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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (December 06, 2021) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (December 06, 2021) for CSS, PMS

December 06, 2021: National / International Current Affairs

1. Pakistan, S. Arabia sign deals on workers` recruitment, skills

• Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have signed two agreements related to workers` recruitment and skills verification of Pakistani workforce being employed in the kingdom, said a statement issued by the Foreign Office on December 5, 2021.
• It said the signing ceremony of the agreements took place during the visit of Minister for Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mahmood to Saudi Arabia.
• According to the FO, the agreement on workers` recruitment will contribute to streamlining the process of export of workforce from Pakistan in diverse professions in the kingdom while safeguarding their due rights and providing comprehensive legal protection to Pakistani nationals employed in Saudi Arabia. The agreement will also help in resolving contractual disputes and taking legal recourse against recruitment offices, companies or agencies for any violation.
• The agreement on skills verification will enhance export of skilled and certified Pakistani workforce to the kingdom

2. FM begins visit to Belgium today

• Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi will visit Brussels from December 6 to 8.
• Pakistan and Belgium enjoy cordial and friendly relations based on shared values of democracy, pluralism, mutual respect and close cooperation, a spokesperson for the Foreign Office said.
• Over the years, bilateral relations have grown stronger in economic, trade, culture and education fields.
• With a trade volume of $982 million, Belgium is the Efth largest trading partner of Pakistan in the EU.

3. Navy ship visits Senegal, sets up medical camp

• Pakistan Navy Ship (PNS) Alamgir visited Dakar, the capital of Senegal, on December 5, 2021 and established a free medical camp as a gesture of goodwill.
• Upon arrival, the ship was received by officials of Senegal`s health ministry and the navy, as well as Pakistan`s defence attaché, said a press release issued by Pakistan Navy.
• During the port visit, PNS Alamgir`s mission commander and commanding officer called on Senegal`s defence minister, the chief of naval staff and the chief of air staff. During the interactions, matters of mutual interest were discussed and the enhancement of bilateral ties in all spheres was reaffirmed

4. PML-N wins back NA-133 seat amid low turnout

• Amid low turnout, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) on Sunday sailed through the NA-133 by-election, which was hotly contested by the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) while a PTI candidate was knocked out on technical ground, unofficial results show.
• According to unofficial results, PML-N`s Shaista Pervaiz Malik bagged 46,811 votes while PPP`s Chaudhry Aslam Gill could secure 32,313 ballots in a race that remained largely peaceful, except a couple of minor clashes between activists of the two major rivals.
• However, the voter turnout remained 18.59 per cent as out of total 440,845 voters, only 80,022 used their rights to franchise. At least 898 votes were rejected

5. Jhang AC shot dead by cousin over trifle

• The Jhang assistant commissioner was shot dead allegedly by his cousin over a petty issue at his native Chak 237-JB in Langrana police limits on December 5, 2021.
• As per police, AC Imran Jaffar had been posted at Jhang and came on a visit to his native village.
• The police said Jaffar had differences with his cousins living next door over laying of a sewerage line in the street.
• On Sunday, Jaffar exchanged words with his cousins over the sewerage issue again outside his house

6. Saudi coalition steps up strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen

• A Saudi-led coalition fighting Iran-backed rebels in Yemen accelerated air strikes on the capital and elsewhere in the conflict-stricken country in recent weeks, as government forces advanced in the west coast and the key province of Marib, officials said on December 5, 2021.
• The coalition said it hit military facilities in rebel-held Sanaa and launched air strikes against Houthi front lines in the strategic Marib and Hodeida provinces.
• Government forces, meanwhile, seized a major district in Hodeida province and other areas on Yemen`s western coast, military officials from both sides said

7. People jabbed with Sputnik allowed to enter Saudi Arabia

• Saudi Arabia has granted approval for people vaccinated with Russia`s Sputnik jab to enter the country in a move that will enable Muslims to take part in Haj and Umrah, the vaccine`s developers said on December 5, 2021.
• `The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has granted approval for entry of individuals vaccinated with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine starting from January 1, 2022,` the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which financed the development of Sputnik V, said in a statement. The decision, said the fund, `will enable Muslims from all over the world vaccinated with Sputnik V to participate in the Haj and the Umrah pilgrimages to Islam`s holiest sites in the cities of Makkah and Madina.` Foreign tourists vaccinated with Sputnik will still be required to quarantine for 48 hours and take a PCR test

8. Taliban flayed over `summary killings` of ex-security personnel

• The United States on Saturday led a group of Western nations and allies in condemnation of the Taliban over the `summary killings` of former members of the Afghan security forces reported by rights groups, demanding quick investigations.
• `We are deeply concerned by reports of summary killings and enforced disappearances of former members of the Afghan security forces as documented by Human Rights Watch and others,` read a statement by the United States, the European Union, Australia, Britain, Japan and others, which was released by the State Department.
• `We underline that the alleged actions constitute serious human rights abuses and contradict the Taliban`s announced amnesty,` the group of nations said, as it called on Afghanistan`s new rulers to ensure the amnesty is enforced and `upheld across the country and throughout their ranks`

9. 13 civilians killed in Nagaland military ambush

• Indian forces apologised on December 5, 2021 for an ambush in the volatile state of Nagaland that killed 14 people, including 13 civilians, the previous day.
• Reports quoted the security forces as saying it was a case of `mistaken identity`, and stressed the situation continued to be tense in Nagaland`s Mon district on Sunday.
• The authorities said that a large crowd of angry villagers gathered in Mon town and marched to the Assam Rifles camp, `engaging in vandalism`. The security forces opened fire, leading to the death of one more civilian

10. Veteran US senator and war hero Bob Dole dies at 98

• Bob Dole, who overcame grievous World War Two combat wounds to become a pre-eminent figure in US politics as a longtime Republican senator from Kansas and his party`s unsuccessful 1996 presidential nominee, died on December 5, 2021.
• He was 98.
• Dole, known for a wit that ranged from self-deprecating to caustic, died in his sleep, the Elizabeth Dole Foundation said. Dole announced in February that he had been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and would begin treatment

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