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February 2018

Day by Day Current Affairs (February 28, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs
Written by CSS Times


 February 28, 2018 (Day by Day Current Affairs)

Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  1. NSC resolves to reshape foreign policy
  • The National Security Committee (NSC) on February 27, 2018 endorsed `recalibration of foreign policy` for making it more regionally focused and said the fight against terrorism would be dictated by nationalinterests.
  • The committee agreed on the importance of recalibrating the foreign policy framework to bring more focus on countries of the region.
  • The meeting took place after a US-led move which also involved Britain, France and Germany got Pakistan included in the Financial Action Task Force`s grey list, although the decision would take effect from June. During thisperiodPakistanand the FATF would negotiate the action plan that the former would pursue after being put on grey list.
  • Presided over by Prime Minister Shahid Khagan Abbasi, the NSC meeting was attended by Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif,Defence Minister Khurram Dastgir, Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance Miftah Ismail, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Gen Zubair Hayat and the three services chiefs.
  1. Senior Trump aide calls for `new relationship` with Pakistan
    • Repeating allegations about Haqqani network sanctuaries and shortcomings in Pakistani efforts to check illicit financing, senior US National Security official Lisa Curtis said on February 27, 2018 the Trump administration wanted a `new relationship` with Islamabad.
    • Ms Curtis urged the government of Pakistan to address the continuing presence of the Haqqani network and other terrorist groups within its territory, and reiterated the international community`s long-standing concern about ongoing deficiencies in Pakistan`s implementation of its anti-money laundering/counterterrorism finance regime.
  2. US completes three projects for KP police
    • The US Embassy`s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Section (INL) has executed three new infrastructure projects for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police at a cost of Rs1.9 billion.
    • These projects include Buner police lines, additional works at the joint police training centre, and 31 crescent posts that will increase security and law enforcement capabilities in the province.
    • The projects will help the KP police prevent infiltrations into Peshawar from the adjoining Fata and the Afghan border, increase police presence in areas with militant activity, and provide training facilities where the police could learn to better respond to terrorismrelated incidents.
  3. AIIB approves $1.5bn in loans to India for infrastructure projects
    • Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has approved $1.5 billion in loans to India for infrastructure-related projects in 2018
    • China plans to invest more than $100bn through its Belt and Road scheme to build highways, rail lines, ports and other infrastructure linking Asia, Europe and Africa.
    • The funds would be used for investment in India`s energy, roads and urban development projects, and the bank will examine allotting more funds for such projects next year, D J Pandian
    • AIIB`s loans include a $200 million commitment to India`s National Investment and Infrastructure Fund to spend on roads, housing and urban development, and the bank will let theIndian government decide how to use that money.
  4. Saudi king replaces top commanders in military shake-up
    • Saudi Arabia has replaced some of its top military officers in a shake-up that elevates a younger generation, brings a woman into a senior government job and tightens Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman`s grip on power.
    • In a reshufne announced late , the military chief of staff, air defence and land forces heads and senior defence and interior ministry officials were removed. Tamadur bint Youssef al-Ramah became deputy labour minister, a rare high-level job for a woman in the deeply conservative kingdom.
  5. Russia vetoes UN resolution on Iran; US threatens unilateral action
    • Russia vetoed a British-drafted UN resolution that took aim at Iran over a report by UN experts that said the country violated an arms embargo by failing to prevent missiles and drones from being supplied to Shia rebels in Yemen.
    • The vote in the Security Council was 11 in favour, Russia and Bolivia opposed, and China and Kazakhstan abstaining.
    • Britain sought to focus attention on a report in January by the UN panel of experts monitoring sanctions against Iran that examined missile remnants fired into Saudi Arabia by Houthi rebels last year and said many`are consistent with those of the Iranian designed and manufactured Qiam-1 missile` It concluded that Iran was in `noncompliance` with the 2015 UN arms embargo on Yemen because it failed `to take the necessary measures` to prevent the direct or indirect supply of missiles and drones to the Houthis.
  6. Taliban call for direct talks with US
    • The Taliban have called for direct talks with the US to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Afghanistan, in an apparent policy shift after months of escalating attacks.
    • Civilian casualties surged in recent months as Taliban militants unleashed a wave of bloodshed in urban areas and on security forces in response to a new open-ended military policy by US President Donald Trump.
    • Taliban said they called `on American officials to talk directly to the Political Office of Islamic Emirate regarding a peaceful solution to the Afghan quandary`, using the name they use for themselves.
  7. Kashmala made anti-workplace harassment ombudsperson
    • President Mamnoon Hussain on February 27, 2018 administered the oath of office to Kashmala Tariq as Federal Ombudsperson for Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace in a ceremony held at the Aiwan-e-Sadr.
  8. Japan to provide $7.7m for Fata uplift
    • Japan has signed for providing $7.7 million for funding the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) to implement two projects worth around $ 2.7 million and $ 5 million respectively in Pakistan.
    • These funds will be utilised for the enhancement of Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) control and the second phase of restoration of the livelihoods in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata).
    • Notes to this effect were signed and exchanged between Takashi Kurai, Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan and Ms. Minà Dowlatchahi, FAO representative in Pakistan in the presence of Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Federal Minister of National Food Security and Research.
  9. Sudan’s President Bashir sacks chief of army staff
    • Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir on February 27, 2018 fired his military chief of staff as part of a “major” shake-up, the official Suna news agency reported.
    • Lieutenant General Emadeddin Adawi was “sacked” and the job of military chief of staff given to Lieutenant General Kamal Abdul Maaruf, who was previously the army’s inspector general.
    • Major changes in the leadership of the armed forces and Lieutenant General Kamal Abdul Maaruf military is the new chief of staff

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
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