteadily, reel, sway, teeter, totter, stumble, wobble, move clumsily
Antonyms: dive (in), plunge (in)

Fluctuate (verb) اتار چڑھاﺅ

rise and fall irregularly in number or amount.
Example: “trade with other countries tends to fluctuate from year to year”
Synonyms: vary, differ, shift, change, alter, waver, swing, oscillate, alternate, rise and fall
Antonyms: be steady

Prudent (adjective) عاقل، سیانا، دانشمند، ہوشیار

acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Example: “no prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose”
Synonyms: wise, well judged, judicious, sagacious, sage, shrewd, advisable, well advised, politic
Antonyms: unwise, imprudent, incautious, extravagant,

Leverage (noun) اثر، قوت، بیرمی نظام

the exertion of force by means of a lever.
Example: “my spade hit something solid that wouldn’t respond to leverage”
Synonyms: grip, purchase, hold, grasp, contact, attachment, support, anchorage, force
Antonyms: helplessness, weakness, impotency, powerlessness

Ambiguity (noun) ابہام، غیر واضح

the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.
Example: “we can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act”
Synonyms: ambivalence, equivocation, obscurity, vagueness, abstruseness, doubtfulness, uncertainty
Antonyms: unambiguousness, transparency

Unbridled (adjective) بے لگام، بے ضبط

uncontrolled; unconstrained.
Example: “a moment of unbridled ambition”
Synonyms: unrestrained, unconstrained, uncontrolled, uninhibited, unrestricted, unchecked, uncurbed
Antonyms: restrained, controlled

Obscenity (noun) بیہودگی، فحاشی

the state or quality of being obscene.
Example: “the book was banned for obscenity”
Synonyms: indecency, immorality, impropriety, salaciousness, smuttiness, smut, lewdness, rudeness
Antonyms: blessing, kindness, right, innocence

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