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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (April 10, 2022) for CSS, PMS

2022 Current Affairs MCQs, Current Affairs MCQs, DAILY TOP 10 CURRENT AFFAIRS

April 10, 2022: National / International Current Affairs

1. Midnight vote seals Imran`s fate

• After nearly a full day of high drama that culminated in the early hours of April 10, 2022, the National Assembly expressed a lack of confidence in prime minister Imran Khan, thereby de-seating him from the highest office in the land.
• The opposition`s struggle to remove the chief of the PTI from his office bore fruit just minutes before the midnight thresh-old, when Asad Qaiser resigned from the post of speaker National Assembly around 11:45pm, handing over charge of the lower house to former speaker Ayaz Sadiq who is a member of the panel of chairpersons.
• Mr Sadig first called for voting on the motion of no-confidence, then had to take a brief adjournment in order to condone the extension of April 9, 2022`s NA sitting beyond midnight

2. Shaheen-III ballistic missile successfully test-fired

• The military on Saturday conducted another successful test flight of Shaheen-III, a nuclear-capable, surface-to-surface ballistic missile.
• The test was announced by Inter-Services Public Relations, which said the test flight was conducted for revalidating `design and technical parameters` of the weapon system.
• Shaheen III, an intermediate range cruise missile with a range of 2,750 kilometres, is capable of reaching the farthest point in India`s northeast and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It is, therefore, the longest range missile Pakistan has developed so far.
• The missile is capable of carrying nuclear and conventional warheads

3. FIA ordered to stop officials leaving country without NoC

• In the wake of the prevailing situation in the country, the security and Federal Investigation Agency`s (FIA) immigration staff was put on high alert with a directive to stop any government official travelling abroad without a No-Objection Certificate (NoC), according to a senior FIA official. The move came after Asad Qaiser announced his resignation as National Assembly speaker late on Saturday night and the process of voting on the no-confidence motion against prime minister Imran Khan was started.
• The FIA`s immigration staff at all international airports of the country was placed on high alert and directed to stop all those government officials who intend to travel abroad without an NoC.
• The Airport Security Force was also put on high alert and checking of passengers travelling abroad was increased

4. WB resumes processes for Kishenganga and Ratle hydro plants

• The World Bank has announced its decision to resume the two separate processes requested by Pakistan and India in relation to the Kishenganga and Ratle hydroelectric power plants, in line with its responsibilities under the Indus Waters Treaty.
• The decision has been formally communicated in letters to India and Pakistan, a World Bank press release said. The two countries disagree over whether the technical design features of the two hydroelectric plants contravene the Indus Waters Treaty.
• Pakistan had asked the World Bank to facilitate set ting up a Court of Arbitration to consider its concerns about the designs of the two hydroelectric power projects, while India asked for the appointment of a Neutral Expert for the same purpose

5. Water crisis on horizon as snow melts at snail`s pace

• Despite an early onset of summer in mid-March and April getting hotter than usual, the snow melting process in mountainous and hilly areas has not picked up pace, putting profound pressure on the national water supplies and making the planners quite nervous.
• For the last 10 days, national water supplies have dipped substantially below not only last year`s levels, but average supplies of the last five or 10 years for the day, forcing Pakistan to start its Kharif season with close to a 40 per cent shortage in both of its water-producing systems 30pc in Indus and 10pc in the Jhelum arm.
• `The situation is more precarious in Mangla, which is hosting less than 1pc of its capacity,` says Khalid Rana of the Indus River System Authority (IRSA)

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6. Private jirgas banned in Mansehra

• The police department has banned the holding of private jirgas for settling criminal issues, including honour-related killings, out of court.
• `Almost all private jirgas held by tribal elders help influential criminals get off scot-free in cases from honour killings to theft to land grabbing to car snatching to the misery of their victims,` district police officer Sajjad Khan told reporters here on Saturday.
• The DPO said he had directed the deputy superintendents of police and SHOs to ensure that private jirgas don`t take place in the district and violators of the restriction are dealt with strictly.
• He said the police had formed dispute resolution councils for out-of-the-court settlement of the people`s issues

7. Norway minister resigns over affair with young woman

• Norway`s government announced on April 9, 2022 that defence minister Odd Roger Enoksen was resigning following revelations that he had a years long affair with a much younger woman.
• `It is a necessary decision, after what has surfaced in this matter,` Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store told a press conference where he confirmed that he had accepted Enoksen`s resignation.
• `I have made several bad choices and judgements, and will give an unreserved apology for the fact that my actions have made life more difficult for others,` Enoksen told news agency NTB earlier on Saturday

8. One dead as Israeli army raids W. Bank after attacks

• Israeli security forces raided the flashpoint West Bank district of Jenin on April 9, 2022 killing a Palestinian and wounding 12 others, after vowing there will `not be limits` to curb surging violence.
• The operation, which lasted several hours, came after a gunman from Jenin went on a shooting rampage in a popular Tel Aviv nightlife area on Thursday evening, killing three Israelis and wounding more than a dozen others.
• Following the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett gave security agencies `full freedom` to end deadly violence that has surged since March 22 `in order to defeat terror`. `There are not and will not be limits for this war,` Bennett

9. S. Arabia to allow 1m Haj pilgrims

• Saudi Arabia said on Saturday it will permit one million Muslims from inside and outside the country to participate in this year`s Haj, a sharp uptick after pandemic restrictions forced two years of drastically pared down pilgrimages.
• However, the pilgrimage, which will take place in July, will be limited to Muslims under age 65 and fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, the ministry of Haj and Umrah said in a statement carried by the SPA news agency.
• Those coming from outside Saudi Arabia, who must apply for Haj visas, will this year also be required to submit a negative Covid-19 PCR result from a test taken within 72 hours of travel. Many Muslims outside the kingdom have been barred from making the trip since 2019.
• About 2.5m people took part in 2019

10. France prepares for first round of presidential elections

• France on April 9, 2022 prepared for the first round of presidential elections projected to produce a run-off rematch between President Emmanuel Macron and far right leader Marine Le Pen that will be far tighter than their duel five years ago.
• All further political activity by candidates was banned on the final day before polls open in mainland France at 0600 GMT on Sunday, after a campaign overshadowed by Russia`s invasion of Ukraine.
• French overseas territories will begin voting earlier to take account of the time difference, starting with Saint Pierre and Miquelon off the coast of Canada at 1000 GMT Saturday

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