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November 2020

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (November 27, 2020) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (November 27, 2020) for CSS, PMS
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

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Daily Dawn Newspaper English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
November 27, 2020

1. Pakistan joins Saudi-led initiative for digital cooperation

• Pakistan on November 26, 2020 joined the Digital Cooperation Organisation (DCO), a Saudi-led initiative, aimed at promoting digital cooperation among member states.
• `Pakistan has joined the Digital Cooperation Organisation (DCO) as a founding member,` the Foreign Office said as Saudi Arabia launched the new organisation at a virtual event. A video statement of Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi was also played at the event

2. Kashmir issue is permanent item on OIC agenda: FO

• The Foreign Office on November 26, 2020 dismissed as `Indian propaganda and disinformation campaign` the reports that Kashmir issue was not on the agenda of the meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation`s foreign ministers in Niamey (Niger).
• The two-day Niamey meeting of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) begins on November 26, 2020 (today).`The reports are baseless. Such irresponsible speculations are part of false Indian propaganda and disinformation campaign.

3. Amjad Zaidi elected speaker of GB Assembly

• Amjad Hussain Zaidi of the Pakistan Tehreelei-Insaf (PTI) was elected speaker of the Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly and Nazir Ahmed of the same party deputy speaker through secret voting on November 26, 2020.
• PTI candidate Zaidi secured 18 votes while Ghulam Mohammad, joint candidate of the PPP, PML-N, JUI-F and Balawaristan National Front-Naji for the post of speaker, obtained eight votes.

4. Pakistanis join final trials for Chinese-made vaccine

• Thousands of volunteers are flocking to research hospitals across the country to join final-stage clinical trials of a Chinese-made vaccine for the novel coronavirus.
• It is the first time Pakistan has participated in such a trial, which comes amid a string of positive vaccine announcements by western pharmaceutical companies this month.
• The vaccine is being developed by Can Sino Bioand the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology China.

5. Pakistan not to recognise Israel: Foreign Office

• Pakistan November 26, 2020 reiterated that it will not recognise Israel unless there is a just settlement of the Palestine issue.
• Speaking at a weekly news briefing here, Foreign Office spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri said there was no change in Pakistan’s principled position on the issue.
• “Prime Minister Imran Khan has made it clear that unless a just settlement of the Palestine issue, acceptable to the Palestinian people, is reached, Pakistan cannot recognise Israel,” he maintained.

6. India has highest rate of bribery in Asia, Transparency International survey finds

• A survey conducted by Transparency International (TI) has found that India has the highest rate of bribery in the region.
• The results of the survey — the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – Asia — which were released on November 26, 2020 showed that India also had the highest rate of people using personal connections to access public services. The countries that were included in the survey are: Indonesia, Taiwan, Maldives, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, Nepal, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Mongolia, China, South Korea, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam

7. In tears, Danish PM apologises for handling of mink crisis

• Wiping away tears, Denmark`s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen personally apologised on November 26, 2020 for the handling of a crisis where a mutated version of the new coronavirus prompted the government to cull of millions of minks bred on farms.
• The head of government was visiting a mink farmer in the municipality of Kolding, whose animals were euthanised despite being healthy, even though it was later proved the government had no legal right to do so.
• `I don`t have any issues with apologising for the course of events, because mistakes have been made,` Frederiksen told broadcaster TV2

8. Netanyahu greets passengers as first UAE flight lands in Israel

• A fly dubai aircraft landed in Dubai from Tel Aviv on November 26, 2020, the first scheduled commercial flight between the two cities following the normalisation of ties between the United Arab Emirates and Israel.
• `Welcome to Dubai,` an immigration officer said as the passengers from Israel filed off the plane and into the glitzy Gulf city, some of them waving and giving the peace sign

9. Australian troops to be fired over unlawful Afghan killings

• Australia’s defence forces have sent notices of likely dismissal to 10 Special Forces soldiers following last week’s damning report on the murder of 39 Afghan civilians and prisoners.
• They are suspected of being accessories or witnesses to the killings, or of being dishonest in testifying. Two more soldiers are reported to have been sacked already.

10. NASA astronaut shares first video of earth from space

• NASA astronaut Victor Glover shared his first video from space as he and three other astronauts soared above the Earth while traveling to the International Space Station.
• Glover is part of the Crew-1 mission that launched aboard the SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule, nicknamed ‘Dragon Resilience’. This is Glover’s first trip to space and in the video shares the excitement – ‘the video doesn’t do it justice,’ Glover says wide-eyed and smiling as he looked down at Earth.

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Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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