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World Geography MCQs (Set-I)

World Geography MCQs (Set-I)
Written by CSS Times

World Geography MCQs (Set-I)

Who was the first person to use the word “geography”?
(a) William Morris Davis
(b) Ptolemy
(c) Eratosthenes
(d) Strabo
Answer: c

Which of the following rivers is almost same length as Indus River?
(a) Euphrates
(b) Rio Grande
(c) Brahmaputra
(d) Danube
Answer: c

Which one of the following countries does not border Libya?
(a) Tunisia
(b) Morocco
(c) Egypt
(d) Chad
Answer: b

What part of the atmosphere are you breathing right now?
(a) Bathysphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Troposphere
(d) Ionosphere
Answer: c

Cape Agulhas is where which of the following Oceans meet?
(a) Atlantic and Indian
(b) Indian and Pacific
(c) Atlantic and Arctic
(d) Pacific and Atlantic
Answer: a

Which of the following countries is closest in size to Pakistan?
(a) Congo
(b) Paraguay
(c) Turkey
(d) Chile
Answer: c

Check Also: Geography of Pakistan MCQs

Which of the following country is called enclave?
(a) Kosovo
(b) Liechtenstein
(c) Slovakia
(d) San Marino
Answer: d

What is the only country that shares a land border with Canada?
(a) Greenland
(b) United States
(c) Russia
(d) Mexico
Answer: b

Which is the only country in South America with coasts on both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean?
(a) Peru
(b) Colombia
(c) Chile
(d) Brazil
Answer: b

Which one of the following countries is an archipelago located in the Indian Ocean?
(a) Vanuatu
(b) Maldives
(c) Jamaica
(d) Kiribati
Answer: b

What is the new capital of Sri Lanka?
(a) Yangon
(b) Colombo
(c) Naypyidawa
(d) Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte
Answer: d

What is the new capital of Myanmar?
(a) Yangon
(b) Colombo
(c) Naypyidawa
(d) Katmandu
Answer: c

Check also: Random General Knowledge Questions [Set-1]

Equator passes through?
(a) Pakistan
(b) Malta
(c) Malaysia
(d) Indonesia
Answer: d

Mercator is the first to use what term for a collection of maps?
(a) Atlas
(b) Enchiridion
(c) Gazetteer
(d) Encyclopedia
Answer: a

The most well-known geographic coordinate system is latitude and longitude…also, commonly referred as?
(a) Parallels and meridians
(b) Horizontals and verticals
(c) Primes and equators
(d) X-lines and y-lines
Answer: a

The only line of latitude which is as large as any line of longitude is the:
(a) Tropic of Capricorn
(b) Prime Meridian
(c) Tropic of Cancer
(d) Equator
Answer: d

Which African country is long and narrow, sandwiched between Ghana and Benin?
(a) Togo
(b) Djibouti
(c) Burkina Faso
(d) Cote D’Ivoire
Answer: a

What word is a synonym for all lines of latitude?
(a) Meridian
(b) Equator
(c) Parallel
(d) Hemisphere
Answer: c

What are the systems of interlocking lines of latitude and longitude on a map called?
(a) Parallels
(b) Grids
(c) Equator
(d) Meridians
Answer: b

What line of latitude lies at 0 degrees?
(a) Parallels
(b) Grids
(c) Equator
(d) Meridians
Answer: c

What is the directional indicator on a map called?
(a) Navigator
(b) Mercator
(c) Compass Rose
(d) Meridian
Answer: c

Degrees on a map are divided into 60 equal parts. What are these parts called?
(a) Days
(b) Seconds
(c) Minutes
(d) Hours
Answer: c

Which of the following countries is closest in size to Yemen?
(a) Myanmar
(b) Syria
(c) Oman
(d) Mali
Answer: a

If you wanted to go on a cruise on which sea would you not be able to sail.
(a) Green Sea
(b) Red Sea
(c) Yellow Sea
(d) Black Sea
Answer: a

Based on post-WWII planning principles, which American ‘New City’ is located in the San Francisco Bay area?
(a) Carter
(b) San Leander
(c) Mariner
(d) Foster
Answer: d

Which of the following countries is closest in size to Germany?
(a) Greece
(b) Chile
(c) Spain
(d) Italy
Answer: d

What is the national language of Kenya?
(a) English
(b) French
(c) Kenyatta
(d) Swahili
Answer: d

Formerly, Somalia was under the control of which two imperialist countries?
(a) Italy and Britain
(b) France and Britain
(c) Italy and France
(d) Germany and Portugal
Answer: a

Which two countries share the longest border?
(a) Chile and Argentina
(b) USA & Canada
(c) USA and Mexico
(d) Brazil and Peru
Answer: b

What is the only Central American country not to have Spanish as its official language?
(a) Belize
(b) Panama
(c) Costa Rica
(d) Guatemala
Answer: a

What is the only country to speak Dutch in South America?
(a) Bolivia
(b) Guyana
(c) Suriname
(d) Paraguay
Answer: c

Zacatecas is a state located in which country?
(a) Canada
(b) Mexico
(c) Brazil
(d) Jamaica
Answer: b

What small country is a peninsula in the Persian Gulf? It is also the only country that starts with the letter Q.
(a) Qatar
(b) Qinghai
(c) Qanat
(d) Qiemo
Answer: a

Which of the following three-letter combinations begins the name of the most countries?
(a) Mal
(b) Bur
(c) Cam
(d) Bel
Answer: a

In terms of basic physical geography, which of the following is the odd one out?”
(a) Zimbabwe
(b) Malawi
(c) Mozambique
(d) Zambia
Answer: c

Madagascar is off the coast of what country?
(a) South Africa
(b) Mozambique
(c) Tanzania
(d) Kenya
Answer: b

How many countries in world start with “Q”?
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 3
(d) 0
Answer: b

What continent is home to all the world’s countries that begin with “Z”?
(a) South America
(b) Africa
(c) Asia
(d) Europe
Answer: b

Which of these four geographical lines runs through the most countries?
(a) Tropic of Capricorn
(b) Prime Meridian
(c) Equator
(d) Tropic of Cancer
Answer: d

How many U.S. states border the Pacific Ocean?
(a) Four
(b) Seven
(c) Three
(d) Five
Answer: d

What is the name of the huge modern Ferris wheel overlooking the Thames in downtown London?
(a) London Eye
(b) Big Ben
(c) Stonehenge
(d) None of these
Answer: a

Who are the only people allowed to touch the Stonehenge monument?
(a) Druids
(b) Stuarts
(c) Lords
(d) None of these
Answer: a

What is the name of the bell inside Parliament Clock Tower?
(a) Big Ben
(b) London Eye
(c) Stonehenge
(d) None of these
Answer: a

Removal of the top layer of soil/rocks by wind, water is known as
(a) Corrosion
(b) Desalination
(c) Detoxification
(d) Erosion
Answer: d

Natural hot water springs occurring in New Zealand, Italy and Iceland are known as
(a) Hot Bubbles
(b) Old Faithful
(c) Fountains
(d) Geysers
Answer: d

Greenhouse effect will lead to
(a) An increase in Oxygen Production
(b) Greater rainfall
(c) Decrease in atmospheric pressure
(d) An increase in the temperature
Answer: d

What are metal bearing rocks called
(a) Metalloids
(b) Slag
(c) Bitumen
(d) Ores
Answer: d

Coal is formed from
(a) Rocks
(b) Soil
(c) Organic Matter
(d) Lava
Answer: c

Solar Energy is a
(a) Non Renewable Source of Energy
(b) Polluting Source of Energy
(c) Very limited source of energy
(d) Renewable Source of Energy
Answer: d

Which of the following is a main component of common glass?
(a) Water
(b) Marble
(c) Powdered Mica
(d) Sand
Answer: d

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CSS Times

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