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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (Jan 13 2023) for CSS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (Jan 13 2023) for CSS

January 13, 2022: National Current Affairs MCQs

1. Elahi`s advice seals fate of provincial legislature

• Just hours after regaining the confidence of a majority of lawmakers in the Punjab Assembly, Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi on January 12, 2023 formally advised the governor to dissolve the provincial legislature.
• The move caps weeks of speculation, legal wrangling and a public spectacle of the differences between the ruling allies in Punjab the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and PML-Q over whether the assembly would be disbanded or not.
• `I, Parvez Elahi Chief Minister Punjab, hereby advise you to dissolve the provincial assembly of Punjab,` reads the signed advice sent to the governor.
• On Thursday evening, confusion abounded as the CM`s supposed one-line advice to the governor written on a plain piece of paper was circulated on social media with the date apparently having been overwritten

2. Pakistan gets $4bn lifeline as economic woes mount

• Pakistan on January 12, 2023 secured a lifeline of about $4 billion from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to sail through the immediate challenge of a sovereign default amid rapidly shrinking foreign exchange reserves, massive flood damages and an overall economic slowdown.
• Two separate official announcements said the UAE pledged to roll over $2bn debt payable over the next two months and topped this with an additional $1bn support during an ongoing visit of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to the emirates.
• Separately, the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) signed an agreement in Islamabad to fund $1bn worth of oil imports on deferred payment.

3. Pakistan secures $3bn at 1pc

• Pakistan has secured over $3 billion in fresh funding from multilateral lenders on concessional terms and the inflows will start during the current fiscal year.
• The international lenders granted this significant loan at about 1pc interest rate with a repayment period of 40 years during the recent donor conference held in Geneva.
• Secretary Planning Zafar Ali Shah told journalists that the international community led by multilateral agencies had made `clear pledges of about $9.7bn` against Pakistan`s expected target of about $8.1bn. `This was also an ambitious target given the global economic slump amid surging inflation and the Ukraine war but was significantly oversubscribed,` he said

4. Daultala made Pindi tehsil

• Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi on January 12, 2023 appreciated the improvement in the general law and order situation in the province, adding that all resources were being provided to protect the lives and property of the people.
• He said the safety of the people was a priority while chairing a meeting at his office to review the law and order situation in the province, and he stressed and directed that indiscriminate action against criminals should be continued.
• A crackdown should be done indiscriminately against elements displaying arms, he said. Indiscriminate action should be taken against arms display, and the law prohibiting the display of weapons should be strictly implemented. Action should be taken against such elements regardless of political affiliation, he added.
• Also, on the order of the chief minister, Daultala was granted the status of the tehsil of Rawalpindi

International Current Affairs  MCQs News

5. WHO warns against use of Indian cough syrups

• The World Health Organisation has issued an alert warning against the use of two Indian cough syrups blamed for the deaths of at least 20 children in Uzbekistan.
• WHO said the products, manufactured by India`s Marion Biotech, were `substandard` and that the firm had failed to provide guarantees about their `safety and quality`.
• The alert, issued on Wednesday, comes after Uzbekistan authorities said last month at least 20 children died after consuming a syrup made by the company under the brand name Doc-1 Max.
• India`s health ministry subsequently suspended production at the com-pany and Uzbekistan banned the import and sale of Doc-1 Max

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6. UK review of `golden` visas for millionaires finds links to corruption

• The British government said on January 12, 2023 that a small number of people who were granted socalled `golden visas` for millionaire investors might have obtained their wealth through corruption or organised crime.
• The government last year scrapped the visas, which offered a route to residency for those investing atleast 2 million pounds ($2.43 million), days before the invasion of Ukraine amid government concerns about the inflow of illicit Russian money.
• The government first commissioned the visa`s review in 2018 after the poisoning of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal in Britain. After keeping the findings secret for years, the government released details of that investigation to parliament on Thursday.
• `The review of cases identified a small minority of individuals connected to the Tier 1 (Investor) visa route that were potentially at high risk of having obtained wealth through corruption or other illicit financial activity, and/or being engaged in serious and organised crime,` Home Secretary Suella Braverman said in a written statement to parliament

7. Kiev says troops fighting `stubbornly` in Soledar, but admits situation `difficult`

• Ukraine said on January 12, 2023 its forces were fighting to retain control of Soledar in the eastern Donetsk region but cautioned it was coming up against `difficult` resistance from Russian troops.
• The Kremlin has made capturing the industrial region of Donetsk its primary objective after nearly one year of fighting that has seen its forces capitulate on larger goals like seizing the capital.
• `The fiercest and heaviest fightingis continuing today in the area of Soledar,` Deputy Defence Minister Ganna Malyar told reporters. `Despite the difficult situation, Ukrainian soldiers are fighting stubbornly,` she added

8. Israeli troops kill two Palestinians in West Bank

• Two Palestinians were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers during raids that sparked clashes in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian health officials said on January 12, 2023.
• One was killed during an army raid in the Qalandia refugee camp.
• The Israeli military said it had been conducting arrests and confiscating weapons throughout the West Bank. At one location in Qalandia, it said, soldiers came under attack by locals and responded with dispersal methods and live fire

9. Astronomers discover Milky Way galaxy`s most distant stars

• Astronomers have detected in the stellar halo that represents the Milky Way`s outer limits a group of stars more distant from Earth than any known within our own galaxy almost halfway to a neighbouring galaxy.
• The researchers said these 208 stars inhabit the most remote reaches of the Milky Way`s halo, a spherical stellar cloud dominated by the mysterious invisible substance called dark matter that makes itself known only through its gravitational influence. The furthest of them is 1.08 million light years from Earth. A light year is the distance light travels in a year,5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km).

Sports Current Affairs  MCQs News

10. Australia dump ODI series against Afghanistan over women`s rights

• Australia pulled out of an upcoming cricket series against Afghanistan in the United Arab Emirates on January 12, 2023, citing Taliban moves to further restrict women`s rights.
• The men`s team were due to face their Afghan counterparts in three ODI games in March following a tour to India.
• The Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB) in Kabul described Australia`s decision as `pathetic`.
• `The decision to withdraw is unfair and unexpected and will have a negative impact on the development and growth of cricket in Afghanistan as well as will affect the love and passion of the Afghan nation for the game,` the ACB said in a statement, which did not mention the shrinking of women`s rights in Afghanistan nor the Taliban`s ban on female sport

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