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April 2018

Day by Day Current Affairs (April 1, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs
Written by CSS Times


 April 1, 2018

Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  1. Five years on, Malala returns to hometown in Swat
    • Malala Yousafzai and her family members returned for a brief, emotional visit on March 31, 2018 to their home in Swat which they were forced to leave after a Taliban gunman shot her more than five years ago.
    • Apparently because they left their home in tragic circumstances and since their return once seemed impossible, Malala and her parents broke into tears when they entered their former home.
  2. Pak Navy ships arrive in Saudi Arabia
    • Pakistan Navy Ships TIPPU Sultan, Himmat and Pakistan Maritime Security Ship Basol headed by Mission Commander Commodore Muhammad Faisal Abbasi, Commander 25th Destroyer Squadron (COMDESRON-25) arrived at Port Jubail, Saudi Arabia to participate in Joint Tri-Services Exercise Gulf Shield-1 being organised by the Royal Saudi armed forces. Upon arrival, Pakistan Navy ships were warmly received by the RSNF officers and ratings.
    • In a statement issued by Pakistan Navy Saturday said apart from ships, elements from PN Special Services Group and Pak Marines are also participating in the Exercise Gulf Shield-1 as part of the land contingent of all three Services of Pakistan Armed Forces.
  3. India`s top refiner plans $22bn expansion
    • Indian Oil Corp plans to invest 1.43 trillion rupees ($22 billion) in next five years as the country`s top refiner seeks to raise its annual capacity to about 3.2 million barrels per day by 2030.
    • Refiners in India, the world`s third-biggest oil consumer and importer, have sketched out plans to raise theircapacityby77percent to about 8.8mbpd by 2030 to meet the country`s rising fuel demand.
  4. Scientists discover `new organ` in human body
    • Thanks to a laser-equipped mini-microscope developed by a French start-up, scientists have discovered a previously undetected feature of the human anatomy that could help explain why some cancers spread so quickly.
    • Nobody was looking for the interstitium, as the new quasiorgan is called, because no one knew it was there, at least not in complex form revealed in a study published this week.
    • As with many breakthroughs in medicine and science, it was to paraphrase Louis Pasteur`s of t-quoted dictum a case of chance favouring the prepared.
  5. Russia expels over 50 more UK diplomats to achieve parity
    • Moscow told Britain on March 31, 2018 it must cut just over 50 more of its diplomatic and technical staff in Russia in a worsening standof f over the poisoning of a Russian former spy and his daughter in England, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
    • Separately, Moscow also demanded an official explanation for the search of a Russian passenger plane in London, saying it could reserve the right to act similarly against British airlines in Russia. Britain said the search was routine.
    • More than 100 Russian diplomats have been expelled by various countries, including 23 from Britain itself, to punish the Kremlin over the March 4 attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the historic English city of Salisbury.
    • Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  6. Saudi prince warns of war with Iran in 10-15 years
    • Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman has warned that Kingdome of Saudi Arabia and Iran may indulge in war in the next 10-15 years if the international community fails to apply more sanctions to exert pressure on Tehran.
    • “If we don’t succeed in what we are trying to do [imposing sanctions on Iran], we will likely have war with Iran in 10-15 years,” he said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
    • It seems that KSA wants to exert pressure on the international community to put more restrictions on Iran. US president Donald Trump has expressed his desire to pull out itself from the nuclear deal with Iran on May 12, 2018. This has generated a debate in the international community. The deal (10 years) was considered as an assurance for regional peace and security.
  7. Syrian army declares victory as rebels vacate most of Ghouta
    • The Syrian army declared victory in eastern Ghouta on Saturday after opposition fighters evacuated from most of the area near the capital except for the town of Douma where negotiations are still under way for rebels there to leave or face an all-out government offensive.
    • The government has given rebels in Douma the area`s largest town and stronghold of the powerful Army of Islam rebel group an ultimatum to agree on leaving by March 31, 2018.
  8. Saudi forces intercept missile fired by Houthis
    • Saudi air defences intercepted a missile fired by Yemeni rebels at the kingdom`s southern city of Najran on March 31, 2018, the Saudi-led coalition fighting the rebels said, adding that one person was wounded.
    • The missile was fired at Najran indiscriminately and with the aim of hitting residential areas.
    • It was successfully intercepted and the debris fell on residential areas, lightly wounding one Indian expatriate.
  9. Trump freezes Syria recovery funds
    • The White House has instructed the State Department to freeze over $200 million in funds earmarked for “recovery efforts” in Syria, The Wall Street Journal reported.
    • The report — which came a day after Trump declared in a speech that the US would be quitting Syria “very soon” — is another indication the president wants to disengage from the country.
  10. Pakistan women bag T20 series against Sri Lanka
    • Javeria Khan`s run-a-ball 38 and a fine show with the ball helped Pakistan women overcome their Sri Lankan counterparts by 38 runs in the third and final T20 in Colombo, as the tourists clinched the series 2-1.
    • The home side could muster only 75 for 8 in their allotted 20 overs while chasing a target of 114.

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
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