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Essays Outlines

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia (Essay Outline)

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia (Essay Outline)
Written by Saeed Wazir

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia
Essay Outline

(Thesis Statement)

The longer, protracted conflict/stand-off between Azerbaijan and Armenia stems from long-standing territorial and ethnic conflagration which can result in mass-scale displacement, blanket destruction, and, above all, increased involvement of outside powers risking a wider regional war.

I. Introduction to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

II. Historical perspective

A. Strategically important: the Caucasus region in SE Europe(Between the Dead Sea and Caspian sea)
B. The USSR in 1920-1922- Inclusion of Armenia and Azerbaijan
C. The Nagorno-Karabakh: An Autonomous Oblast of the Soviet Azerbaijan(Administrative unit)
D. The cold war era and the fall of the Soviet Union-1991

1. Guerrilla warfare 1988-1991
2. Full scale warfare 1992-1994
3. NK parliament voted-to join Armenia- 1988
a. Opposed by Moscow (Russia)
b. The Azerbaijan Soviet government
4. Collapse of the Soviet Union

a. Yerevan backed Armenia separatists seized NK and adjacent 7 Azerbaijan districts

III. The 2020 crisis between Azerbaijan and Armenia

A. Azerbaijan forces tried to recapture swaths of territory captured during the war between 1992-94.

IV. Theatre of war

A. The Nagorno-Karabakh region between Azerbaijan and Armania plus Nagorno Karabakh

V. Major players in the conflict

A. Russia (Moscow)

1. Strategic ally with Armenia (Bilateral Multilateral a arrangements)
2. Sells weapons to both Azerbaijan and Armenia.
3. CSTO-Collective Security Treaty Organization
4. OSCE-Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (USA, France, Russia) a mediator mechanism
5. Stalled relations in the wake of 2018 Revolution between Armania and Russia

B. Turkey

1. 1991-Turkey first recognized Armenia (Azerbaijan PM’s words -One Nation with two states- Turkic culture + Population in Azerbaijan ).
2. First Diplomatic and moral support now all-out support
3. Mobilized Syrian mercenaries to Azerbaijan for fighting

C. Iran, Georgia, Qatar-Mediation and political settlement

D. UN-OSCE-Mediation . UNSC Four Resolutions in favour of Azerbaijan and warning to Armania to leave occupied territories peacefully)

E. Role of USA- Busy in Presidential Election and Global Pandemic crises

F. Role of Pakistan

1. Politically negotiated settlement
2. Role of mediation (Muslims world)
3. Voice at UN, SCO, Russia
4. Controlling religious outfits
5. Not aligning with any party

VI. Geopolitics

B. The UNSC resolutions in favour of Azerbaijan
C. West Sanctions on Russia if Russia supports Armenia
D. Clash of Muslim World and Christian World

VII. Conclusion

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About the author

Saeed Wazir

Saeed Wazir mentors students of CSS Essay, Précis and Current Affairs and specializes in English literature, language and linguistics from NUML. He has perused Media studies at NUST. He qualified PMS three times in a row. He serves at federal universities as marking instructor. He has been mentoring CSS English students for the last seven years and runs Facebook page: CSS Essay, Précis with Saeed Wazir. He is based in G 9/2 ,Islamabad and runs special batches of CSS Essay Précis both On-Campus and Online. He could be reached at csspms55@gmail. com and WhatsApp plus Phone no 03450997822. He contributes to CSS Times, Daily Times, Dawn, Foreign Policy and IPRI. He evaluates Online Essays, Précis and Comprehension.

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