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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (June 23, 2022) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (June 23, 2022) for CSS, PMS

June 23, 2022: National / International Current Affairs

1. TTP deal subject to parliament`s approval

• The military has reassured the political leadership that no extra-constitutional concessions would be given to the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in the ongoing dialogue and any deal made with the terrorist group would be subject to parliamentary approval.
• The assurance was given by the military leadership at a meeting with the political leaders at Prime Minister`s House on Wednesday.
• The PM Office, in a statement issued after the meeting, stated: `The decision will be made in the light of the Constitution of Pakistan with the approval of the parliament, the guidance provided for the future and the resulting consensus

2. $2.3bn Chinese loan expected `within couple of days`, says Miftah

• Finance Minister Miftah Ismail said on June 22, 2022 that Chinese banks had signed an agreement for about a $2.3 billion loan that would flow into Pakistan`s account within a couple of days.
• Since February, Pakistan has been seeking a rollover of loans expiring very shortly to support the fast depleting foreign exchange reserves of the State Bank of Pakistan that stood at $8.99bn as of June 10.
• `The Chinese consortium of banks has today signed the RMB [renminbij 15bn (about $2.3bn) loan facility agreement after it was signed by Pakistani side yesterday,` Mr Ismail tweeted. `Inflow is expected within a couple of days. We thank the Chinese government for facilitating this transaction

3. Govt gets budget passed through PA session at Aiwan-i-Iqbal

• Holding a parallel session without the opposition in attendance, the Punjab government got its budget sailed through the assembly, giving much-needed and equally-contested legal cover to the Finance Bill.
• The budget session at Aiwan-iIqbal, where the government also passed `40 demands for grants` without any cut motion normally moved by the Opposition, which has been holding its parallel session at Punjab Assembly building.
• Sardar Awais Leghari of the PML-N, who had been notified by Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz to deal with financial matters, concluded the `general discussion` claiming everyone will see Punjab getting better than what was left behind by the PTPs Usman Buzdar

4. No choice other than IMF-dictated budget, NA told

• Accusing the previous Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) regime of bringing the country on the verge of bankruptcy, Federal Minister for Climate Change Senator Sherry Rehman on June 22, 2022 said the present coalition government had no choice but to present the budget on the dictation and terms of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
• `This is absolutely an IMF budget.
• There is no doubt about it,` declared Ms Rehman while taking part in the general debate on the federal budget for the fiscal year 2022-23 in the National Assembly which remained in session for nearly three hours without quorum

5. Islamic Bank to help member states in tackling food crisis

• The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) will assist member states in their efforts to ensure food security by developing `resilient and climate-smart agriculture`, said a press release issued on June 22, 2022.
• Dr Muhammad Al Jasser, the IsDB president, welcomed a decision by the bank`s Arab Coordination Group (ACG) to allocate $10 billion for ensuring food security in all member countries.
• `The Islamic Bank group has launched an extensive programme to develop agriculture and food security portfolio,` the press release said

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6. ECC approves Rs133bn for K-Electric, IPPs

• Undecided whether to pass on to consumers or absorb the Rs90 billion outstanding cost of electricity consumed by Karachi residents five years ago, the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the cabinet on June 22, 2022 approved charging57 paise per unit recent quarterly adjustments in July, August and September.
• Presided over by Finance Minister Miftah Ismail, the ECC also approved a total of Rs177bn supplementary grants, including the payment of Rs37bn to K-Electric for the tariff differential subsidy (TDS) and Rs96bn to 11 independent power producers (IPPs) set up under the 2002 power policy as the second instalment of the committed payments under the 2021 renegotiated agreements.
• `The ECC approved tariff rationalisation for K-Electric by way of adjustments of increase Rs0.571 per unit with a recovery period of three months,` said an official announcement. This increase in tariff is on account of quarterly adjustments for July September 2021

7. Russian oil tankers get India safety cover via Dubai firm

• India is providing safety certification for dozens of ships managed by a subsidiary of top Russian shipping group Sovcomflot, official data showed, enabling oil exports to India and elsewhere after Western certifiers withdrew their services due to global sanctions against Moscow.
• Certification by the Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass), one of the world`s top classification companies, provides a final link in the paperwork chain after insurance coverage needed to keep state-owned Sovcomflot`s tanker fleet afloat and delivering Russian crude oil to overseas markets.
• Data compiled from the IRClass website shows that it has certified more than 80 ships managed by SCF Management Services Ltd, a Dubai-based entity listed as a subsidiary on Sovcomflot`s website

8. Key Ukrainian city under `massive` Russian attack

• `Massive` Russian bombardment of Ukraine`s battleground eastern Lugansk region and key city Severodonetsk has been `hell` for soldiers there, Kyiv said, while insisting that defenders would hold `as long as necessary`.
• Moscow`s troops have been pummelling eastern Ukraine for weeks and are slowly advancing, despite fierce resistance from the outgunned Ukrainian military.
• With President Vladimir Putin`s forces tightening their grip on the strategically important city of Severodonetsk in the Donbas, its twin city of Lysychansk is now coming under heavier bombardment.
• More than half a million Jeddah residents are impacted by the demolition of over 60 neighbourhoods under the project, which began last October and has continued intermittently, Amnesty International said in a statement issued on Wednesday

9. Kuwait crown prince dissolves parliament, calls for early polls

• Kuwait`s crown prince on June 22, 2022 dissolved parliament and called for an early election following a stand-off between the government and elected assembly that has hindered fiscal reform.
• Crown Prince Sheilch Meshal al-Ahmad al-Sabah said in a televised speech that decrees would be issued for the dissolution of parliament for `elections in coming months`.
• Kuwait`s ruling emir, who has the constitutional power to dissolve parliament, made a brief appearance to say that Sheikh Meshal, his half-brother and designated heir, would speak on his behalf, effectively blessing the move

10. Saudi prince in Turkey to normalise ties after Khashoggi murder

• Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrived in Turkey for the first time in years on June 22, 2022 for talks with President Tayyip Erdogan aimed at fully normalising ties that were ruptured after the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
• The visit marks a step in Prince Mohammed`s effort to rehabilitate his image beyond the Gulf, and comes as Erdogan seeks financial support that could help relieve Turkey`s beleaguered economy ahead of tight elections for the president.
• In April, Erdogan held one-on-one talks with Prince Mohammed also known as MbS for short in Saudi Arabia after a months-long drive to mend relations between the regional powers, including dropping the Turkish trial over Khashoggi`s 2018 murder in Istanbul

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