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MCQs CSS Optional Subjects MCQs

Psychology MCQs (Introduction to Psychology)

Psychology MCQs (Introduction to Psychology)
Written by CSS Times

What is the best definition of psychology?
(a) Study of the mind
(b) Study of personality and mental illness
(c) Scientific study of behavior and mental processes
(d) None of these
Ans: c

Who is considered the “father of psychology”?
(a) Max Wertheimer
(b) John Watson
(c) Wilhelm Wundt
(d) Pavlov
Ans: c

Wilhelm Wundt was a doctor and first psychologist, belonged to
(a) Switzerland
(b) Germany
(c) America
(d) England
Ans: b

Clinical psychology is generally considered to have begun in
(a) 1892
(b) 1893
(c) 1894
(d) 1896
Ans: d

Clinical psychology was started with the opening of the first psychological clinic at
(a) University of Pennsylvania
(b) University of Leipzig
(c) John Hopkins University
(d) Cornell University
Ans: a

In which year Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental psychology laboratory?
(a) 1872
(b) 1875
(c) 1876
(d) 1879
Ans: d

Where Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental psychology laboratory?
(a) University of Pennsylvania
(b) University of Leipzig
(c) John Hopkins University
(d) Cornell University
Ans: b

University of Leipzig is located in which country?
(a) Switzerland
(b) Germany
(c) America
(d) England
Ans: b

Who open world’s first psychological clinic?
(a) Lightner Witmer
(b) Freud
(c) Wilhelm Wundt
(d) Pavlov
Ans: a

For which of the following is Wilhelm Wundt primarily known?
(a) He established the first formal laboratory for research in psychology
(b) the distinction between mind and body as two separate entities
(c) the discovery of how signals are conducted along nerves in the body
(d) the development of the first formal program for training in psychotherapy
Ans: a

Psychology is the science of the mind and
(a) Behaviour
(b) Control
(c) Nervous system
(d) None of these
Ans: a

The word “psychology” comes from the Greek
(a) Greek
(b) Latin
(c) Arabic
(d) German
Ans: a

The word “psychology” comes from the Greek word
(a) psyche and logia
(b) psychy and logia
(c) psycho and logia
(d) None of these
Ans: a

Greek word psyche meaning:
(a) “breath, spirit, sole”
(b) “breath, Love, soul”
(c) “breath, spirit, soul”
(d) None of these
Ans: c

Greek word logia meaning the.
(a) Study of something
(b) Life
(c) Beauty of something
(d) None of these
Ans: a

The school of psychology that focused on identifying and examining the fundamental components of conscious experience, such as sensations, feelings, and images was
(a) behaviorism
(b) structuralism
(c) humanism
(d) psychoanalysis
Ans: b

The school of psychology that focused on identifying and examining the fundamental components of conscious experience, such as sensations, feelings, and images was
(a) behaviorism
(b) structuralism
(c) humanism
(d) psychoanalysis
Ans: b

John B. Watson believed that psychology should involve the study of _________.
(a) Consciousness
(b) The brain
(c) The mind
(d) Behaviour
Ans: d

Which of the following approaches might suggest that forgetting to pick his mother up at the airport was Henry’s unconscious way of saying that he did not welcome her visit?
(a) psychoanalytic
(b) behavioral
(c) humanistic
(d) cognitive
Ans: a

Fred, a tennis coach, insists that he can make any reasonably healthy individual into an internationally competitive tennis player. Fred is echoing the thoughts of:
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) John B. Watson
(c) Abraham Maslow
(d) William James
Ans: b

Tabula Rasa is a term taken from Latin that literally means a:
(a) Blank slate
(b) Real State
(c) State of mind
(d) None of these
Ans: a

Who said the mind is a blank slate?
(a) Aristotle
(b) John Locke
(c) Socrates
(d) Plato
Ans: b

According to this Philosopher “Character and intelligence are inborn and inherited”
(a) Aristotle
(b) John Locke
(c) Socrates
(d) Plato
Ans: d

Which of the following is a statement with which Skinner’s followers would agree?
(a) Most behavior is controlled by unconscious forces.
(b) The goal of behavior is self-actualization.
(c) Nature is more influential than nurture.
(d) Free will is an illusion
Ans: d

The beginnings of modern psychology were based on which of the following influences?
(a) Philosophy, physiology and psychophysics
(b) The bystander effect, Milgram’s experiments and common sense
(c) Dualism, materialism and behaviourism
(d) None of the above
Ans: a

The ability to feel what the client feels is called:
(a) Respect
(b) Sympathy
(c) Empathy
(d) Congruence
Ans: c

__________ is founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
(a) Aron Beck
(b) Albert Ellis
(c) Carl Jung
(d) Carl Rogers
Ans: b

______ is a neurotransmitter that plays important role in anxiety, arousal and learning.
(a) GABA
(b) Serotonin
(c) Epinephrine
(d) Glutamate
Ans: a

______focuses on the unconscious forces that drive or motivate human behavior.
(a) Psychodynamic model
(b) Functionalism
(c) Structuralism
(d) Gestalt psychology
Ans: a

The process of constructing comparable, exposure and comparison groups is called
(a) Time series design
(b) Prospective design
(c) Retrospective design
(d) Matching
Ans: d

___ gave the concept that human capacity for learning the language is innate.
(a) Jean Piaget
(b) Noam comsky
(c) Stanley Schacter
(d) Tolman
Ans: b

Which of the following approaches has the most optimistic view of human nature?
(a) humanism
(b) behaviorism
(c) psychoanalysis
(d) structuralism
Ans: a

Dr. Rai Daniyal Kharal studies the diagnosis, causes, treatments, and prevention of mental illnesses. Which type of psychologist is Dr. Rai Daniyal Kharal?
(a) Clinical psychologist
(b) Developmental psychologist
(c) Forensic psychologist
(d) Health psychologist
Ans: a

34. Which one of the following models believes that behavior is motivated by inner forces over which individuals have little control?
(a) Cognitive model
(b) Psychodynamic model
(c) Humanistic model
(d) Behavioral model
Ans: b

Which one of the following schools of thought focused on what the mind does and how it does?
(a) Structuralism
(b) Functionalism
(c) Gestalt
(d) Behaviorist
Ans: b

The tendency to view one’s own group as superior to others and as the standard for judging the worth of foreign ways is known as:
(a) behaviorism.
(b) ethnocentrism
(c) humanism.
(d) functionalism.
Ans: b

The study of the endocrine system and genetic mechanisms would most likely be undertaken by a:
(a) Clinical psychologist.
(b) Physiological psychologist
(c) Social psychologist.
(d) Educational psychologist.
Ans: b

All of the following are goals of psychology?
(a) Describe
b) Control
(c) Predict
(d) All of these
Ans: d

John believes that the more students drink the more they are apt to be involved in dangerous sexual activity. Which goal of psychology is at work?
(a) Explain
(b) Control
(c) Predict
(d) Describe
Ans: c

Which goal of psychology is the most powerful?
(a) Describe
(b) Explain
(c) Control
(d) Predict
Ans: c

When Edward Titchener founded a psychology laboratory at Cornell University, he used the approach called
(a) Behaviorism
(b) Structuralism
(c) Functionalism
(d) Psychoanalysis
Ans: b

Which early school of psychology relied on introspection as a systematic way of gathering information?
(a) Gestalt
(b) Psychoanalysis
(c) Functionalism
(d) Structuralism
Ans: d

“Rather than rote learning, we believe in learning by doing.” This statement is reflective of which school of psychology?
(a) Structuralism
(b) Functionalism
(c) Behaviorism
(d) Gestalt
Ans: b

Which of the following early schools of psychology included emotions, self, will, values, and even religious and mystical experience?
(a) Functionalism
(b) Psychoanalysis
(c) Gestalt
(d) Structuralism
Ans: a

Who proposed competitor to Leon Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory?
(a) Daryl Bem
(b) Peter Burke
(c) Robert Cialdini
(d) Leon Festinger
Ans: a

Who created Identity control theory?
(a) Daryl Bem
(b) Peter Burke
(c) Robert Cialdini
(d) Leon Festinger
Ans: b

Who is known for his research on influence processes?
(a) Daryl Bem
(b) Peter Burke
(c) Robert Cialdini
(d) Leon Festinger
Ans: c

One of the reasons to study psychology is
(a) to understand the human mind and how it works
(b) to learn how to manipulate others.
(c) to completely understand and predict human behavior.
(d) to have the answers to all of life’s questions.
Ans: a

Which of the following is the best example of covert behavior?
(a) blinking in response to a light
(b) imitating a friend’s gesture
(c) remembering a pleasant experience
(d) rapid eye movements while sleeping
Ans: a

The goals of psychology are to
(a) develop effective methods of psychotherapy.
(b) describe, predict, understand, and control behavior
(c) explain the functioning of the human mind.
(d) compare, analyze, and control human behavior.
Ans: b

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