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MCQs on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

MCQs on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

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MCQs on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

Welcome to our website! ( In this post, we will be testing your knowledge on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) through a series of multiple-choice questions, and providing the answers so you can assess your understanding. The SCO is an intergovernmental organization that promotes cooperation and security among its member states in various fields, including trade, energy, security, and cultural exchanges. With its increasing influence in the world stage, understanding the SCO and its operations is becoming more important than ever. So, let’s see how much you know about this organization and its member states through these challenging but informative multiple-choice questions, and learn from the answers provided.

Here are some MCQs on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) with answers:

Which of the following countries is not a member of the SCO?

a) India
b) Pakistan
c) Afghanistan
d) Kazakhstan
Answer: c) Afghanistan

What is the main goal of the SCO?

a) To promote economic cooperation and regional stability
b) To promote political domination of the region
c) To promote religious unity in the region
d) To promote military expansion in the region
Answer: a) To promote economic cooperation and regional stability

When was the SCO established?

a) 1991
b) 1996
c) 2001
d) 2006
Answer: c) 2001

Which of the following countries is an observer state of the SCO?

a) Turkey
b) Japan
c) Iran
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

MCQs on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

Which country holds the rotating presidency of the SCO for the year 2021-22?

a) China
b) Russia
c) India
d) Pakistan
Answer: b) Russia

What is the name of the joint military exercises held by the SCO member states?

a) Peace Mission
b) Joint Exercise
c) Operation Shield
d) Strategic Alliance
Answer: a) Peace Mission

Which of the following countries is not a dialogue partner of the SCO?

a) Belarus
b) Sri Lanka
c) Nepal
d) Saudi Arabia
Answer: d) Saudi Arabia

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What is the full form of SCO?

a) Shanghai Central Organisation
b) Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
c) Shanghai Commercial Organisation
d) Shanghai Constitutional Organisation
Answer: b) Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

Which country has the largest population among the SCO member states?

a) China
b) Russia
c) India
d) Pakistan
Answer: a) China

What is the name of the SCO’s economic cooperation organization?

a) SCO Economic and Trade Organisation (ECO)
b) SCO Development Bank
c) SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)
d) SCO Interbank Consortium
Answer: a) SCO Economic and Trade Organisation (ECO)

Which country joined the SCO as a full member in 2017?

a) Iran
b) Afghanistan
c) India
d) Pakistan
Answer: d) Pakistan

MCQs on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

Answer: d) All of the above (Chinese, English, and Russian)

What is the name of the annual summit of the SCO member states?

a) SCO Summit
b) Shanghai Summit
c) Regional Summit
d) Heads of State Council Meeting
Answer: a) SCO Summit

Which of the following countries has held the SCO presidency for the longest period of time?

a) Russia
b) China
c) Kazakhstan
d) Uzbekistan
Answer: b) China

What is the name of the organization established by the SCO to combat terrorism, separatism, and extremism?

a) SCO Economic and Trade Organisation (ECO)
b) SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)
c) SCO Interbank Consortium
d) SCO Development Bank
Answer: b) SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)

Which of the following countries is not a member of the SCO’s Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)?

a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Iran
Answer: d) Iran

What is the name of the joint naval exercise conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Joint Sea
b) Sea Breeze
c) Maritime Shield
d) Oceanic Alliance
Answer: a) Joint Sea

What is the name of the joint counter-terrorism exercise conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Peace Mission
b) Joint Exercise
c) Operation Shield
d) Strategic Alliance
Answer: a) Peace Mission

Which of the following countries was the founding member of the SCO?

a) China
b) Russia
c) Kazakhstan
d) Uzbekistan
Answer: b) Russia

What is the name of the organization established by the SCO to promote cultural and educational exchanges among the member states?

a) SCO Cultural and Educational Organisation (CEO)
b) SCO University
c) SCO People-to-People Friendship Association
d) SCO Youth League
Answer: c) SCO People-to-People Friendship Association

MCQs on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

Answer: b) India

Which country was the first observer state to join the SCO?

a) Mongolia
b) Iran
c) Afghanistan
d) Belarus
Answer: a) Mongolia

What is the name of the joint anti-drug operation conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Operation Shield
b) Joint Action
c) Interpol Mission
d) Operation Trojan Horse
Answer: a) Operation Shield

What is the name of the organization established by the SCO to promote cooperation in the field of science and technology?

a) SCO Science and Technology Council
b) SCO Innovation Centre
c) SCO Technology Transfer Network
d) SCO Research and Development Agency
Answer: a) SCO Science and Technology Council

Which of the following countries was granted observer status in the SCO in 2018?

a) Sri Lanka
b) Turkey
c) Nepal
d) Saudi Arabia
Answer: d) Saudi Arabia

What is the name of the joint military intelligence organization established by the SCO member states?

a) Joint Intelligence Centre
b) Military Intelligence Coordination Centre
c) SCO Joint Staff Department
d) SCO Military Intelligence Organisation
Answer: c) SCO Joint Staff Department

Which of the following countries is not a member of the SCO’s International Business Council?

a) China
b) Russia
c) India
d) Japan
Answer: d) Japan

What is the name of the joint counter-narcotics exercise conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Operation Red Shield
b) Operation Blue Shield
c) Operation Green Shield
d) Operation Yellow Shield
Answer: b) Operation Blue Shield

Which of the following countries is not a dialogue partner of the SCO?

a) Egypt
b) Greece
c) Malaysia
d) Cambodia
Answer: b) Greece

What is the name of the organization established by the SCO to promote cooperation in the field of agriculture?

a) SCO Agricultural Development Bank
b) SCO Agricultural Cooperation Organisation
c) SCO Agricultural Research Centre
d) SCO Agricultural Extension Service
Answer: b) SCO Agricultural Cooperation Organisation

What is the name of the joint exercise conducted by the SCO member states to counter cyber threats?

a) Cyber Shield
b) Cyber Defence
c) Cyber Security
d) Cyber Protection
Answer: a) Cyber Shield

Which of the following countries is not a dialogue partner of the SCO?

a) Italy
b) South Korea
c) Brazil
d) Turkey
Answer: c) Brazil

What is the name of the joint military exercise conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Peace Mission
b) Joint Defence
c) War Games
d) Military Alliance
Answer: a) Peace Mission

Which of the following countries has applied for membership in the SCO?

a) Bangladesh
b) Myanmar
c) Sri Lanka
d) Nepal
Answer: d) Nepal

What is the name of the joint border security exercise conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Border Shield
b) Border Defence
c) Border Security
d) Border Protection
Answer: a) Border Shield

Which of the following countries is not a founding member of the SCO?

a) Kazakhstan
b) Kyrgyzstan
c) Tajikistan
d) Uzbekistan
Answer: d) Uzbekistan

What is the name of the organization established by the SCO to promote tourism among the member states?

a) SCO Tourism Council
b) SCO Travel Agency
c) SCO Tourism Development Bank
d) SCO Tourism Promotion Centre
Answer: d) SCO Tourism Promotion Centre

Which of the following countries was granted observer status in the SCO in 2020?

a) Bangladesh
b) Sri Lanka
c) Vietnam
d) Iran
Answer: a) Bangladesh

What is the name of the joint humanitarian aid and disaster relief exercise conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Peace Mission
b) Humanitarian Shield
c) Joint Rescue
d) Disaster Relief
Answer: d) Disaster Relief

Which of the following countries is not a member of the SCO’s Interbank Consortium?

a) China
b) Russia
c) India
d) Japan
Answer: d) Japan

MCQs on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

Answer: b) Indonesia

What is the name of the joint cultural exchange program conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Culture Bridge
b) Cultural Integration
c) Cultural Harmony
d) Cultural Diplomacy
Answer: a) Culture Bridge

Which of the following countries has applied for observer status in the SCO?

a) Sri Lanka
b) Bangladesh
c) Nepal
d) Bhutan
Answer: d) Bhutan

What is the name of the joint naval exercise conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Naval Shield
b) Maritime Defence
c) Joint Sea
d) Naval Alliance
Answer: c) Joint Sea

Which of the following countries is not a member of the SCO’s Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)?

a) Kazakhstan
b) China
c) Pakistan
d) India
Answer: d) India

What is the name of the joint exercise conducted by the SCO member states to counter illegal drug trafficking?

a) Operation Shield
b) Operation Red Rose
c) Operation Golden Triangle
d) Operation Phoenix
Answer: c) Operation Golden Triangle

Which of the following countries is not a dialogue partner of the SCO?

a) Germany
b) Mexico
c) Canada
d) Australia
Answer: c) Canada

What is the name of the joint exercise conducted by the SCO member states to counter terrorism?

a) Peace Mission
b) Joint Defence
c) War Games
d) Counter-Terrorism Exercise
Answer: a) Peace Mission

Which of the following countries is not a founding member of the SCO?

a) Russia
b) China
c) Kazakhstan
d) Pakistan
Answer: d) Pakistan

What is the name of the organization established by the SCO to promote cooperation in the field of education?

a) SCO Education Council
b) SCO Education Exchange Centre
c) SCO Education Network
d) SCO Education Development Bank
Answer: a) SCO Education Council

Which of the following countries is not a full member of the SCO?

a) India
b) Pakistan
c) Iran
d) Uzbekistan
Answer: c) Iran

What is the name of the joint military medical exercise conducted by the SCO member states?

a) Medical Mission
b) Joint Health
c) Healthcare Shield
d) Medical Shield
Answer: d) Medical Shield

Which of the following countries is not a member of the SCO’s Regional Anti-Drug Structure (RADS)?

a) China
b) Kyrgyzstan
c) Russia
d) India
Answer: d) India

What is the name of the joint exercise conducted by the SCO member states to counter natural disasters?

a) Joint Rescue
b) Disaster Relief
c) Humanitarian Shield
d) Emergency Response
Answer: b) Disaster Relief

Which of the following countries was granted dialogue partner status in the SCO in 2021?

a) Spain
b) Argentina
c) Mexico
d) Brazil
Answer: b) Argentina

What is the name of the joint counter-terrorism organization established by the SCO member states?

a) SCO Anti-Terrorist Centre
b) SCO Joint Counter-Terrorism Organisation
c) SCO Security and Counter-Terrorism Centre
d) SCO Counter-Terrorism Task Force
Answer: a) SCO Anti-Terrorist Centre

Which of the following countries has applied for full membership in the SCO?

a) Iran
b) Afghanistan
c) Turkmenistan
d) Uzbekistan
Answer: b) Afghanistan

What is the name of the joint exercise conducted by the SCO member states to counter extremism?

a) Joint Peace
b) Harmony Mission
c) Unity Shield
d) Joint Operation
Answer: c) Unity Shield

Which of the following countries is not a member of the SCO’s Energy Club?

a) Kazakhstan
b) Russia
c) China
d) India
Answer: d) India

What is the name of the joint exercise conducted by the SCO member states to counter piracy?

a) Maritime Shield
b) Anti-Piracy Mission
c) Joint Sea
d) Naval Defence
Answer: b) Anti-Piracy Mission


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About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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