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10 Attractive Facts About Pakistan You Must Know

10 Attractive Facts About Pakistan You Must Know | One constant in modern journalism, the brunt of which has been felt by many nations like Pakistan, is the negative bias in reporting. When discussing politics and social trends with international friends/colleagues often Pakistanis find themselves either at the butt of ignorant jokes or having to explain the reality of their country and culture. Here are some positive and unique aspects of Pakistan that add richness and beauty to our world.

Facts About Pakistan [Fact Number: 1]

One of the world’s earliest and largest civilizations flourished in the region

One of the world’s earliest and largest civilizations flourished in the region

The Indus Valley Civilization, which blossomed around the Indus river and delta, is one of the world’s oldest societies whose traces in form of constructions, relics and fossils are preserved today at the site of their cities and in many museums around the world. The Indus civilization along with the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilization are the earliest three civilizations of the old world from which the Indus was the most widespread. The civilization comprised of dozens of well-planned cities and towns with baths, urban drainage and water supply systems and many large nonresidential building grouped together indicating government systems. With its peak population at 5 million the locals of the valley invented new types of handicrafts and metallurgy many of which were still intact when excavated along with children’s toys and very few weapons.

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Facts About Pakistan [Fact Number: 2]

Home to the youngest Nobel Laureate

Home to the youngest Nobel Laureate

Pakistan’s Malala Yousufzai is the youngest Nobel Prizewinner in the world who was awarded the honor for championing universal education even after being shot by the Taliban at the age of 15 for reporting on the situation of girl’s education in her city. Shot on the way to school, Malala was brought to hospital in Birmingham after being briefly treated in Pakistan for the critical head injury and fortunately went through a miraculous recovery. She is currently studying at Oxford while continuing her work for the rights of children to gain education.

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
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