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Essays Outlines

Essay Outline: Future of Country relies on its education

Essay Outline: Future of Country relies on its education
Written by CSS Times

Essay Outline: Future of Country relies on its education

Topic Statement:

Future of country can be determined through educational system.  But in Pakistan, education has dismarged due to social political and economic hurdles.  However reforms can be introduced to refrain it for better future.


  1. Flawed policy making of government is one of the principle reasons for educational crises.
  2. Owing to political interference the flourished literacy system has always been an elusive ideal in Pakistan.
  3. Out dated curriculum is proving venomous for education system of country.
  4. Weak infrastructure is chronic problem for learning process
  5. Ghost schools are loop holes in our education system
  6. Teachers absentee is another barrier in the way of development.
  7. Education system can’t flourish without uniformity of syllabus
  8. Low enrollment at primary level depicts the story of poor state of education in Pakistan.
  9. Large number of dropout displays the pathetic picture of literacy in country.
  10. Productions of disgruntled youth are outcome of crippled education system.
  11. Untrained teachers are proving catastrophic for literacy scenario of Pakistan.
  12. The cancer of gender disparity has proliferated the education system.


  1. Mispriority of government is major cause of educational crises.
  2. Low budget allocation in the chief irritant in Pakistan educational woes.
  3. Feudal mindset has never given literacy, a fair chance to flourish in Pakistan.
  4. Economic pressure expedites the learning process
  5. Absence of monitoring is reason behind unstable state of education
  6. Rampant corruption has hampered the literacy progress
  7. Indecisive medium of education puts literacy system at stake.
  8. Owing to private sectors, education has turned into mere business.
  9. The recurrent issue of terrorism is a challenge for security of educational institutions.
  10. Crippled economy has negative impact on education
  11. Regional disparity is proving fatal for literacy process in Pakistan

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  1. English language should be medium of instruction from beginning to higher level.
  2. Effects should be made to enhance the knowledge treasure in national language through translation of research based information.
  3. Hiring should be made amongst the highly qualified personals.
  4. Teachers should be offered more financial benefits by increasing their pays.
  5. Government should conduct the fair process of accountability.
  6. Government should strictly check all private institutions for keeping a balance of standards.
  7. Government should offers scholarships to brilliant students.
  8. Capable professional should prefer to serve their own country than going abroad.
  9. There should be need of making civil society vibrant to create awareness among masses.
  10. The curriculum should be revised and updated according to the need of society

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B) External Measure:
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b) There should be liaison committees among stake holder to mitigate the issues of independent reporting on the matters of national security and interest| ESSAY Outline

5) Conclusion| ESSAY Outline

ESSAY Outline Bonus Tips: 

  • Always write relevant and exercise to get flawlessness. More equipped you are, minor are the chances of disappointment. Remember that above-mentioned opinions and techniques are not absolute. Essay writing is all about giving arguments in substantial way. But as CSS aspirants have partial understanding of language, limited time and diverse things to deal with, it is not suitable to experimentation with language. Write fewer but write excellence. Smoothness, consistency, brevity and cause will make you win
  • Always exercise essay after CSS design and get it calculated. This should be complete frequently especially in December and January. In this way, you will feel fewer burden in CSS examination | ESSAY Outline

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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