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April 2018

Day by Day Current Affairs (April 5, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs
Written by CSS Times


April 5, 2018

Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  1. Pakistan approaches World Bank after India builds Kishanganga on Neelum
    • Having confirmed that India has completed the controversial Kishanganga hydropower project, Pakistan has asked the World Bank to recognise its responsibility under the Indus Waters Treaty of 1960 to address its concerns over two disputed projects.
    • Power division of the energy ministry sent a fresh communiqué early this week to the bank`s vice president urging the international organisation to `recognise its responsibility` and play its role to ensure that India abided by the provisions of the 1960 treaty while building the projects.
    • There was no doubt that India had completed the 330MW Kishanganga project during the period the World Bank `paused` the process for constitution of a Court of Arbitration (COA) as requested by Pakistan in early 2016. The Pakistani request was countered by India by calling for a neutral expert. Pakistan had called for resolution of disputes over Kishanganga project on the Neelum River and 850MW Ratle hydropower project on the Chenab.
  2. Two hydropower stations open in Dir
    • Over 2,800 people of Pacha Kalay and Asharay villages in remote Hattan Dara area near the Afghan border have finally got electricity after a wait of 70 years as two micro hydropower stations were inaugurated on April 4, 2018.
    • Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organisation (PEDO) has established the power houses.
    • The power houses have the capacity to generate 115 kilowatt of electricity enough for the two villages.
  3. US failed to raise a fully capable Afghan force: report
    • An official US report to Congress warns that the United States has not succeeded in raising a `fully capable` Afghan military despite 16 years of hard work and after spending more than $70 billion on the project.
    • The latest report by the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) also notes that Afghan ground forces now crave for air support and believe that an official Afghan Air Force is necessary for defeating Taliban insurgents.
    • The report points out that developing `a fully capable` Afghan National Defenceand Security Force (ANDSF) that is able to secure Afghanistan from internal and external threats and prevent the re-establishment of terroristsafe havenshasalso been a US national security objective
  4. China to develop BD industrial zone
    • China is developing a 750-acre industrial park in Bangladesh which will largely be used by Chinese manufacturing firms, part of its push to expand links with South Asia and beyond.
    • State-run China Harbour Engineering Company will hold a 70 per cent share in a joint venture being formed for the park with the Bangladesh Special Economic Zone Authority (BSEZA), Li Guangjun, the economic and commercial counsellor at the Chinese embassy in Dhaka, said.
  5. Turkey, Iran, Russia vow to work for stability in Syria
    • Turkey, Iran and Russia pledged on April 4, 2018 to accelerate efforts to bring stability to Syria, underlining their joint commitment to the country a day after President Donald Trump raised the prospect of withdrawing US troops.
    • A statement by the three countries after a summit meeting in the Turkish capital Ankara said they were determined to `speed up their efforts to ensure calm on the ground` in Syria.
    • While their decision to work together has done little to reduce violence in Syria, in part because of their own military interventions on opposing sides, it underlined their central role just as questions grow over Washington`s commitment.
    • Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  6. Pakistan, Canada to boost parliamentary ties
    • Pakistan and Canada have agreed to further boost parliamentary linkages and bilateral cooperation in different sectors for benefit of the people of the two countries.
    • This was agreed in a meeting between Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) delegation of the Parliament of Canada at the Parliament House on Wednesday.
  7. Saudi Arabia’s first cinema to open on 18th April
    • Saudi Arabia’s first cinema in over three decades will open on April 18 in Riyadh, after a ban was lifted last year as part of a far-reaching liberalisation drive.
    • AMC Entertainment has been granted the first licence to operate cinemas, with Saudi state media saying the US giant is expected to open 40 cinemas across 15 Saudi cities over the next five years.
    • “AMC plans to open the kingdom’s first cinema theatre in Riyadh on April 18,” the information ministry’s Centre for International Communication said in a statement. The news comes after AMC Entertainment signed a non-binding agreement in December with Saudi Arabia’s vast Public Investment Fund to build and operate cinemas across the kingdom.
  8. Transgender man gives birth in Finland first
    • A Finnish woman who underwent hormonal therapy has become the nation’s first transgender man to give birth on April 4, 2018, triggering controversy as laws require infertility to change gender.
    • “The baby weighed nearly four kilogrammes and was 53 centimetres in length (at birth),” the transgender man, whose name was not revealed to protect the family’s privacy. The man, who is in his 30s, legally changed his gender from a woman in 2015 after years of testosterone therapy.
    • But he decided to cancel sex change surgery, to complete his male physical transition, before trying to get pregnant with his husband.
  9. 80 billion barrels of oil discovered in Bahrain
    • Bahrain on April 4, 2018 announced its newly discovered shale oil reserve was estimated to contain more than 80 billion barrels, making the once-marginal oil producer potentially a major player in the market.
    • The amount of recoverable oil – or oil that can be extracted – is still under study, Oil Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa told a press conference in Manama.
    • The field covers 2,000 square kilometres (772 square miles) in shallow waters off the kingdom’s west coast, which faces oil giant Saudi Arabia.
  10. Babar Azam No1 ranked T20 batsman, Shadab second-ranked bowler
    • Pakistan opener Babar Azam has reclaimed the number-one batting ranking while wrist spinner Shadab Khan has vaulted into second position for the first time in his career in the latest ICC T20I Player Rankings, which were released on April 4, 2018.
    • Babar, who captained Pakistan in the ICC U19 Cricket World Cup 2012, was in stellar form when he scored 17, 97 not out and 51 as Pakistan consolidated their position at the top of the team rankings following a 3-0 series win. For this consistency Babar was adjudged player of the series and was also rewarded with a jump of two places, which has made him the highest-ranked batsman in the shortest format of the game for the second time in less than 10 weeks.

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
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