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Day by Day Current Affairs February 2018

Day by Day Current Affairs (February 05, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs
Written by CSS Times


 February 5, 2018

Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  1. KP`s first DNA lab to start work 6 Feb
  • The first-ever DNA laboratory is ready to start operations after a delay of two years owing to non-appointment of staff and procurement of investigation kits from abroad.
  • KPK Health Secretary: Abid Majeed would
  • As opposed to Punjab Forensic Science Agency (PFSA), which was built at a cost of Rs4 billion, the facility at KMC has been established by spending Rs45 million only.
  • Punjab`s lab has also been getting equipments and machines from Austria and other agencies while the KP`s lab was setup from its own resources.
  1. FM radio in Bajaur restarts transmission
  • The lone private FM radio station in Bajaur Agency has resumed its transmission several weeks after the authorities shut it down over unknown reasons
  • The radio station went off air in mid Dec 2017
  • Radio Shamal was popular not only in Bajaur Agency but also in neighbouring Lower and Upper Dir districts and Mohmand Agency
  1. PM inaugurate the first unit of Golen Gol hydropower project in Chitral
  • The total generation capacity of the project is 108 megawatts (MW) with three generating units – each one having a capacity of 36 MW.
  • The first unit has been completed, while the second and the third unit would be commissioned in March and May respectively.
  • The quantum of electricity is three times more than the present requirement of Chitral, and will also contribute to a surge in electricity generation in the future.
  • The Golen Gol project would contribute 436 million units of electricity to the national grid every year. Benefits of the project have been estimated at Rs3.7 billion per annum.
  • The approved PC-I cost of the project amounts to Rs 29 billion. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Saudi Fund for Development, Kuwait Development Fund and OPEC Fund for International Development had also been providing financial assistance for completion of the project.
  1. Planets beyond Milky Way discovered
  • Astrophysicists have discovered a population of planets outside of the Milky Way for the first time.
  • The incredible breakthrough was made possible using a technique known as microlensing, which allowed researchers to spot objects in extragalactic galaxies that are too far to be observed directly.
  • The findings suggest there may be roughly 2000 planets ranging from moon to Jupiter mass per main-sequence star.
  1. China slams ‘wild guesses’ in US nuclear review
  • China said February 4, 2018 it is “firmly opposed” to the United States’ new nuclear weapons policy statement, describing its speculation about Chinese intentions as “wild guesses”.
  • The US Defense Department’s Nuclear Posture Review released outlines the Pentagon’s nuclear ambitions under President Donald Trump, while spelling out how it foresees nuclear threats in the coming decades.
  1. Iraq names 60 most-wanted militants and Baathists
  • Iraqi security services published the names of 60 people wanted on suspicion of belonging to the militant Islamic State group, Al Qaeda or the Baath Party of late dictator Saddam Hussein.
  • The list includes the name of Saddam`s daughter Raghad, who lives in Jordan.
  • It also features 28 suspected IS jihadists, 12 from Al Qaeda and 20 Baathists, giving details of the roles they allegedly play in their organisations, crimes of whichthey are suspected and in most cases, photographs.
  1. New US policy increases nuclear risks, warn experts
  • The new US nuclear strategy released this weekend calls for developing a ground launched, intermediate-range cruise missile to counter a similar Russian weapon
  • The deployment of these weapons violates the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) between Moscow and Washington, which calls for the elimination of their intermediate and shorter-range missiles.
  • The Trump administration`s first Nuclear Posture Review (NPR 2018) also confirms a Russian claim that it has made the world`s most powerful nuclear weapon called Kanyon.
  1. Iran oil ministry to start legal action against Pakistan
  • Iranian Petroleum Minister Bijan Zangeneh announced that the country is to begin legal proceedings against Pakistan in a protracted gas pipeline project.
  • Iran has laid the pipeline upto Pakistan’s border, but the neighboring country has neglected to take due measure on its soil, Zangeneh said at a press briefing. So, the Petroleum Ministry is to take the issue to the court. About Tehran-Ashkhabad gas dispute, the minister said Iran did not import gas after Turkmenistan cut off its imports and claimed for 1.8-billion-dollar in arrears from Iran.
  1. World Cancer Day: Pakistan lacks treatment facilities
  • Cancer that has emerged as a major health threat in Pakistan claims not less than 50,000 deaths a year but still Pakistan lacks badly the facilities for treatment and management of cancers and it is ironical that even the palliative care is not available to cancer patients across the country.
  • Also there is no population-based cancer registry for systematic reporting of incidences of cancers in Pakistan making it hardly possible to have actual cancer statistics. According to estimates, however, around 300,000 new cancer patients are added to the existing pool of millions of cancer patients in the country every year.
  • In Punjab alone, over 150,000 new patients of cancer are reported every year.
  1. Erdogan rejects option of partnership with EU
  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has rejected proposals of a partnership with the EU, insisting full membership to the bloc is the only option
  • Hosting Erdogan on a visit to Paris in January, French President Emmanuel Macron said it was “hypocrisy” to say progress could be made on Turkish EU membership, floating the idea of a partnership instead

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
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